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Delivering Personal Broadband And The Mobile Internet

The views and opinions expressed in this submission are solely those of the authors and do not represent the views of the Department of Justice.

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Delivering Personal Broadband and the Mobile Internet

Antitrust Division Telecomm Symposium
November 2007

Clearwire Wireless Broadband's logo

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Clearwire Mission: Provide the Simplest Way to Access All the Internet has to Offer – Anytime Anywhere Clearwire Highlights

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Clearwire Highlights

  • Founded in October 2003 by Craig McCaw and a Team of Wireless Veterans
  • Raised over $4.3 Bn in Debt and Equity: over $2.3 Bn in Equity and $2 Bn in Debt*
  • Strategic Partnerships including Intel, Motorola, Bell Canada, Best Buy and Circuit City
  • Business Model that is Replicable and Scalable with Demonstrated Success on a Market by Market Basis
  • Largest Personal Broadband Network Operator
  • A Leading Mobile WiMAX Spectrum Portfolio

* $750 MM resulting from Refinancing

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Mobile Broadband- a Rapidly Growing Opportunity

Bar chart showing worldwide broadband / VOIP subscribers


Bar chart showing worldwide wireless subscribers


Bar chart showing worldwide converged mobile devices


Bar chart showing worldwide portable PCs


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Mobile Broadband - a Rapidly Growing Opportunity

Shift to Wireless

  • In 2006, 12% of all adults in the U.S. used only a cell phone
  • 29% of 25 to 29 year-olds had a cell phone
  • 47% of people who moved in the US last year didn't activate a land-line in their new home

Explosive Growth in Internet Uses and Applications

  • E-mail, IM, voice and video communications
  • Social Networking, Search, User generated content
  • E-commerce, Music, videos, gamming, etc.
  • 2/3rds of the US population are Internet users, with the average broadband user spending almost 35 hours per month online according to Nielsen/NetRatings

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Clearwire Vision- Mobile Triple Play

Photo of cell tower pointing to development of wireless services


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Clearwire Networks Operating in 420+ Municipalies Around the Globe and Growing

Covering More than 14.8 Million People


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Current Clearwire U.S. Markets

Map showing U.S. markets


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Current Clearwire US Spectrum

Map showing U.S. spectrum


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Clearwire European Spectrum Holdings
8.7 Bn MHz-POPs

Map showing Clearwire European spectrum holdings


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Clearwire Progress

Timeline showing Clearwire market development from Dec. 2004-Sep. 2007


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The Mobile WiMAX Difference

  Differentiation Enabled by Personal Broadband
Cable & DSL Services Connection and service to "You" - not a location
Cellular / 3G Services Internet Centric
Multi Megabit True
Broadban speeds
WiFi Hotspot Services Citywide coverage, inbuilding penetration, simpler and more consistent connections

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WiMAX-Disruptive Across Converging Technologies

Graph showing WiMax's application across technologies


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Policy Considerations for Alternative Broadband Platforms

  • Regulatory Stability and Certainty
  • Neutral Spectrum Policies
  • Operational Flexibility for Dynamic Technological and Market Environment
  • Adapt Only Essential Legacy Regulations to New Technologies


Updated December 29, 2023