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2024 |2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
Year Date Subject
  March 15, 2024

Updated Census Bureau Median Family Income Data
The Census Bureau’s Median Family Income Data accessible through the “Means Testing Information” page has been updated. The U.S. Trustee Program will apply the updated data to all cases filed on or after April 1, 2024.

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  November 14, 2023

Status of 11 U.S.C. § 330(e) Payments for Fiscal Year 2023
Because historic lows in case filings have curtailed USTP fee revenue, chapter 7 trustees will not receive payments under 11 U.S.C. § 330(e) to supplement other compensation for eligible cases in the 2023 fiscal year. The Bankruptcy Administration Improvement Act of 2020 permits the supplemental payments in certain fiscal years when the United States Trustee Program’s collections of statutory fees—including the quarterly fees in chapter 11 cases—exceed the Program’s budget appropriation and other offsets. USTP fee revenue, however, declined significantly as case filings reached historic lows during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on collections for FY 2023, there are no surplus funds available for distribution to trustees. The Program, which supports enhanced compensation for trustees through BAIA and has worked to ensure the law’s successful implementation, anticipates that payments will resume as filings increase.

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  October 16, 2023

Updated Census Bureau Median Family Income Data
The Census Bureau’s Median Family Income Data accessible through the “Means Testing Information” page has been updated. The U.S. Trustee Program will apply the updated data to all cases filed on or after November 1, 2023.

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  August 24, 2023

U.S. Trustee Program to Implement Virtual Section 341 Meetings of Creditors Nationwide
Pursuant to its authority under 11 U.S.C. §§ 341(a) and 343, Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2003, and other authorities, the U.S. Trustee Program (“USTP”) will implement virtual section 341 meetings of creditors (“341 meetings”) via Zoom for all chapter 7, 12, and 13 cases in all USTP jurisdictions.

These virtual 341 meetings via Zoom will be implemented on a rolling basis through early 2024. Debtors and other interested parties should follow the instructions provided in the 341 meeting notice they receive from the court, as well as additional instructions provided by the trustee assigned to the debtor’s case, to determine the proper procedures for connecting to the meeting. Please refer to the USTP’s Section 341 Meeting of Creditors Information page for further information, including links to each district’s USTP Local 341 Meeting of Creditors Information page.

The USTP’s transition to video 341 meetings will foster greater participation, result in substantial cost and time efficiencies for debtors and creditors, and better ensure the efficiency and integrity of the bankruptcy system. Once implemented, the U.S. Trustee may approve alternative arrangements for 341 meetings when extenuating circumstances exist that preclude a debtor’s attendance by video. In addition, in rare cases, the U.S. Trustee may determine that an in-person 341 meeting is necessary.

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  July 21, 2023

U.S. Trustee Program to Implement Virtual Section 341 Meetings of Creditors in Region 15 (Southern District of California, and the Districts of Hawaii, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) Effective July 1, 2023, and in Select Region 9 Districts (Southern District of Ohio and Western District of Michigan) Effective August 1, 2023
Pursuant to its authority under 11 U.S.C. §§ 341(a) and 343, Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2003, and other authorities, the U.S. Trustee Program (“USTP”) will implement virtual section 341 meetings of creditors (“341 meetings”) for all chapter 7, 12, and 13 cases in the Southern District of California, and the Districts of Hawaii, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands filed on or after July 1, 2023, and for all chapter 7, 12, and 13 cases in the Southern District of Ohio and the Western District of Michigan filed on or after August 1, 2023. The U.S. Trustee may approve alternative arrangements for 341 meetings when extenuating circumstances exist that preclude a debtor’s attendance by video. In addition, in rare cases, the U.S. Trustee may determine that an in-person 341 meeting is necessary.

The USTP’s transition to video meetings will foster greater participation, result in substantial cost and time efficiencies for debtors and creditors, and better ensure the efficiency and integrity of the bankruptcy system. Virtual 341 meetings will be implemented in other USTP districts on a rolling basis. Please refer to the Section 341 Meeting of Creditors Information webpage for further information by clicking Read More below.

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  May 1, 2023

Updated Administrative Expense Multipliers & IRS Data
The Administrative Expense Multipliers and IRS’s National Standards for Allowable Living Expenses and Local Standards for Transportation and Housing and Utilities Expenses accessible through the “Means Testing Information” page has been updated. The revised multipliers and standards will apply to cases filed on or after May 15, 2023.

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  March 14, 2023

Updated Census Bureau Median Family Income Data
The Census Bureau’s Median Family Income Data accessible through the “Means Testing Information” page has been updated. The U.S. Trustee Program will apply the updated data to all cases filed on or after April 1, 2023.

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  December 12, 2022

USTP to Resume Debtor Audits
Effective March 13, 2023, the USTP will resume its designation of individual chapter 7 and chapter 13 cases for audit. These audits previously had been suspended in March 2020 due to public health concerns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  November 18, 2022

U.S. Trustee Program Implements Virtual Section 341 Meetings of Creditors in Region 19 (Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming)
Pursuant to its authority under 11 U.S.C. §§ 341(a) and 343, Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2003, and other authorities, the U.S. Trustee Program (“USTP”) will implement virtual section 341 meetings of creditors (“341 meetings”) for all chapter 7, 12, and 13 cases in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming filed on or after December 1, 2022. The U.S. Trustee may approve alternative arrangements for 341 meetings when extenuating circumstances exist that preclude a debtor’s attendance by video. In addition, in rare cases, the U.S. Trustee may determine that an in-person 341 meeting is necessary. In such cases, appropriate health and safety protocols will be followed.

This move to virtual 341 meetings in Region 19 is a pilot program that will be implemented in USTP jurisdictions nationwide after this initial testing. Until then, 341 meetings in other USTP districts will continue under current protocols.

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  October 17, 2022

Updated Census Bureau Median Family Income Data
The Census Bureau’s Median Family Income Data accessible through the “Means Testing Information” page has been updated. The U.S. Trustee Program will apply the updated data to all cases filed on or after November 1, 2022.

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  June 10, 2022

U.S. Trustee Program Publishes Guidelines for Enforcement Related to Bifurcated Chapter 7 Fee Agreements
The United States Trustee Program (USTP) has published enforcement guidelines for use by USTP personnel in evaluating chapter 7 bifurcated fee agreements and determining whether enforcement actions are appropriate. It is the USTP’s position that, absent contrary local authority, bifurcated fee agreements are permissible, provided they do not harm debtors or the integrity of the bankruptcy system. The guidelines generally provide that attorney’s fees under such agreements must be fair and reasonable and that attorneys must provide adequate disclosures to their clients and obtain their fully informed consent and must make adequate public disclosures.

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  May 6, 2022

Notice of Renewal of Credit Counseling and Debtor Education Application Forms, with public comment period open until May 25, 2022

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  April 29, 2022

Updated Administrative Expense Multipliers & IRS Data
The Administrative Expense Multipliers and IRS’s National Standards for Allowable Living Expenses and Local Standards for Transportation and Housing and Utilities Expenses accessible through the “Means Testing Information” page has been updated. The revised multipliers and standards will apply to cases filed on or after May 15, 2022

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  March 11, 2022

Updated Census Bureau Median Family Income Data
The Census Bureau’s Median Family Income Data accessible through the “Means Testing Information” page has been updated. The U.S. Trustee Program will apply the updated data to all cases filed on or after April 1, 2022.

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  May 11, 2021

USTP Issues Debtor Audit Report for FY 2020

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  April 30, 2021

Updated Administrative Expense Multipliers & IRS Data
The Administrative Expense Multipliers and IRS’s National Standards for Allowable Living Expenses and Local Standards for Transportation and Housing and Utilities Expenses accessible through the “Means Testing Information” page has been updated. The revised multipliers and standards will apply to cases filed on or after May 15, 2021

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  March 25, 2021

USTP Issues Notice to Chapter 7 and 13 Trustees Regarding Recovery Rebates and Tax Credits Under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

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  March 12, 2021

Updated Census Bureau Median Family Income Data
The Census Bureau’s Median Family Income Data accessible through the “Means Testing Information” page has been updated. The U.S. Trustee Program will apply the updated data to all cases filed on or after April 1, 2021.

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  December 21, 2020

U.S. Trustee Program Publishes Final Rule Governing Uniform Periodic Reports In Chapter 11 Cases
On December 21, 2020, the United States Trustee Program published a final rule in the Federal Register entitled “Procedures for Completing Uniform Periodic Reports in Non-Small Business Cases Filed Under Chapter 11 of Title 11.” This final rule will be effective 180 days after publication, June 21, 2021, and governs the filing of pre-confirmation monthly operating reports (MORs) and quarterly post-confirmation reports (PCRs) for all debtors except those who are small businesses or who, in accordance with the CARES Act, elect relief under subchapter V of chapter 11. These forms must be used for all reports filed on or after June 21, 2021. Until the effective date, filers should continue to use the forms currently applicable in the district where their case is pending.

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  August 28, 2020

U.S. Trustee Program Extends Telephonic or Video Section 341 Meeting
The U.S. Trustee Program has extended the requirement that section 341 meetings be conducted by telephone or video appearance to all cases filed during the period of the President’s “Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak” issued March 13, 2020, and ending on the date that is 60 days after such declaration terminates. However, the U.S. Trustee may approve a request by a trustee in a particular case to continue the section 341 meeting to an in-person meeting in a manner that complies with local public health guidance, if the U.S. Trustee determines that an in-person examination of the debtor is required to ensure the completeness of the meeting or the protection of estate property. This policy may be revised at the discretion of the Director of the United States Trustee Program.

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Updated May 7, 2024