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Grant Programs

NEW: The Department of Justice is providing major disaster flexibilities for OVW funding recipients impacted by the California wildfires.  Learn more

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) currently administers grant programs authorized by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 1994 and subsequent legislation. These grant programs are designed to develop the nation's capacity to reduce domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking by strengthening services to victims and holding offenders accountable. Here, you can read about each of our grant programs, learn about eligibility, and access resources to apply for and manage your grants. 

Blue DOJ flag in front of a DOJ building
Discretionary Grant Programs

Grant programs authorized by VAWA that are "discretionary" means OVW is responsible for creating program parameters, qualifications, eligibility, and deliverables in accordance with authorizing legislation.

Formula Grant Programs

OVW administers grant programs authorized by VAWA that are "formula," which means that the enacting legislation specifies how the funds are to be distributed.

Find Your Local Resources

If you are in immediate danger, call 911. The Office on Violence Against Women does not provide services directly to the general public. To find help, see our state-by-state guide to see who serves your area, or you can find the number to a national hotline.

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