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Press Release
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Attorney General Loretta Lynch today announced that the Justice Department has awarded grants totaling more than $23.2 million to 73 local and tribal agencies in 32 states to expand the use of body-worn cameras and explore their impact. The body-worn camera pilot program announced in May 2015 includes $19.3 million to purchase body-worn cameras, $2 million for training and technical assistance and $1.9 million to examine the impact of their use. The grants, awarded by the department’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP), build on President Obama’s proposal to purchase 50,000 body-worn cameras for law enforcement agencies within three years. In the Eastern District of California, the City of Sacramento received a substantial grant under the program.
“This vital pilot program is designed to assist local jurisdictions that are interested in exploring and expanding the use of body-worn cameras in order to enhance transparency, accountability and credibility,” said Attorney General Lynch. “The impact of body-worn cameras touches on a range of outcomes that build upon efforts to mend the fabric of trust, respect and common purpose that all communities need to thrive.”
The grants, which require a 50/50 in-kind or cash match, can be used to purchase equipment and require that applicants establish a strong implementation plan and a robust training policy before purchasing cameras. Each agency awarded a grant is responsible for developing a plan for long-term storage, including the cost of storing data.
OJP’s Bureau of Justice Statistics is collecting data on body-worn camera usage through surveys of law enforcement agencies. It is also designing data collection forms for future surveys of prosecutors and public defenders to measure how body-worn camera footage is being used by the courts in criminal cases.
For additional information about the BWC Pilot Implementation Program, visit More information about OJP can be found at