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Press Release
LEXINGTON, Ky. –The U.S Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Kentucky has resolved its Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance review of the Kentucky Horse Park’s Covered Arena. The United States Attorney’s Office initiated the compliance review after receiving a complaint from a private citizen about barriers to access at the Covered Arena for individuals with disabilities.
The Commonwealth of Kentucky operates the Kentucky Horse Park, which is a public entity subject to Title II of the ADA. Title II requires public entities to operate services, programs, and activities so that they are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. After receiving notice of the compliance investigation, the Kentucky Horse Park conducted its own investigation and worked with the U.S. Attorney’s Office to remove identified barriers to access in the Covered Arena’s restrooms.
“Everyone should be able to access basic necessities without barriers, regardless of any disabilities,” said Robert M. Duncan, Jr., U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky. “Our Office will continue to make sure that everyone has equal access to facilities. We appreciate Kentucky Horse Park’s cooperation in being proactive to address the issues in their Covered Arena.”
As outlined in the Letter of Resolution informally resolving the compliance investigation, the Kentucky Horse Park installed grab bars, repositioned toilet compartment doors and toilet paper dispensers, and relocated existing flush controls or installed automatic flush controls in the accessible stalls in the Covered Arena’s restrooms to ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
This matter was handled by Assistant United States Attorney Carrie Pond, as part of the Department of Justice’s civil rights enforcement efforts.
The year 2020 marks the 30th anniversary of the ADA. The Justice Department plays a central role in advancing the nation’s goal of equal opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities. The Justice Department will continue to use its enforcement and technical assistance tools to eliminate unlawful discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
Individuals wishing to file an online complaint of potential violations of the ADA can do so on the ADA’s website at
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CONTACT: Gabrielle Dudgeon
PHONE: (859) 685-4887