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John Kirkwood Biography, Single-Firm Conduct Hearings, June 2006

John Kirkwood

Professor Kirkwood is Co-Editor of Research in Law and Economics and a member of the Board of Advisors of the American Antitrust Institute. He has edited two books and published numerous articles, most recently in the Antitrust Law Journal. After graduating magna cum laude and with Honors of Exceptional Distinction in Economics from Yale, he received a masters degree in public policy from the Kennedy School and a law degree from Harvard, where he was an editor of the Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review. Before joining the faculty at Seattle University, he directed two antitrust policy offices and the premerger notification program at the Federal Trade Commission, managed antitrust cases and investigations at the FTC痴 Seattle office, and taught antitrust at both Seattle law schools.



Updated December 29, 2023