Press Release
Documented gang member sent to prison for sex trafficking
For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of Texas
HOUSTON – A 24-year-old man who resided in Houston and grew up near Crosby has been ordered to federal prison for trafficking a minor and another for sex, announced U.S. Attorney Alamdar S. Hamdani.
Aryion Dupree Jackson pleaded guilty Dec. 19, 2022, in two separate cases. He admitted to the sex trafficking of a minor and conspiracy to traffic an adult female by force, fraud or coercion.
Today, U.S. District Judge Lee Rosenthal sentenced Jackson to a total of 324 months of imprisonment. Jackson was further ordered to serve 15 years on supervised release following completion of his prison term. During that time, he will have to comply with numerous requirements designed to restrict his access to children and the internet. Jackson will also be ordered to register as a sex offender. In imposing the sentence, the court acknowledged Jackson had a horrible childhood but said nothing in that would support the idea that a career raping children and causing them to be raped by others would be justified. She noted the spirits of these children have been destroyed and Jackson exploited them for his own benefit.
“Young women and girls are not commodities to be sold for the financial benefit of gang members,” said Hamdani. “We must remain vigilant to combat this problem together. To the victims - please know we have your backs. To the traffickers - you might want to watch your back. To all the others - please look for the signs and call the authorities.”
Between August 2019 and July 2020, Jackson caused females, both minors and adults, to engage in commercial sex. Both the minor and adult victims were threatened with violence. The minor was also tattooed with a five point crown and a bag of money - Jackson’s brand.
For three months, the minor was forced to engage in commercial sex for Jackson’s financial benefit. Law enforcement rescued the adult victim after being trafficked for a month and a half. During that time, she was forced to walk the track and earn at least $1000 a day for Jackson who had instructed her to charge from $100 to $300 dollars per sex act.
Jackson is a documented gang member who’s image appeared on a wanted billboard for aggravated sexual assault. He also had numerous Instagram accounts. In one, he discussed being a pimp and posted images of himself with money and guns.
While in custody, Jackson continued to control several victims through phone calls. He was also caught with cell phones and drugs.
Jackson has been and will remain in custody pending transfer to a U.S. Bureau of Prisons facility to be designated in the near future.
Assistant U.S. Attorneys Sherri L. Zack and Kimberly Ann Leo prosecuted the case.
The Human Trafficking Rescue Alliance (HTRA) conducted the investigation.
HTRA law enforcement includes members of the Houston Police Department, FBI, Homeland Security Investigations, Texas Attorney General’s Office, IRS-Criminal Investigation, Department of Labor (DOL), DOL – Wage and Hour Division, Department of State, Texas Alcoholic and Beverage Commission, Texas Department of Public Safety, Department of Homeland Security – Office of Inspector General (OIG), Social Security Administration – OIG and Sheriff’s Offices in Harris and Montgomery counties in coordination with District Attorney’s offices in Harris, Montgomery and Fort Bend Counties.
Established in 2004, the United States Attorney’s office in Houston formed HTRA to combine resources with federal, state and local enforcement agencies and prosecutors, as well as non-governmental service organizations to target human traffickers while providing necessary services to those that the traffickers victimized. Since its inception, HTRA has been recognized as both a national and international model in identifying and assisting victims of human trafficking and prosecuting those engaged in trafficking offenses.
Updated February 14, 2023
Human Trafficking