Agreement Between The Government Of The United States Of America And The Government Of Japan Concerning Cooperation On Anticompetitive Activities
AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN CONCERNING COOPERATION ON ANTICOMPETITIVE ACTIVITIES The Government of the United States of America and the Government of Japan (hereinafter referred to as "Parties"): Recognizing that the world's economies are becoming increasingly interrelated, in particular the economies of the United States of America and Japan; Noting that the sound and effective enforcement of competition laws of each country is a matter of importance to the efficient functioning of their respective markets and to trade between them; Noting that the sound and effective enforcement of competition laws of each country would be enhanced by cooperation and, where appropriate, coordination between the Parties in the application of those laws; Noting that from time to time differences may arise between the Parties concerning the application of the competition laws of each country; Noting their commitment to give careful consideration to the important interests of each Party in the application of the competition laws of each country; and Having regard to Article XVIII of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between the United States of America and Japan signed on April 2, 1953, to the Recommendation of the Council of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Concerning Cooperation Between Member Countries on Anticompetitive Practices Affecting International Trade, as revised July 27 and 28, 1995, and to the Recommendation of the Council of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Concerning Effective Action Against Hard Core Cartels adopted on March 25, 1998; Have agreed as follows: Article I 1. The purpose of this Agreement is to contribute to the effective enforcement of the competition laws of each country through the development of cooperative relationships between the competition authorities of each Party. The competition authorities of the Parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, cooperate with and provide assistance to each other in their enforcement activities, to the extent compatible with their respective Party's important interests. 2. For the purposes of this Agreement,
Article II 1. The competition authority of each Party shall notify the competition authority of the other Party with respect to the enforcement activities of the notifying Party that the notifying competition authority considers may affect the important interests of the other Party. 2. Enforcement activities that may affect the important interests of the other Party include those that:
3. Notification pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article shall be given as promptly as possible when the competition authority of a Party becomes aware that enforcement activities of its Party may affect the important interests of the other Party, and in any event in accordance with paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Article. 4. Where notification is required pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article with respect to mergers or acquisitions, such notification shall be given not later than:
5. Where notification is required pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article with respect to matters other than mergers or acquisitions, notification shall be given as far in advance of the following actions as is practically possible:
6. The competition authority of each Party shall also notify the competition authority of the other Party if it initiates a survey which the notifying competition authority considers may affect the important interests of the other Party. 7. The competition authority of each Party shall also notify the competition authority of the other Party whenever the notifying competition authority publicly participates, in connection with the competition laws or policy issues, in an administrative, regulatory or judicial proceeding in its country that is not initiated by the competition authority, if the notifying competition authority considers that the issue addressed may affect the important interests of the other Party. Such notification shall be made at the time of the participation or as soon thereafter as possible. 8. Each Party shall notify the other Party if it initiates a civil action in the courts of the other country against a private party for monetary damages or other relief based on a violation of the competition laws of the other country. 9. Notifications shall be sufficiently detailed to enable the notified competition authority to make an initial evaluation of the effect on its Party's important interests.
Article III 1. The competition authority of each Party shall render assistance to the competition authority of the other Party in its enforcement activities to the extent consistent with the laws and regulations of the country of the assisting Party and the important interests of the assisting Party, and within its reasonably available resources. 2. The competition authority of each Party shall, to the extent consistent with the laws and regulations of its country and the important interests of its Party:
Article IV 1. Where the competition authorities of both Parties are pursuing enforcement activities with regard to related matters, they shall consider coordination of their enforcement activities. 2. In considering whether particular enforcement activities should be coordinated, the competition authorities of the Parties should take into account the following factors, among others:
3. In any coordinated enforcement activity, the competition authority of each Party shall seek to conduct its enforcement activities with careful consideration to the objectives of the enforcement activities by the competition authority of the other Party. 4. Where the competition authorities of both Parties are pursuing enforcement activities with regard to related matters, the competition authority of each Party shall consider, upon request by the competition authority of the other Party and where consistent with the important interests of the requested Party, inquiring whether persons who have provided confidential information in connection with those enforcement activities will consent to the sharing of such information with the competition authority of the other Party. 5. Subject to appropriate notification to the competition authority of the other Party, the competition authority of either Party may, at any time, limit or terminate the coordination of enforcement activities and pursue their enforcement activities independently. Article V 1. If the competition authority of a Party believes that anticompetitive activities carried out in the territory of the other country adversely affect the important interests of the former Party, such competition authority, taking into account the importance of avoiding conflicts regarding jurisdiction and taking into account that the competition authority of the other Party may be in a position to conduct more effective enforcement activities with regard to such anticompetitive activities, may request that the competition authority of the other Party initiate appropriate enforcement activities. The request shall be as specific as possible about the nature of the anticompetitive activities and their effect on the important interests of the Party of the requesting competition authority, and shall include an offer of such further information and other cooperation as the requesting competition authority is able to provide. 2. The requested competition authority shall carefully consider whether to initiate enforcement activities, or whether to expand ongoing enforcement activities, with respect to the anticompetitive activities identified in the request. The requested competition authority shall inform the requesting competition authority of its decision as soon as practically possible. If enforcement activities are initiated, the requested competition authority shall inform the requesting competition authority of their outcome and, to the extent possible, of significant interim developments. Article VI 1. Each Party shall give careful consideration to the important interests of the other Party throughout all phases of its enforcement activities, including decisions regarding the initiation of enforcement activities, the scope of enforcement activities and the nature of penalties or relief sought in each case. 2. When either Party informs the other Party that specific enforcement activities by the latter Party may affect the former's important interests, the latter Party shall endeavor to provide timely notice of significant developments of such enforcement activities. 3. Where either Party considers that enforcement activities by a Party may adversely affect the important interests of the other Party, the Parties should consider the following factors, in addition to any other factor that may be relevant in the circumstances in seeking an appropriate accommodation of the competing interests:
Article VII 1. The Parties may hold, as necessary, consultations through the diplomatic channel on any matter which may arise in the implementation of this Agreement. 2. A request for consultations under this Article shall be communicated through the diplomatic channel. Article VIII 1. The competition authorities of the Parties shall consult with each other, upon request of either Party's competition authority, on any matter which may arise in connection with this Agreement. 2. The competition authorities of the Parties shall meet at least once a year to:
Article IX
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1(b) of this Article, unless otherwise notified by the competition authority providing the information, the competition authority receiving the information communicated pursuant to this Agreement may provide the information to its Party's relevant law enforcement authorities, for the purpose of competition law enforcement, which may use such information under the conditions stipulated in Article X of this Agreement. 3. Each Party shall, consistent with the laws and regulations of its country, maintain the confidentiality of any information communicated to it in confidence by the other Party pursuant to this Agreement, unless the latter Party consents to the disclosure of such information. 4. Each Party may limit the information it communicates to the other Party when the latter Party is unable to give the assurance requested by the Party with respect to confidentiality or with respect to the limitations of purposes for which the information will be used. 5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, neither Party is required to communicate information to the other Party if such communication is prohibited by the laws or regulations of the country of the Party possessing the information or such communication would be incompatible with its important interests. 6. This Article shall not preclude the use or disclosure of information to the extent that there is an obligation to do so under the laws and regulations of the country of the Party receiving the information. Such Party shall, wherever possible, give advance notice of any such use or disclosure to the Party which provided the information. Article X 1. Information communicated by a Party to the other Party pursuant to this Agreement, except publicly available information, shall not be presented to a grand jury or to a court or a judge in criminal proceedings. 2. In the event that information communicated by a Party to the other Party pursuant to this Agreement, except publicly available information, is needed for presentation to a grand jury or to a court or a judge in criminal proceedings, that Party shall submit a request for such information to the other Party through the diplomatic channel or other channel established in accordance with the law of the requested Party. The requested Party will make, upon request, its best efforts to respond promptly to meet any legitimate deadlines indicated by the requesting Party. Article XI 1. This Agreement shall be implemented by the Parties in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in each country and within the available resources of their respective competition authorities. 2. Detailed arrangements to implement this Agreement may be made between the competition authorities of the Parties. 3. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the Parties from seeking or providing assistance to one another pursuant to other bilateral or multilateral agreements or arrangements between the Parties. 4. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prejudice the policy or legal position of either Party regarding any issue related to jurisdiction. 5. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to affect the rights and obligations of either Party under other international agreements or under its laws. Article XII Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, communications under this Agreement may be directly carried out between the competition authorities of the Parties. Notifications under Article II (except paragraph 8) and requests under Article V, paragraph 1 of this Agreement, however, shall be confirmed in writing through the diplomatic channel. The confirmation shall be made as promptly as practically possible after the communication concerned between the competition authorities of the Parties. Article XIII 1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature. 2. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by giving two months written notice to the other Party through diplomatic channel. 3. The Parties shall review the operation of this Agreement not more than five years from the date of its entry into force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement. DONE at Washington, this seventh day of October, 1999, in duplicate, in the English and Japanese languages, both texts being equally authentic.