Fraud And Identity Theft
The United States Attorney’s Office will vigorously investigate and prosecute all frauds that violate federal law, including heath care fraud, financial institution fraud, and identity theft.
Health care fraud cost Americans millions of dollars each year and poses enormous costs to our nation’s health care system. Health care fraud also undermines both the cost and quality of health care provided to patients. According to national studies, health care fraud costs consumers 3 percent of the nation's multi-trillion dollar health care bill. Vermonters therefore could be paying millions of dollars each year in fraudulent claims. If you suspect heath care fraud, please call the Department of Health and Human Services at 1-800-HHS-TIPS (800-447-8477) or this office at 802-951-6725 and ask to speak with the Health Care Fraud Investigator.
Although identity theft is defined in many different ways, it is, fundamentally, the misuse of another individual’s personal information to commit fraud or facilitate a criminal offense. Therefore, preventing identity theft is about more than just protecting businesses and consumers, it is about national security. Accordingly, the United States Attorney Office shall use its resources effectively to deter, prevent, detect, investigate, and prosecute identity thieves, recover the proceeds of such crimes, and ensure just and effective punishment of those who perpetrate identity theft. For more information and resources regarding identity theft please go to