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ENRD Resource Manual

44. Order For Delivery Of Possession

(Caption as in Complaint)


This action coming on for hearing ex parte upon motion of the Plaintiff for an order for the surrender of possession of the property described in the Complaint filed herein to Plaintiff, and it appearing that Plaintiff is entitled to possession of said property:

It is hereby adjudged that all defendants to this action and all persons in possession or control of the property described in the Complaint filed herein shall surrender possession of said property to the extent to the estate being condemned, to the Plaintiff on or before ; 1 provided that a notice of this order shall be served upon all persons in possession or control of the said property forthwith.

Dated this day of , 19__.

United States District Judge

1 or "immediately."

[cited in JM 5-15.516; JM 5-15.526; ENRD Resource Manual 5; ENRD Resource Manual 6]