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Technical Assistance Workshop: Biography of Anne Purcell White

Anne Purcell White

Ms. Purcell White joined the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice in 1991. She is a supervisor in the Foreign Commerce Section – a section that assists the Assistant Attorney General, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, and other Antitrust Division sections in formulating and implementing international antitrust enforcement and international competition policy.

As Assistant Chief of the Foreign Commerce Section, she manages the Division's technical assistance program, among other duties. Ms. Purcell White formerly was the Assistant Chief in the Division's Litigation II section, where she supervised merger investigations and related litigation. She also served as a Special Assistant in the Office of Operations and has worked on cartel, merger, and civil non-merger investigations and trials in her capacity as a trial attorney in the Division's Telecommunications Task Force, Merger Task Force, and Cleveland Field Office.

In 1998, in connection with the Division's technical assistance program, Ms. Purcell White served as a long-term antitrust advisor to the Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she conducted weekly seminars on antitrust law and consulted on investigations.

Updated June 9, 2023