Returning assets to victims of crime is a top priority of the Department's Asset Forfeiture Program. Since 2000, the victim compensation program has returned more than $12 billion in forfeited assets to victims, through the granting of petitions for remission, or by transferring forfeited funds to courts for payment of restitution through restoration. The victim compensation team is comprised of attorneys, accountants, auditors, and claims analysts in the Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section. These professionals coordinate with the United States Attorneys' Offices, federal law enforcement and regulatory agencies, and the private bar to locate, recover, and return the proceeds of crime.
Victims are not required to pay money to participate in or receive funds from the remission or restoration process.
UFMS Vendor Request Form (click here for instructions on how to download the form)
Model Petition to the Attorney General for Remission or Mitigation of Criminal Forfeiture, or Civil Forfeiture Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 981(e)(6), by a Non-Owner Victim of the Underlying or Related Offense (pdf) | (online submission)
28 CFR 9: Regulations Governing the Remission or Mitigation of Civil and Criminal Forfeitures
Restoration Guidelines (Asset Forfeiture Policy Manual: Chapter 14)