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Press Release

Statement By U.S. Attorney John Parker Concerning United States v. John Wiley Price and Kathy Louise Nealy

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Northern District of Texas

Although I am disappointed in the outcome of this case, my responsibility is larger than the consideration of my subjective views. I must objectively consider the totality of circumstances that the prosecution now faces. Having painstakingly done so, it is my considered judgment that pursuing another trial against Mr. Price will not serve the interests of justice. I have concluded the same is true regarding the pending trial against Ms. Nealy.


My decision today is fundamentally different than the initial decision to seek this indictment and in no way reflects on the soundness of that earlier decision. I have information available to me now that was not available at the time of the indictment and could only be obtained through the trial process. This additional information compels the conclusion that the reasonable, good-faith beliefs we had at the time of indictment regarding our chances for success at trial have been substantially diminished.


The evidence and facts as known at the time of indictment demanded that this office pursue this case. However, while it is our responsibility to seek justice when presented with such evidence, it is never our responsibility to secure a conviction at all costs.


I am extremely proud of the dedicated prosecutors and agents who worked tirelessly on these matters for many years. These public servants discharged their duties with the utmost integrity and never shrunk from the challenges inherent in what everyone knew was going to be a difficult and polarizing trial.



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Lisa Slimak

Updated May 22, 2017