Affirmative Civil Enforcement
Affirmative Civil Enforcement (“ACE”) refers to filing civil lawsuits on behalf of the United States. The purpose of these civil actions is to recover government money lost to fraud or other misconduct or to impose penalties for violations of Federal health, safety, civil rights or environmental laws.
Law Enforcement Coordination
The Department of Justice initiated the Law Enforcement Coordination initiative in 1981. All 94 U.S. Attorney's offices have LECC programs, each tailored to the specific needs of the District.
Project Safe Childhood
The United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Rhode Island (USAO/RI) embraces its commitment to the protection of our children. Advances in technology over the past two decades have brought about new obstacles for parents, educators, and law enforcement.
Project Safe Neighborhoods
Project Safe Neighborhoods ("PSN") is a Department of Justice initiative to reduce gun crimes. It networks existing local law enforcement programs that target gun crimes and provides a focal point for community activists in their anti-violence and anti-crime initiatives.
Victims' Rights
Our Victim/Witness Coordinator serves as the liaison between the U.S. Attorney's Office staff and the public on issues relating to victims and witnesses. The program provides information, training and guidance on Department priorities and initiatives in the areas of victims' services, victims' rights, witness management and resources.