Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (LECC)
The Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (LECC) was established on July 21, 1981 in all 93 U.S. Attorney's Offices by order of the U.S. Attorney General. It provides a networking focus for law enforcement executives committed to the idea of cooperation and coordination at all levels of local, state and federal law enforcement. The LECC provides training to criminal justice officials, and undertaken outreach activities and initiatives to promote drug demand reduction awareness, child enticement awareness and other violent crime prevention programs. Each of the programs across the nation is individualized to the specific district to meet the needs of the district to maximize program efficiency.
In the District of Nebraska, law enforcement coordination is accomplished through daily contact with criminal justice officials through electronic means, keeping individuals apprised of training and funding opportunities, case law updates and officer safety bulletins. The LECC facilitates training to all components of the criminal justice system including law enforcement, prosecutors, parole/probation/correctional officers, victim advocates and others. Training needs are identified through coordination with the Nebraska County Attorneys Association, Nebraska Sheriffs Association, Police Officer’s Association of Nebraska and the Police Chief’s Association of Nebraska, in addition to other local, state and federal criminal justice agencies.
The LECC sponsors or co-sponsors low-cost training through partnerships with the Institute for Intergovernmental Research, the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Victims of Crime and the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center.
Since 1988 the District of Nebraska hosts an annual LECC conference with the Nebraska County Attorneys Association and the Nebraska Sheriffs Association. This unique three-day conference, held each May in Kearney, NE, focuses on subject matter relevant to law enforcement and prosecutors, and offers the ability to bring these entities together in both a learning and social environment. Topics are cutting edge, and range from administrative issues to criminal justice logistics and case law updates.
The LECC of the District of Nebraska has provided a forum for the open exchange of ideas and information among agency members and will continue to lend support to facilitating cooperative and joint law enforcement operations.