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FOIA Library

If you do not have access to a computer, you may write to EOUST, attn: FOIA/PA Counsel, and request access to an EOUST computer for the purpose of reviewing EOUST’s FOIA Library. Include your name, address, and telephone number. A representative from EOUST will contact you to assist you in obtaining access to EOUST’s FOIA Library. Your letter should be mailed to 441 G Street, NW, Suite 6150, Washington, D.C. 20530

What's New

What’s New
Press and Public Affairs
Bankruptcy Data and Statistics

Frequently Requested Records

Audio Recordings for Section 341 Meetings of Creditors
United States Trustee Locator
Chapter 7, 12 & 13 Private Trustee Locator
Credit Counseling Certificates Issued by Agencies: 2012-2014  [PDF - 177 KB]
Debtor Education Certificates Issued by Providers: 2012-2014  [PDF - 237 KB]
FOIA Log FY 2012 [PDF - 23 KB]
FOIA Log FY 2013 [PDF - 112 KB]
FOIA Log FY 2014 [PDF - 20 KB]
FOIA Log FY 2015 [PDF - 124 KB]
FOIA Log FY 2016 [PDF - 554 KB]
FOIA Log FY 2017 [PDF - 590 KB]
FOIA Log FY 2018 [PDF - 600 KB]
FOIA Log FY 2019 [PDF - 753 KB]
FOIA Log FY 2020 [PDF - 692 KB]
FOIA Log FY 2021 [PDF - 720 KB]
FOIA Log FY 2022 [PDF - 690 KB]
FOIA Log FY 2023 [PDF - 2.72 MB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter from 2010 through the third calendar quarter (July-September) of 2019 [PDF - 864 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 1 (October – December 2019) of FY 2020 [PDF - 11 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 2 (January – March 2020) of FY 2020 [PDF - 12 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 3 (April - June 2020) of FY 2020 [PDF - 536 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 4 (July - September 2020) of FY 2020 [PDF - 537 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 1 (October - December 2020) of FY 2021 [PDF - 535 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 2 (January – March 2021) of FY 2021 [PDF - 809 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 3 (April – June 2021) of FY 2021 [PDF - 590 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 4 (July - September 2021) of FY 2021 [PDF - 589 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 1 (October - December 2021) of FY 2022 [PDF - 589 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 2 (January - March 2022) of FY 2022 [PDF - 589 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 3 (April – June 2022) of FY 2022 [PDF - 357 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 4 (July - September 2022) of FY 2022 [PDF - 357 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 1 (October - December 2022) of FY 2023 [PDF - 357 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 2 (January - March 2023) of FY 2023 [PDF - 357 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 3 (April – June 2023) of FY 2023 [PDF - 357 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 4 (July - September 2023) of FY 2023 [PDF - 356 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 1 (October - December 2023) of FY 2024  [PDF - 353 KB]
USTP Marijuana Enforcement Actions by District and Chapter for Quarter 2 (January - March 2024) of FY 2024 [PDF - 353 KB]

Final Opinions and Orders

Administrative Decisions Regarding Private Trustees
Administrative Decisions Regarding Credit Counseling Agencies
Administrative Decisions Regarding Debtor Education Providers

Policy Statements

Rules, Guidelines and Notices in the Federal Register
Statement of UST on Legal Issues Arising Under Chapter 13 Disposable Income Test [PDF - 43 KB]
Frequently Asked Questions for Trustees
Bankruptcy Information Sheet
Strategic Plan and Mission
Significant Guidance Documents
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Administrative Office of the United States Courts and the Executive Office for United States Trustees Concerning the Bankruptcy Data Download [PDF - 1.97 MB]
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Internal Revenue Service Small Business/Self-Employed Division and the U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office for U.S. Trustees Regarding Bankruptcy Allowable Living Expense Standards [PDF - 270 KB]
Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Case Closings [PDF - 79 KB]

About Bankruptcy

Staff Manuals and Instructions to Staff

Staff Manuals

Other Information

Average Processing Times for USTP FOIA Requests

Other Department of Justice FOIA Libraries

Updated July 16, 2024