Joseph Kattan Biography
Joseph Kattan is a partner in Gibson, Dunn & Crutcherç´ Washington, DC, office. His practice focuses on antitrust litigation, counseling, and enforcement agency matters. He has represented a clients in antitrust litigations, arbitrations, and government investigations in the United States and abroad. Before entering private practice, Mr. Kattan headed the Office of Policy and Eval-uation in the Federal Trade Commissionç´ Bureau of Competition.
Mr. Kattan has testified at previous government hearings on antitrust policy, including the joint Justice Department / Federal Trade Commission hearings on intellectual property and antitrust, the DOJ/FTC merger enforcement workshops, the FTCç´ global competition hearings, and the FTCç´ joint venture policy hearings. He has served as a member of the ABAç´ quadrennial Task Force on the Federal Antitrust Agencies.
Mr. Kattan is listed in An International Whoç´ Who of Competition Lawyers, The International Whoç´ Who of Business Lawyers, The Expert Guide to the Worldç´ Leading Competition and Antitrust Lawyers, Chambers Global Worldç´ Leading Lawyers, Chambers Americaç´ Leading Business Lawyers, and Global Counsel Competition Law Handbook.