USDOJ: Antitrust Division 2003 Press Releases
To find releases published beginning in 2009, please visit the Antitrust Division Press Releases page.
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December 23, 2003
December 19, 2003
Justice Department Will Not Challenge News Corp.'s Acquisition of Hughes Electronics Corp.
December 18, 2003
December 17, 2003
December 15, 2003
Justice Department Reaches Settlement With First Data and Concord EFS
December 8, 2003
December 3, 2003
New York Linen Supply Company and its President Plead Guilty to Allocating Customers
December 2, 2003
Justice Department Requires Restructuring of Dyno Nobel and El Paso Corporation Deal
November 18, 2003
Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission Review Data from Past Merger Enforcement Cases
November 13, 2003
Former Indianapolis Bookstore Managers Indicted On Price-fixing Charge
October 30, 2003
The Honorable Richard A. Posner Receives Justice Department's 2003 John Sherman Award
October 29, 2003
Justice Department Statement Regarding First Data/Concord Trial Schedule
Frozen Juice Can Manufacturers Agree to Abandon Proposed Equipment Sale
October 23, 2003
Justice Department Files Lawsuit to Block First Data's Acquisition of Concord EFS
October 17, 2003
Justice Department Clears Way for Cable Television Joint Purchasing Consortium
October 16, 2003
October 15, 2003
Former Top Executive of UK Corporation Faces Additional Price-Fixing Charge
October 14, 2003
Justice Department Requires Restructuring of Waste Management and Allied Waste Industries Deal
October 9, 2003
September 29, 2003
Arkansas Man Charged in Kickback Scheme
Former Corporate Executive Charged with Money Laundering
September 26, 2003
New York State Periodical Distributor Pleads Guilty to Market Allocation Charges
September 24, 2003
September 18, 2003
September 16, 2003
Justice Department Requires Divestitures in General Electric's Acquisition of Instrumentarium
September 15, 2003
DOJ/FTC Hearings on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy
August 27, 2003
August 26, 2003
August 21, 2003
Justice Department Allows Cost Information Exchange Amongst Architectural Millwork Manufacturers
August 20, 2003
August 5, 2003
DOJ/FTC Hearings on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy
July 31, 2003
July 24, 2003
July 16, 2003
July 10, 2003
Michigan Executive Charged in Kickback Scheme
July 8, 2003
Former New York Advertising Executive Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy Charge
July 1, 2003
June 27, 2003
Justice Department Requires Restructuring of Waste Management and Allied Waste Industries Deal
June 26, 2003
June 19, 2003
DOJ/FTC Hearings on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy
June 18, 2003
June 13, 2003
Justice Department Reaches Settlement With National Council on Problem Gambling
June 11, 2003
Antitrust Division Names New Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Regulatory Matters
June 9, 2003
Former Advertising Executive Charged in Bid Rigging/Kickback Scheme
Justice Department Files Comments in Airline Computer Reservations Systems Rulemaking
June 4, 2003
Former Ducoa Executive Charged with Price Fixing on Choline Chloride
DOJ/FTC Hearings on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy
June 3, 2003
DOJ/FTC Hearings on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy
May 13, 2003
DOJ/FTC Hearings on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy
May 8, 2003
Justice Department Reaches Agreement With BB&T Requiring Divestitures in BB&T/First Virginia Merger
Department of Justice Dismisses Antitrust Lawsuit Against SGL Carbon
May 2, 2003
April 24, 2003
April 22, 2003
DOJ/FTC Hearings on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy
ICAP plc and BrokerTec LLC Restructure Deal After Justice Department Raises Antitrust Objections
April 21, 2003
Justice Department Issues Microsoft Consent Decree Compliance Advisory
April 15, 2003
April 14, 2003
Salesperson for Graphics Supply Company Pleads Guilty to Antitrust and Tax Charges
April 10, 2003
DOJ/FTC Hearings on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy
April 8, 2003
New York Advertising Executive Pleads Guilty to Antitrust, Fraud and Tax Charges
April 1, 2003
March 28, 2003
DOJ/FTC Hearings on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy
March 26, 2003
DOJ/FTC Hearings on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy
March 25, 2003
March 21, 2003
March 20, 2003
Ohio Scrap Metal Dealer Pleads Guilty to Supplier Allocation and Conspiracy Charges
March 18, 2003
DOJ/FTC Hearings on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy
March 11, 2003
New York Periodical Distributor Pleads Guilty to Market Allocation Charge
New York Periodical Distributor Pleads Guilty to Market Allocation Charge
March 3, 2003
Judge Approves The Mathworks/Wind River Settlement
February 28, 2003
February 27, 2003
DOJ/FTC Hearings to Focus on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy
February 26, 2003
DOJ/FTC Hearings to Focus on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy
February 21, 2003
February 20, 2003
February 19, 2003
February 6, 2003
Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Gemstar-TV Guide for Illegal Pre-Merger Coordination
German Chemical Company to Plead Guilty to Criminal Antitrust Conspiracy
January 30, 2003
Japanese Manufacturer Pleads Guilty for its Role in Price-Fixing Conspiracy
January 29, 2003
Former New York Supermarket Executive Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy and Tax Charges
January 28, 2003
January 27, 2003
Antitrust Division Announces New Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Economic Analysis
January 17, 2003
Department of Justice Approves Northwest/Continental/Delta Marketing Alliance with Conditions