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REW Public Comment : National Association of REALTORS (Yun, Lawrence) 10/25/2005, REW-0406

Bar chart: NAR Membership

Y-Axis: 0 to 1,400,000 in increments of 200,000.
X-Axis: 1975 to 2005 in five year increments.

Key: Each bar represents the number of NAR (National Association of REALTORS) members for a particular year.

Source: NAR

This figure is a graphical representation of the data in the following table.


Year NAR Members
1975 435,485
1976 485,806
1977 570,470
1978 683,464
1979 755,650
1980 761,391
1981 695,108
1982 617,521
1983 627,444
1984 682,839
1985 711,226
1986 770,885
1987 806,351
1988 808,809
1989 822,935
1990 810,607
1991 763,965
1992 743,921
1993 729,266
1994 729,397
1995 719,673
1996 718,599
1997 716,078
1998 718,483
1999 761,181
2000 766,560
2001 803,803
2002 876,195
2003 976,960
2004 1,102,000
2005 1,250,000

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Updated January 9, 2024