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Corpus Christi/Victoria

The general mission of the Corpus Christi and Victoria Division offices is to enforce federal laws and represent the rights and interests of all Americans. The main thrust of criminal prosecutions focus upon the effort to reduce the threat, trafficking, use and associated violence of illegal drugs, immigration, child exploitation and pornography as well as firearms offenses. The OCDETF section continues to pursue the highest priority drug trafficking organizations which operate in South Texas. The civil section focused primarily on Border Fence litigation, while other defensive litigation includes covering the interests of the United States in bankruptcy court.

The Corpus Christi and Victoria Divisions include 17 counties along the middle coastal plains of the Texas Gulf Coast. The Port of Corpus Christi is the 6th largest port in the United States based upon shipping activity measured by the tonnage of goods moved through the port. There are two U.S. Naval installations, several auxiliary airfields and the Padre Island National Seashore in this area.

The entire staff for both divisions aggressively pursue their respective goals with outstanding success.

Updated March 6, 2024