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Blog Post

Indonesia: ICITAP Helps Leverage Technology to Prevent Domestic Violence

On October 7, ICITAP’s Women Leadership Development Program (WLDP) team facilitated HELP RENAKTA App and Dashboard System training for 24 investigators from 12 District Police Offices (Polres) in the Greater Jakarta Area within the Regional Police Office (Polda ) Metro Jaya (PMJ) jurisdiction.  The Head of Regional Police Office’s Women’s Desk Sub-directorate, Sr. Police Commissioner (AKBP) Pujiyarto, officially opened the training, with a prior opening speech by ICITAP-Indonesia’s Deputy Law Enforcement Assistance Attaché. The training provided the participants a comprehensive overview of navigating through the application and operation of its dashboard system.  The training also provided information on how potential victims are supported and how they reported their emergency situation through the application. On the investigative side, the investigators were shown how reports could be received through the dashboard system and distributed from the HELP RENAKTA Operator to the Polreses within PMJ’s jurisdiction. The training was the second of three presentations for investigators within PMJ’s jurisdiction and PMJ’s partners in other local government agencies (social welfare, health, and the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children). 

Updated January 20, 2025