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Western District of Louisiana

About the District

Thank you for visiting the United States Attorney's "virtual" Office for the Western District of Louisiana. We hope you find this "upgraded" version of our website both informative and helpful. On this site, you can find news about who we are, the work that we do on behalf of the citizens of the Western District, and how we are organized to complete that work. You can also find information on federal court procedures, both civil and criminal, and valuable links to other law enforcement sources.

The United States Attorney's Office for the Western District of Louisiana is committed to ensuring the fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.  The goal every day is to do justice in each and every case handled by the district.

Meet the U.S. Attorney

Alexander C. Van Hook
Acting U.S. Attorney

Shreveport: 318-676-3600
Fax: 318-676-3660

Acting USA Alexander Van Hook

Mission Statement

Our mission is to enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States, provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime, seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior, and to administer and enforce the Nation's laws to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.

We embrace the goals and priorities of the Attorney General and seek to achieve and effect those goals and objectives.

We will strive to build a stronger office through recruitment efforts and maintain the high standards of the office by promoting professional development.

We seek to build a legacy of excellence.

In all matters, it is our mission to represent the people of the United States in a manner that will instill confidence in the fairness and integrity of our office and the judicial system, and to conduct our work with the highest integrity. We strive to perform our mission in the most efficient and effective manner.