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Law Enforcement Coordination

The Law Enforcement Coordination (LEC) program was implemented in 1986 in each U.S. Attorney’s Office with a goal of fostering cooperative and coordinated local, state, tribal and federal law enforcement efforts in each federal district. The program helps to develop training on emerging crime issues, conducts strategic planning, and establishes task forces and working groups to address current crime trends. During the past several years, the LEC program in the NDNY has broadened its coordination efforts beyond just law enforcement, including collaboration with many community partners to focus on national and district-wide priorities.

Additionally, the Law Enforcement Coordinator organizes activities to promote citizen awareness, such as providing speakers for community and school groups; and initiatives designed to promote crime reduction and prevention, such as Project Safe Neighborhood, Street Smarts, Internet Safety, and Drug Awareness.

Request for speakers or presentations, questions or comments may be addressed to:

United States Attorney's Office
Northern District of New York
100 South Clinton Street
Post Office Box 7198
Syracuse, NY 13261

Updated January 17, 2024