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Government Fraud

Mark Donnelly
Deputy Chief

Assistant U.S. Attorneys (AUSAs) in the Government Fraud Section lead investigations and prosecutions into allegations of fraud against the government. The section’s priorities include health care fraud, procurement fraud, illegal diversion or dispensation of prescription drugs, bankruptcy fraud and other schemes that target programs funded by the federal government.  Stethoscope and Money

A major focus of the section is the prosecution of violations of the health care laws. In these matters, section AUSAs work closely with agents from a number of different agencies, including  FBI, HHS-OIG, the Medicare Fraud Control Unit of the Office of the Texas Attorney General and IRS-CI. These investigations and prosecutions seek to ensure the integrity of the programs that provide health care for the nation’s poor, disabled and elderly.

Within the health care arena, the section focuses on prosecuting doctors, dentists, nurses and other health care professionals who misuse their position to commit fraud. The section also focuses on those who profit from such fraud, including home health care services, ambulance companies, medical equipment suppliers, physical therapy clinics and hospice providers that fraudulently bill Medicare or Medicaid millions of dollars for services never rendered or medically unnecessary.

Updated December 18, 2017