Number |
Bates Range |
Date |
Description |
1 |
Chart: Miscrosoft's Actual and Projected
Share of the (Intel-based) PC Operating System Market (According to IDC) |
2 |
Chart: Microsoft's Share of the Browser
Market - Microsoft's Share of New Browser Users |
3 |
Chart: Microsoft's Share of the Browser
Market - Three Month Moving Average of Usage by ISP Category (According to AdKnowledge, Inc.) |
4 |
Chart: Microsoft's Share of the Browser
Market - Monthly Usage by ISP Category (According to AdKnowledge, Inc.) |
5 |
Chart: Microsoft's Share of the Browser
Market Compared to Netscape's Share -Monthly Browser Usage (According to AdKnowledge, Inc.) |
6 |
Chart: Microsoft's Share of the Browser
Market - Three Month Incremental Share of Browser Usage (According to AdKnowledge, Inc.) |
7 |
Chart: Microsoft's Share of the Browser
Market - One Month Incremental Share of Browser Usage (According to AdKnowledge, Inc.) |
8 |
Chart: Microsoft's Share of the Browser Market - Incremental Share of Browser Users (According to Microsoft) |
9 |
Chart: Netscape Quarterly Browser Revenues |
10 |
Chart: Netscape Quarterly Browser Revenues (without subscriptions for upgrades) |
11 |
Chart: Comparison of Microsoft's Share of ISP Browser Shipments and Usage Depending on Whether Microsoft's Internet Explorer was the ISP's Default Browser (According to Microsoft FY98 Mid Year Review) |
12 |
Chart: Top 80 ISPs as of December 1997 (According to Microsoft) |
13 |
Chart: Examples of Operating Systems on Which Netscape's Browsers Run |
14 |
Chart: Microsoft's Actual and Projected Shares of Browser Market - Share of Browser Users (According to Microsoft) |
15 |
Chart: Actual and Projected Shares of Browser Market Held by Netscape and Microsoft |
16 |
MS98 0107183-
0107188 |
04/06/95 |
P. Ferrel message to B. Gates, P. Maritz, and others re "Internet as a business tool" |
17 |
MS98 0103579-0103580 |
04/10/95 |
B. Gates message to C. Mundie, N. Myhrvold, and others re "Internet" |
18 |
MS98 0137474-
0137475 |
04/17/95 |
D. Rosen message to N. Myhrvold, P. Maritz and others re "Netscape as merchant channel" |
19 |
MS98 0107251-0107260 |
04/24/95 |
N. Myhrvold message to B. Gates re "Internet Strategy," together with N. Myhrvold 4/18/95 message to B. Gates, D. Rosen, P. Maritz, and others re "Internet Strategy" |
20 |
MS98 0112876-
0112876.8 |
05/26/95 |
B. Gates memo to Executive Staff re "The Internet Tidal Wave" |
21 |
MS98 0102394-0102410 |
05/27/95 |
B. Slivka memo re "The Web is the Next Platform" |
22 |
MS98 0167106-0167107 |
05/31/95 |
B. Gates message to P. Maritz, D. Rosen, and others re "Netscape Discussion" and D. Rosen reply message to B. Gates, P. Maritz re "Netscape Discussions" |
23 |
MS98 0137511-0137512 |
06/01/95 |
T. Reardon message to B. Slivka, P. Maritz, D. Rosen, and others |
24 |
MS98 0009597-
0009599 |
06/01/95 |
P. Maritz message to B. Gates and others forwarding summary of goals for "working with Netscape" and Agenda attached for Microsoft/Netscape 6/21/95 meeting |
25 |
MS98 0009971-
0009973; MS98 0137516-0137517 |
06/02/95 |
D. Rosen "Summary of meeting with Netscape on 6/2/95" |
26 |
NSMS 060813-
060814 |
06/04/95 |
J. Barksdale message to J. Clark and others re "MS visit" |
27 |
MS98 0009594 |
06/05/95 |
P. Maritz message to B. Gates and others re "NetScape Meeting" |
28 |
MS98 0009596 |
06/05/95 |
D. Rosen message to P. Maritz, Bill Gates, and others re "NetScape Meeting" |
29 |
MS98 0009593 |
06/09/95 |
D. Rosen message to P. Maritz, B. Gates, and others re "Netscape engagement" |
30 |
MS98 0137541 |
06/15/95 |
B. Muglia message to D. Rosen, J. Allard re "Netscape engagement" |
31 |
Deposition Ex. 1041 |
06/19/95 |
C. Giddings message re "Netscape 6/21" |
32 |
MS98 0009599 |
06/21/95 |
Agenda for 6/21/95 Microsoft/Netscape meeting |
33 |
NSC 017098-
017104 |
06/21/95 |
M. Andreessen notes of Microsoft/Netscape meeting |
34 |
3 pages |
06/22/95 |
D. Kaiser (AOL) memo re Netscape meeting |
35 |
MS98 0009589-
0009591 |
06/22/95 |
D. Rosen message to B. Gates, N. Myhrvold, P. Maritz, and others re "Netscape meeting" |
36 |
MS98 0114679-
0114681 |
07/03/95 |
Microsoft Internet Jumpstart Kit Announcement |
37 |
MS6 6008820 |
12/15/95 |
B. Gates message to P. Maritz, B. Silverberg, S. Ballmer, B. Chase, and others re "Internet add-on" |
38 |
0000820 |
01/21/96 |
D. Cole (AOL) message re AOL meeting with B.Gates, B. Silverberg, J. Ludwig, B. Chase, C.Jones, B. Slivka |
39 |
MS6 5005719-5005725 |
04/04/96 |
B. Chase "FY97 Planning Memo 'Winning the Internet platform battle'" |
40 |
MS6 6005550-
6005553 |
04/25/96 |
IPTD Division Meeting Agenda |
41 |
MS6 6012951-
6012956 |
05/19/96 |
B. Gates message to P. Maritz, J. Allchin, B. Chase, and others re Netscape" |
42 |
MS6 6010346-6010349 |
06/20/96 |
P. Maritz message to B. Silverberg, J. Allchin, B. Chase, and others re "windows & internet issues" |
43 |
MSV 0009418 A |
09/16/96 |
C. Stork message to B. Silverberg, J. Grey, and J. Kempin re "windows logo screen" |
44 |
MSV 0009363A |
09/20/96 |
C. Stork message to D. Wright (OEM), J. Kempin, and others with related earlier messages re "OEMs shipping OSR-2?" |
45 |
MS7 035410-
035412 |
10/14/96 |
P. Bogle message to L. Shaw, B. Schick, L. Sullivan, R. Welland, and J. Cordell re "why tie IE4 browser to Nashville Desktop" and replies |
46 |
MS7 004216-004217 |
12/11/96 |
D. Cole message to C. Guzak, K. Eckhardt, S. Nakajima, J. Belfiore, J. Larson, and the IE 4.0 Executive Team re "Browser and ActiveDesktop" |
47 |
MS6 6012884 |
12/20/96 |
J. Allchin message to P. Maritz re "concerns for our future" |
48 |
MS7 005526 |
01/02/97 |
J. Allchin memo to P. Maritz re "IE and Windows" and P. Maritz reply |
49 |
MS7 007089 |
01/02/97 |
P. Maritz message to J. Allchin re "IE and Windows" |
50 |
MS7 005527-005528 |
01/02/97 |
Messages to and from J. Allchin and P. Maritz re "IE and Windows" |
51 |
MS7 005532-005544 |
01/05/97 |
P. Maritz message to B. Gates, J. Allchin, B. Slivka, and B. Silverberg re "overview slides for Billg/NC&Java session with 14+'s on Monday" together with a copy of such slides |
52 |
MS7 003269-003274 |
01/06/97 |
Microsoft Presentation: "NC & Java Challenge" |
53 |
MS7 007088 |
01/07/97 |
P. Maritz message to D. Cole, J. Kempin, J. Allchin, and others re "ie4 and memphis" and D. Cole message to P. Maritz, J. Kempin re "ie4 and memphis" |
54 |
MS7 006219 |
02/08/97 |
B. Veghte message to M. Dunie, C. Stork, E. Stubbs, and O. Momoh re "Memphis Retail Enhancements: The Costs" |
55 |
TXAG 0008175-0008180 |
02/24/97 |
M. Dunie message to B. Gates, P. Maritz, and J. Allchin re "Memphis IEU focus groups report," forwarding C. Wildfeuer message to A. Taylor, C. Stork, B. Chase, Y. Mehdi re "Memphis IEU focus groups report" |
56 |
TXAG 0009634-0009637 |
03/26/97 |
M. Bliss message to M. Dunie, C. Stork, J. Roberts, J. Allchin, and others re "closure on Memphis action items from 3YO and Billg Memphis review" |
57 |
TXAG 0009545-0009547 |
04/09/97 |
J. Allchin message to B. Gates, P. Maritz, and others re "thoughts on the Next Generation of Windows" |
58 |
MS7 024849 |
04/14/97 |
B. Slivka message to B. Gates re "java review with you" |
59 |
MS7 004365-
004366 |
04/21/97 |
B. Chase message to J. Raikes, P. Maritz, Y. Mehdi, B. Chase, and others re "WWSMM IEU session" |
60 |
MS7 004624-
004625 |
08/06/97 |
D. Cole message re "Post IE4 thinking" |
61 |
MS7 007548-007549 |
12/18/97 |
B. Gates message to J. Kempin, S. Ballmer, P. Maritz, J. Allchin, N. Myhrvold re "As promised OEM pricing thoughts" |
62 |
MS98 0166723-0166724 |
05/19/95 |
J. __________________ message to B. Slivka, B. Chase, B. Silverberg re "Internet Browser" |
63 |
MS98 0137873-
0137874 |
07/17/95 |
C. Jones message to J. Ludwig, T. Reardon, B. Slivka, D. Rosen, A. Bay re "Proposal for OEM's of Internet Explorer" |
64 |
MS7 010080-
010082 |
12/01/95 |
R. Wolf message to S. Sinofsky, P. Maritz, B. Slivka, B. Silverberg, and others re "Conference call with Rick Sherlund..." |
65 |
NSC 018811
018812 |
01/31/96 |
R. Shiram message to P. Thorp re Microsoft pricing to PSI |
66 |
NSC 005804-
005805 |
03/14/96 |
A. Bern message to ISPs re "Microsoft Offer to ISP" |
67 |
NSC 001917 |
03/20/96 |
F. Giordano message re "BA Proposal from MS" |
68 |
NSC 001983 |
04/25/96 |
W. S. Downs message re "Microsoft/Bell South" |
69 |
NSC 020298-
020299 |
05/06/96 |
F. Giordano message re Microsoft offer to AT&T |
70 |
NSC 019014-
019015 |
05/29/96 |
E. Woods (Quarterdeck) message to R. Shriram re "Navigator Licensing" |
71 |
5 pages |
06/10/96 |
Financial Times article: "Comment & Analysis: Fightback at the seat of power" |
72 |
NSC 001835 |
06/10/96 |
A. Kuen message to M. Andreessen |
73 |
NSC 002417 |
06/10/96 |
K. Brecheisen message (GTI) to Netscape re "NSP Program" |
74 |
NSC 001948 |
06/11/96 |
E. Walther message re "Microsoft Competitive Practices" |
75 |
NSC 001944-
001945 |
06/13/96 |
P. Ayres message re "Quick Overview from N. Europe" |
76 |
NSC 001837-
001838 |
06/14/96 |
Message from Autodesk to Netscape re "IE Support for WHIP" |
77 |
NSC 019108-019111 |
06/18/96 |
M. Prats message to L. Bender re Microsoft |
78 |
NSMS 056766 |
06/19/96 |
M. Tyler message re "Pressuring" |
79 |
NSMS 056772-
056773 |
06/21/96 |
J. Logan message re "Microsoft Deal" |
80 |
SBCMS 500298-
500302 |
06/24/96 |
Pacific Bell "Mercury Browser and Referral Phonebook: Opportunity Assessment" |
81 |
MS6 6013012-6013014 |
06/24/96 |
B. Snyder message to C. Myhrvold, S. Wells, and M. Schmiedl re "ISP Referral mtg summary" |
82 |
NSC 070897 |
07/01/96 |
Q. Gallivan message re "Microsoft predatory tactics" |
83 |
3 pages |
07/03/96 |
Financial Times article: "Survey - FT IT: A rush for market dominance" |
84 |
2 pages |
07/15/96 |
BusinessWeek article: "Netscape: Sitting Pretty--Or Sitting Duck?" |
85 |
NSC 002048 |
07/16/96 |
D. Sokolsky message re "Microsoft Anti-Competitive behavior" |
86 |
MS6 6011115 |
07/16/96 |
C. Daligault message to B. Chase re "A few (radical?) ideas to move IE share all over the world" |
87 |
NSMS 056981 |
08/08/96 |
J. Menkart message re "Microsoft Questionable Practices" |
88 |
NSMS 057009-
057011 |
08/14/96 |
R. Katz message re "Earthlink" |
89 |
NSC 002159 |
08/15/96 |
S. Dayton (Earthlink) message to R. Katz |
90 |
NSC 002162-
002163 |
08/15/96 |
A. Gunshor message re "Microsoft's Anti-Competitive Practices" |
91 |
NSMS 057057 |
08/15/96 |
R. Katz message re "X-Attachments" |
92 |
NSC 071911 |
09/05/96 |
B. Kellinger message re "Microsoft a Software Spectrum" |
93 |
MS6 5003741-
5003743 |
09/09/96 |
B. Hovstadius message to C. Myhrvold, M. Sorenson, Y. Mehdi, and B. Chase re "ISP marketing update" |
94 |
MS6 6007642-
6007643 |
09/11/96 |
B. Gates message to L. Levin, B. Silverberg, J. Ludwig, and B. Chase re "Intuit call with Scott Cook" |
95 |
NSC 019247-
019248 |
09/13/96 |
R. Shriram message re "X-Attachments" |
96 |
NSC 002365-
002366 |
09/27/96 |
G. Gatiss message re "MS Predatory Tactics/Erol's" |
97 |
MS6 6010204-
6010205 |
10/09/96 |
B. Chase message to P. Hayes, C. Myhrvold, J. Raikes, and others re "Action items from 10/7/96 DMM Meeting..." |
98 |
MSV 0009566A |
10/15/96 |
Y. Mehdi message to W. Poole, B. Chase, and S. Fetter re "Draft IE4 presentation" |
99 |
MS6 6007002 |
11/26/96 |
IE Marketing and Promotion Budget for FY 97 |
100 |
MS98 0122160-
0122175 |
11/27/96 |
A. Nehru message to Executive Staff, D. Heiner, and others re "Netscape Revenues" |
101 |
NSC 002349-002350 |
12/12/96 |
C. Fearer (Voyager Information Networks) message to J. Nantau (Netscape) |
102 |
MS6 6013100-
6013101 |
12/16/96 |
C. Myhrvold message to S. Norberg, G. Hughes, D. Hanson re "UUNET Invoice" and related messages |
103 |
9 pages |
01/27/97 |
Forbes Magazine Article |
104 |
NSC 002345 |
01/28/97 |
D. McLoughlin message re "Intelligent Electronics" |
105 |
NSC 015042 |
01/30/97 |
K. Younger message re "Conversation with Allen Loren" |
106 |
NSC 012113 |
02/12/97 |
G. Phelps message re "DOJ" |
107 |
NSC 015141-
015145 |
02/14/97 |
B. Kellinger message re "DOJ" |
108 |
NSMS 026732 |
03/04/97 |
Mid Ohio Net message to Netscape |
109 |
NSMS 005803 |
03/12/97 |
Bliss Advertising & Design message to Netscape |
110 |
TXAG 0013236-
0013238 |
03/13/97 |
J. Allchin message to P. Maritz |
111 |
NSMS 042731 |
05/12/97 |
J. Gile (Webmaster) message to Netscape |
112 |
MS7 006970-
006972 |
07/11/97 |
P. Maritz message to Y. Mehdi, B. Chase re "(not so) random marketing thoughts" |
113 |
MS7 027366-
027368 |
07/14/97 |
P. Maritz message to M. Dunie, B. Gates, J. Allchin, and others re "(not so) random marketing thoughts," together with M. Dunie message to B. Gates, P. Maritz, J. Allchin, and others re "(not so) random marketing thoughts" |
114 |
MS7 005463-005465 |
07/19/97 |
B. Gates message to M. Dunie, P. Maritz, J. Allchin, J. Roberts re "idea" and B. Chase 7/18/97 message to P. Maritz, Y. Mehdi re "idea" |
115 |
NSMS 025060 |
09/06/97 |
Mercury Advanced Services message to Netscape |
116 |
NSMS 034510-
034511 |
09/18/97 |
D. McClure (Seescape) message to Netscape |
117 |
MS98 0113035-
0113036 |
10/22/97 |
C. Myhrvold message to S. Norberg; Cameron Myhrvold's Direct Reports re "Competitive Review" |
118 |
MS7 005728-
005738 |
03/13/98 |
Microsoft Memo from "Windows Marketing" to Bill Gates, S. Ballmer, P. Maritz, J. Allchin, R. Tong |
119 |
NSMS 063266-
063267 |
04/08/98 |
B. Gertzfield message re "MSIE Promo" |
120 |
NSC 001983 |
04/25/98 |
B. White message re "Microsoft/BELLSOUTH" |
121 |
MS 5036025-
5036030 |
02/10/94 |
D. Cole message to B. Gates, B. Silverberg, J. Allchin, P. Maritz, S. Ballmer, T. Evslin, and other re Chicago beta#1 content |
122 |
MS98 0010839-
0010840 |
04/09/94 |
R. Siegelman message to B. Gates, B. Silverberg, J. Blumental, J. Allard, S. Sinofsky, T. Evslin, N. Myhrvold including "Internet Retreat Notes" |
123 |
MS98 0106849-
0106851 |
04/16/94 |
B. Gates message to B. Silverberg, J. Allchin, N. Myhrvold, J. Raikes, and others re "Internet Strategy and Technical Goals" |
124 |
MX 5120416 |
04/20/94 |
A. Saunders message to S. Sinofsky and R. Freedman re "apps like mosaic and stuff you need to obtain from 3rd parties" |
125 |
MX 9047578-
9047579 |
06/10/94 |
S. Sinofsky message to D. Henrich, J. Allard, J. Ludwig, R. Siegelman re "internet stuff" |
126 |
MS98 0108484-
0108486 |
08/26/94 |
L. Fisher summary of "Internet Discussions at Microsoft" re "NCSA Mosaic Porting Lab trip summary" |
127 |
MX 5117033-
5117034 |
10/03/94 |
B. Silverberg message to T. Evslin, B. Gates, R. Siegelman, J. Allchin, P. Maritz re "Shell plans - iShellBrowser," together with B. Gates message to B. Silverberg and others re "Shell plans - iShellBrowser" |
128 |
MS98 0103242 |
10/06/94 |
B. Slivka message to B. Silverberg, J. Ludwig, T. Evslin re "internet client stuff" |
129 |
MS98 0167203-
0167207 |
10/10/94 |
A. Saunders message re "Win News Volume 1 #3" |
130 |
MS98 0103258-
0103260 |
10/13/94 |
B. Gates message to N. Myhrvold and others re "MCI as an access provider," together with R. Siegelman message to T. Evslin, B. Gates, N. Myhrvold re "MCI as an access provider" |
131 |
MS98 0103275-
0103276 |
11/22/94 |
B.Slivka message to B. Hastings, B. Fleming, C.Jones, J. Ludwig, and others re "Authoring Retreat Form" |
132 |
MS98 0103297-
0103298 |
11/22/94 |
R. Siegelman message to P. Maritz and others re "Internet BillG review" |
133 |
MS98 0153112-
0153113 |
11/30/94 |
R. Siegelman message to A. Bay, D. Rosen, J. Allard, and others re "Mosaic Communications and AT&T" |
134 |
MS98 0137387-
0137388 |
12/09/94 |
D. Rosen message to P. Maritz, A. Bay, R. Siegelman re "Netscape (nee Mosaic)" |
135 |
C003988-C003990 |
12/19/94 |
S. Decker (Compaq) message to V. Rhodes and others re "MS Pricing" and related V. Rhodes message |
136 |
MX 3177541 |
01/05/95 |
R. Siegelman message B. Chase, B. Miller, and A. Bay re "MSN, Ohare and Internet" |
137 |
MS98 0105322-
0105323 |
01/06/95 |
B. Slivka message to P. Maritz, B. Silverberg, B. Chase, and others re "Proposal: Shipping O'Hare in Win 95 Frosting" |
138 |
MS6 6005041-
6005046 |
01/11/95 |
J. Allard message to B. Muglia, J. Allchin, and others re "UUNET/Spyglass deal," with draft press release |
139 |
MS6 6005047-
6005052 |
01/13/95 |
Press release: "Microsoft announces its Internet strategy" |
140 |
MS98 0107151-
0107157 |
01/13/95 |
"O'Hare in Win 95 Frosting" |
141 |
MS98 0122197-
0122203 |
01/22/95 |
C. Fitzgerald message to B. Chase, C. Kress, J. Ludwig, M. Conte re (and enclosing) "draft of communicating Windows PC mktg plan" |
142 |
MS98 0103479 |
01/31/95 |
A. Saunders message to B. Chase, B. Slivka, and others re "Frosting and Ohare" |
143 |
MS98 0103480-
0103481 |
02/04/95 |
A.Saunders message to B. Slivka, B. Chase, J. Ludwig, and others re "Frosting and Ohare" and B. Slivka 2/3/95 message to A. Saunders, B.Irving, B. Chase, M. Conte, B. Foulon, E. Straub, J. Ludwig re "Frosting and Ohare" |
144 |
MS98 0103482 |
02/13/95 |
B. Slivka message to T. Harris, K. Flood, T. Reardon re "new web viewer software" |
145 |
MS98 0103555-
0103556 |
04/06/95 |
T. Reardon message to B. Slivka, J. Ludwig, and others re "www keynote outline" |
146 |
MS98 0103575-
0103576 |
04/09/95 |
B. Slivka message to B. Silverberg, J. Ludwig re "ohare question" |
147 |
MS98 0137497 |
04/25/95 |
D. Rosen message to M. Homer |
148 |
MS98 0103692 |
05/16/95 |
P. Maritz message to B. Slivka, D. Rosen, and others re "The Internet" |
149 |
MS98 0119223 |
06/15/95 |
B. Slivka message to B. Chase and others re "O'hare" |
150 |
M 1028384 -
M 1028386 |
06/22/95 |
Microsoft memo re "Windows 95: The Communicating PC" |
151 |
MS98 0103588 |
06/28/95 |
J. Gray message to B. Slivka, C. Jones, and others re "Exec Update: Ohare in OEM" |
152 |
MS98 0106918-
0106922 |
7/00/95 |
Microsoft Release: "Top 20 Features: Microsoft Windows 95" |
153 |
MS98 0166842-
0166843 |
08/15/95 |
B. Silverberg message to B. Slivka, C. Jones, J. Ludwig, and others re "IE" |
154 |
MS98 0106926-
0106927 |
Mosaic Licensing Q & A |
155 |
MS7 011694-011696 |
B. Chase memo re "Outlook/IE Branding" |
156 |
0002838 |
07/03/96 |
M. Pfitzner message to W. Riess, C. Hill, J. Buettner, and others re "meeting with Microsoft Germany" |
157 |
MS98 0167386-
0167388 |
08/05/96 |
H. Vigil message to P. Maritz, A. Bay, B. Silverberg |
158 |
MS6 6010279 |
08/06/96 |
B. Chase Message to B. Gates and the Office of the President re "IE 3 Launch Summary Mail" |
159 |
MS7 006186 |
01/28/97 |
J. Allchin message to P. Maritz, B. Gates, M. Dunie re "OEM offsite and Memphis plan" |
160 |
TXAG 0009653 |
03/25/97 |
C. Stork message to M. Bliss, J. Allchin, and others re "closure on Memphis action items from 3YO and Billg Memphis review" |
161 |
TXAG 0009634 |
03/25/97 |
M. Bliss message to M. Dunie, C. Stork, J. Allchin, and others |
162 |
MS7 015728-
015729 |
07/24/97 |
B. Gates message to J. Ludwig re "Dimension X" |
163 |
000100 |
08/29/97 |
T. DiCaprio and L. Scholten letter to S. Decker (Compaq) re "MOU re: Internet Explorer 4.0" |
164 |
4 pages |
10/17/97 |
Microsoft Article Q174265: "How to Uninstall Internet Explorer 4.0" |
165 |
3 pages |
10/17/97 |
Microsoft Article Q166313: ""Removing Internet Explorer 4.0 for Windows using Ieremove.exe" |
166 |
3 pages |
10/24/97 |
Microsoft Article Q175610: "How to Manually Uninstall Internet Explorer 4.0" |
167 |
MS6 6013636-
6013649 |
12/11/97 |
Microsoft letter and instructions to OEMs and Authorized Replicators re Internet Explorer 4.01 |
168 |
MS98 0156294-
0156295 |
12/12/97 |
S. Fallon message to T. Dressel re "Apps that break" |
169 |
MS7 006429 |
12/24/97 |
B. Veghte message to J. Allchin, M. Dunie re "IE & Windows" and J. Allchin reply |
170 |
2 pages |
12/31/97 |
Microsoft Article: "Solving Problems Installing or Uninstalling Internet Explorer 4.0" |
171 |
MS98 0122124-
0122130 |
01/02/98 |
D. Cole message to B. Chase, D. Katz (Katz Communications Group), Y. Mehdi, D. Heiner, and B. Chase and 12/31/97 message to D. Katz, D. Cole, Y. Mehdi, and D. Heiner |
172 |
3 pages |
04/10/98 |
Microsoft Article+D 195: "Removing IE 4.0 for Windows 95 Using Ieremove.exe" |
173 |
MS98 0102629-
0102631 |
05/08/98 |
Microsoft Presentation: "Browser Marketing FY 99" |
174 |
MS98 0123099-
0123102 |
05/27/98 |
Microsoft Presentation: "IE 5 OEM Marketing Review" |
175 |
2 pages |
08/23/98 |
Dell description of Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows 95 |
176 |
MSV 0009137A-
0009139A |
undated |
B. Chase document re "I. Goals: Increase end user IE usage on OEM systems" |
177 |
NSC 018622 |
07/11/95 |
R. Shriram message re "Microsoft & PC OEMs" |
178 |
MS6 6005557-
6005559 |
02/19/96 |
D. Cole (AOL) message to B. Chase (Microsoft) |
179 |
MS6 6006096 |
03/14/96 |
D. Steele message to B. Chase, N. Malm, M. Conte re "AT&T" |
180 |
MS98 0112523-
0112524 |
03/14/96 |
B. Chase message to Executive Staff re "Summary of AOL deal" |
181 |
MS6 6010602-
6010604 |
03/14/96 |
D. Steele message to M. Sorenson, C. Myhrvold re "danste: Compuserve deal" and M. Sorenson message to D. Steele, C. Myhrvold re "danste: Compuserve deal" |
182 |
NSC 001912 |
03/14/96 |
N. Zaharias message to R. Shriram re "Dell/Zenith Data Systems" |
183 |
MS6 6010581-
6010582 |
03/15/96 |
B. Silverberg message to S. Wells, R. Siegelman, J. Ludwig, C. Myhrvold, D. Rosen, and others re "AT&T Meeting (3/13) Trip Report" |
184 |
NSC 001906 |
03/22/96 |
T. Dawson message re "Microsoft ISP Update" |
185 |
MS6 6011146-
6011147 |
05/02/96 |
C. Myhrvold message to G. Nahon, P. Perron |
186 |
MS6 5002962 |
05/07/96 |
B. Chase message to J. Goldstein, G. Sullivan re "AOL mail" |
187 |
MS6 6010875-
6010880 |
06/13/96 |
Microsoft summary of "Worldwide Internet Access Market and Status" |
188 |
NSC 001942 |
06/18/96 |
S. Sugihara message to M. Andreessen |
189 |
AOL-0002836 |
07/03/96 |
B. Chase message to AOL re "Update" |
190 |
NSC 071489-
071491 |
08/01/96 |
A. Rebele message re "Microsoft" |
191 |
NSC 002111 |
08/07/96 |
N. Zaharias message re "Add'l Netscape/Hitachi information" |
192 |
NSMS 056979-
056980 |
08/08/96 |
R. Katz message re "NCR" |
193 |
MS6 6011097 |
08/13/96 |
C. Myhrvold message to S. Ballmer re "IE 3.0 Sales Status" and 8/2/96 C. Myhrvold message to B. Silverberg, B. Chase, S. Ballmer, Y. Mehdi, and others re "IE 3.0 sales status" |
194 |
NSC 070787 |
09/06/96 |
M. McCue message re "Microsoft license agreement restrictions" |
195 |
MS6 6012567-
6012568 |
09/17/96 |
S. Wu message to C. Myhrvold re "611: NCSP fights back at Telstra - FW: On Australia's continued support of IE" |
196 |
NSC 071328 |
09/20/96 |
J. Barksdale message re "John Thompson Call" |
197 |
MS6 5003712 |
09/23/96 |
Compuserve message to B. Snyder and B. Chase of Microsoft re "IE 2.1 in CompuServe CD" |
198 |
PRD 52243-52244 |
10/21/96 |
S. Kovar memo to M. Jacobson re "Microsoft Internet Explorer Agreement" |
199 |
NSC 000150 |
11/12/96 |
S. Sugihara message re "DOJ" |
200 |
MS6 6011450-
6011455 |
12/18/96 |
S. Jadallah and C. Myhrvold memo re "Plan of Record: Working with ISPs in North America" |
201 |
ZD 0127- 0128 |
01/15/97 |
J. Ballowe message to D. Shnaider re "ZD/MSN Meetings in Seattle" |
202 |
MS7 004343-004351 |
02/24/97 |
C. Wildfeuer message re "Memphis IE 4 focus groups report" |
203 |
MS6 6009916-
6009918 |
03/24/97 |
Microsoft memo re "IE 3.0 Install Base Estimates" |
204 |
MS7 004273 |
03/27/97 |
K. Mehta message to B. Chase, Y. Mehdi re "ie data," including K. Mehta message to B. Foulon re "ie data" |
205 |
MS7 006062-
006064 |
03/28/97 |
J. Roberts message to B. Veghte, M. Bliss, J. M. Johnson, C. Stork, M. Dunie, B. Foulon re "ie data" |
206 |
MS98 0112486 |
04/17/97 |
W. Poole message to B. Chase re "Intuit Terms Agreed" |
207 |
CNET 000462-
000469 |
05/25/97 |
T. Melcher message re "Talk with Suzan Fine" |
208 |
SPORT 000086-
000087 |
05/29/97 |
CBS Memo re "Benefits of Becoming a Platinum Partner" |
209 |
WD 000221- 000222 |
06/05/97 |
L. Gerhauser message re "MS/ Conversation with Suzan Fine" |
210 |
MS98 0112862 |
06/18/97 |
Microsoft Summary of Data re "Top 80 ISP (Access Services) in North America" |
211 |
MS98 0112860-
0112862 |
06/23/97 |
S. Norberg message to B. Benrach, S. Rucker, M. Sorenson, C. Myhrvold re "CAM requested changes to Jeff R slides" |
212 |
NSC 012079 |
09/25/96 |
B. McGee message to J. Bailey re Microsoft browser exclusivity and related response by J. Bailey |
213 |
TWDC 2023 |
10/16/97 |
S. Wadsworth message to J. Winebaum, E. Aledort, S. Bushman re "Microsoft" |
214 |
MS7 004715-
004716 |
11/19/97 |
B. Chase message to C. Jones, Y. Mehdi, D. Cole re. "IE 5" |
215 |
MS98 0113043 |
12/01/97 |
Internet Customer Unit (Microsoft Europe) FY98 Mid-Year Review Coverpage |
216 |
MS98 0154911-
0154912 |
12/04/97 |
M. G. de la Fuente message to J. M. Alvarez, C. Carper, re "AOL platform data" |
217 |
MS98 0109143-
0109144 |
12/10/97 |
E. Hennings message re "Marketplace for Win 3.1" |
218 |
MS7 006352-
006354 |
01/05/98 |
J. Roberts message to B. Veghte, M. Sandberg, A. Saunders re "browser focus group summary" and B. Hall 1/1/98 message to J. Roberts, B. Foulon, Y. Mehdi, K. Mehta, and others |
219 |
MS7 006360 |
01/07/98 |
A. Saunders message to B. Veghte, J. Roberts, M. Sandberg re "browser focus group summary" |
220 |
MS98 0120897-
0120898 |
01/13/98 |
Microsoft messages re browser share to and from C. Myhrvold |
221 |
MS98 0128043 |
01/13/98 |
A. Boone message to K. Mehta, B. Koszewski re "US Browser Share" |
222 |
MS98 0154493-
0154497 |
01/20/98 |
J. M. Alvarez message to K. Mehta, V. Kumar, Y. Mehdi re "Breadth ISPs: Vitals and Market Research Update |
223 |
MS98 0115026 |
01/22/98 |
C. Myhrvold message to L. M. Ross, J. Raikes, B. Chase, and others re "Netscape Announcement" |
224 |
MS98 0109052-
0109055 |
02/12/98 |
S. Cook (MCI) message to S. Fine (Microsoft) and others re "MCI Super Key agreement" |
225 |
MS98 0114751 -
0114752 |
02/16/98 |
L. Jennings message to J. Allchin, B. Gates, S. Ballmer, P. Maritz, J. Kempin, B. Chase, and others |
226 |
MS98 0114628-
0114629 |
03/05/98 |
AOL Memo to Microsoft re "Confirmation Re Non-Removal of Exclusivity" |
227 |
MS98 0109974-
0109975 |
03/17/98 |
K. Kolb message to R. Barrie together with 3/1/98 Microsoft Licensing Agreement with Dell Computer |
228 |
MS98 0113059-
0113062 |
03/18/98 |
G. Truex message to J. Dosset re "MS 4.0 referral agreement" and 3/11/98 M. Kallet (Netcom) message to S. Hale, G. Truex re "Microsoft Account Manager for Netcom" |
229 |
MS98 0109489-
0109490 |
04/07/98 |
K. Kolb message to C. Sittig re "Urgent: Immediate Response Mandatory-Need Windows Experience Exception Language" |
230 |
NSMS 063266-
063267 |
04/09/98 |
M. Baker (Netscape) message to Mike Lee (Netscape) forwarding message from B.J. Gertzfield re "M$IE 'Promo' - force your users to use IE and win prizes!" |
231 |
MS98 0115567-
0115568 |
04/09/98 |
K. Glass message to "OEM Personnel Sales Communications " re "New OEM-Windows98/IE4 Channel Bar Default Display Option" |
232 |
MS98 0110910 |
05/01/98 |
B. Visse message to B. Gluth re "Netscape" |
233 |
MS98 0125653-
0125672 |
05/27/98 |
IE 5 OEM Marketing Review |
234 |
NSMS 051927 |
06/12/95 |
J. Herendeen message to M. Homer re "Requests for Microsoft" |
235 |
236 |
NSC 018847-
018848 |
00/00/96 |
N. Zaharias message re "Dell" |
237 |
NSC 002124 |
01/31/96 |
Microsoft message re "Internet Explorer Licenses" |
238 |
NSC 001967 |
06/10/96 |
J. Barksdale message re "Microsoft Internet Explorer" |
239 |
NSC 005813 |
06/30/96 |
J. Freeborg message to J. Herendeen re "MS ISDN Pack Info" |
240 |
MS98 0137584-
0137585 |
07/10/95 |
J. Barksdale message to D. Rosen re "RAS Phonebook APIs" |
241 |
NSC 002023-
002025 |
07/18/96 |
R. Schell (Netscape) message to P. Maritz (Microsoft) |
242 |
NSC 000176 |
07/25/96 |
J. Freeborg message to J. Herendeen re "Win 95 Scripting License" |
243 |
NSC 002007-002009 |
07/26/96 |
J. Herendeen message re "Win 95 Scripting License" |
244 |
NSC 000177 |
07/30/96 |
J. Freeborg (Netscape) message to B. Silverberg (Microsoft) re "Win 95 Scripting License" |
245 |
NSC 005816-
005818 |
08/06/96 |
J. Freeborg message re "Microsoft Scripting License Impact" |
246 |
NSC 019471-
019472 |
08/06/96 |
J. Freeborg message to D. Rothschild re "MS Scripting License" and related message from D. Rothschild |
247 |
NSC 002092-
002093 |
08/13/96 |
D. Meredith message re "Navigator Blocked from home.microsoft.com" |
248 |
NSC 000181 |
08/14/96 |
J. Freeborg message to J. Herendeen and others re "Incoming Microsoft Issues Letter" |
249 |
NSC 001665 |
11/04/96 |
L. Buddine message to J. Barksdale |
250 |
NSC 002319 |
12/28/96 |
R. Leaverton (Medience Productions) message to B. Feinman (Netscape) |
251 |
NSC 002343-
002344 |
01/20/97 |
T. Jagger (The Overland Network) message to J. Cheen (Netscape) |
252 |
NSC 073383-
073384 |
02/05/97 |
Microsoft Article: "Office 97 Requires Internet Explorer 3.01" |
253 |
MS7 028787-
028788 |
05/14/97 |
B. Gates message to J. Ludwig, A. Contorer, B. Slivka re "DirectX and Talisman Update" and B. Slivka message to B. Gates, J. Ludwig, P. Maritz, B. Silverberg, and others re "DirectX and Talisman Update" |
254 |
MS7 027780 |
06/16/97 |
B. Gates message to P. Maritz, A. Contorer, N. Myhrvold, and others re "Java schism" |
255 |
MS98 0114873.1 |
08/21/97 |
J. Ludwig message to D. Bradford re "conversations with billg last nite" |
256 |
MS7 015730-
015731 |
08/25/97 |
T. Nielsen message to B. Gates, B. Chase re "Marshall Goldberg" |
257 |
MS7 007936-
007938 |
11/06/97 |
B.Gates message to J. Kempin, S. Ballmer, C.Turner, P. Maritz, J. Allchin re "IBM" |
258 |
Reserved |
259 |
MS7 033448-
033450 |
undated |
VJ98 SKUs and Pricing Proposal |
260 |
MS98 0113116-
0113117 |
06/23/96 |
B. Gates message to P. Maritz, B. Silverberg, P. Higgins, J. Kempin, and others re "Apple meeting" |
261 |
none |
undated |
Chart entitled "Flow" Measure of Market Share |
262 |
MAC 21111 |
06/03/97 |
Apple fax: "Microsoft is angry about its belief that Apple misled them on browser parity..." |
263 |
MS98 0113394-
0113397 |
06/27/97 |
B. Gates message to B. Waldman, J. DeVaan, G. Maffei re "Moving forward with Mac Office 97" and B. Waldman message to B. Gates, J. DeVaan, G. Maffei re "Moving forward with Mac Office 97" |
264 |
MS98 0113393 |
06/27/97 |
B. Waldman message to G. Maffei, J. DeVaan, B. Gates re "MacOffice" |
265 |
MS7 027404 |
08/08/97 |
B. Gates message to P. Maritz, D. Stutz, G. Maffei, and others re "post-agreement" |
266 |
MS7 015820-
015822 |
12/05/97 |
D. Bradford message to B. Chase, Y. Mehdi, B. Gates, C. Myhrvold re "Mac IE bundles: Office/Apple" |
267 |
MS98 0104472-
0104473 |
01/22/98 |
B. Gates message to P. Maritz, J. Allchin, and others re "Steve Jobs Call," together with D. Bradford 1/21/98 message to J. Ludwig, D. Cole, B. Gates re "Steve Jobs call" |
268 |
MS98 0110952-
0110953 |
02/13/98 |
D. Bradford message to B. Waldman, B. Gates, P. Maritz, and others re "Java on Macintosh/IE Control," together with B. Waldman message to D. Bradford, B. Gates, P. Maritz, and others re "Java on Macintosh/IE Control" |
269 |
Compaq/DOJ SEPT.SUB 1232: 5393 |
03/30/98 |
D. Obelez message to Apple |
270 |
MS98 0169379 |
04/28/98 |
D. Cole message to B. Gates, B. Waldman, E. Engstrom, re "Quick Time at Apple" and B. Gates message to D. Cole, B. Waldman, E. Rudder |
271 |
AC 153 |
07/21/98 |
T. Schaaff (Apple) message to C. Pierry, E. Engstrom re "QuickTime, Win 98, and Media Player" |
272 |
AC 156-157 |
07/21/98 |
T. Schaaff (Apple) message to C. Pierry, E. Engstrom re "QuickTime, Win 98 and Media Player" |
273 |
AC 154 |
07/28/98 |
T. Schaaff (Apple) message to E. Engstrom, C. Pierry re "QuickTime, Win 98, and Media Player" |
274 |
AC 158-160 |
08/05/98 |
T. Schaaf (Apple) message to C. Pierry, E. Engstrom re "QuickTime, Win 98, and Media Player" |
275 |
475MSCID 00029-
00034 |
05/10/95 |
Handwritten outline entitled "IAL Staff" |
276 |
MS98 0168791-
0168792 |
05/21/95 |
B. Gates message to B. Silverberg, C. Stork, J. Ludwig, P. Maritz re "Intel & NSP" and P. Maritz 5/18/95 message to J. Ludwig, B. Silverberg, C. Stork, B. Gates re "Intel & NSP" |
277 |
MS98 0169352-
0169353 |
05/25/95 |
B. Gates message to A. Grove re "NSP" |
278 |
MS98 0169009-
0169010 |
07/07/95 |
B. Gates message to B. Silverberg, C. Stork, P. Maritz, J. Allchin, R. Heinen, and others re "Our Dinner" with Andy Grove |
279 |
MS CID 00077-
00080 |
08/02/95 |
R. Whittier (Intel) memo to A. Grove, S. McGeady, and others re "Microsoft Meeting August 2, 1995" |
280 |
INT 0386-0388 |
08/28/95 |
S. McGeady (Intel) memo re "Internet Technology Lab" |
281 |
MS98 0169058 |
10/18/95 |
B. Gates message to B. Silverberg, J. Allchin, P. Maritz, J. Kempin, S. Ballmer, and others re "Intel Grove" |
282 |
MS CID 00124-
00127 |
11/07/95 |
Notes of 11/7/95 meeting |
283 |
MS CID 00128-
00129 |
11/08/95 |
R. Barck and F. Ehrig (Intel) memo re "Summary: 11/7 Kinnie/Gates Feedback Session" |
284 |
475MSCID 00015-
00016 |
11/09/95 |
S. McGeady message to F. Gill, A. Grove re "Maritz meeting summary," including F. Gill message re "Maritz meeting summary" |
285 |
475MSCID 00040-
00041 |
11/13/95 |
D. Landsman (Intel) message to D. Haight, M. Anastas, C. Kinnie, and others re "Draft Notes from Gill/Maritz Summit on 11/9" |
286 |
MS98 0172016-0172017 |
02/28/96 |
C. Mundie message to B. Silverberg re "Intel Frank Gill meeting: Security" and S. Parthasarathy 2/27/96 message to P. Maritz, J. Kelly, M. Brumer, and others re "Intel Frank Gill meeting: Security" |
287 |
MS98 0168063 A-
0168064 A |
03/01/96 |
P. Maritz message to S. Parthasarathy, H. Vigil, B. Silverberg, M. Brumer re "FW" |
288 |
MS98 0169092 |
04/17/96 |
P. Maritz message to B. Gates, J. Allchin, B. Silverberg, and others re "Intel" |
289 |
MS98 0169187-
0169188 |
06/09/96 |
B. Gates message to P. Maritz, J. Kempin, J. Allchin, and others re "Intel - Andy Grove meeting June 7" |
290 |
MS98 0168290-
0168291 |
02/20/97 |
B. Gates message to J. Allchin, P. Maritz re "AMD 3DX thoughts" |
291 |
SEPT.SUB 5446-5448 |
08/03/95 |
G. Stimac (Compaq) letter to S. Ballmer re "OPK Rules" |
292 |
MSV 0006122-
0006123 |
08/15/95 |
D. Hardwick (Microsoft) letter to S. Flannigan (Compaq) |
293 |
MSV 0006121 |
08/15/95 |
Amendment Number 24 to Microsoft/Compaq Agreement |
294 |
HP-MSN 0801- 0802 |
09/28/95 |
J. Fritz (Microsoft) to J. Romano and M. Morilla (Hewlett-Packard) |
295 |
MSV 0009445A |
01/05/96 |
B. Gates message to J. Kempin, B. Chase, S. Ballmer, C. Myhrvold, P. Maritz, and others re "OEMs and the Internet" |
296 |
MSV 0009129A |
01/15/96 |
C. Jones message to B. Silverberg, J. Ludwig, J. Gray, C. Jones, B. Slivka re "Browser OEM update- Final" |
297 |
MSV 0009360A-
0009361A |
01/16/96 |
P. Maritz message to B. Gates, B. Silverberg, J. Kempin, S. Ballmer, and others re "AOL" |
298 |
000018 |
05/08/96 |
L. Day message to M. Heil, D. Maynard, G. Austin, S. Flannigan re Microsoft LOU |
299 |
COM-13-000083-000085 |
05/29/96 |
C.Dunn message to L. Day, M. Heil, G. Stimac, T. Lothe, M. Owens, D. Cabello, S. Flannigan, J. Kelly, M. Voce, M. Laurence, C. Meyer, J. Morris re "MS Internet MOU" with accompanying CSBU memorandum |
300 |
MSV 0004947 |
06/06/96 |
D.Hardwick letter to C. Dunn (Compaq) re "Notice of Intent to Terminate License Agreement #1107- 3053" |
301 |
MSV 0004946 |
06/25/96 |
D. Hardwick letter to C. Dunn (Compaq) re "Notice of Intent to Terminate License Agreement #1107- 3053" |
302 |
GW 026420-026424 |
06/26/96 |
Gateway notes of meeting with S. Ballmer in Redmond, Washington |
303 |
NSC 071490-071491 |
08/01/96 |
A. Rebele message re "Microsoft" |
304 |
MSV 0009375A-
0009377A |
09/17/96 |
J. Kempin message to B. Gates, P. Maritz, S. Ballmer re "Windows Experience doc" and accompanying memo |
305 |
ATR-12050-12064 |
10/25/96 |
(IBM) letter to P. Wan, U.S. Department of Justice, with attached July 1996 Microsoft Windows 95 OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) |
306 |
ATR-20644-20668 |
10/30/96 |
M. Brown (Lotus) letter to J. Klein (DOJ), with attached 3/24/95 T. Lemberg (Lotus) letter to A. Bingaman (DOJ) |
307 |
DELL 000269-
000272 |
12/11/96 |
Dell's response to Microsoft's Windows User Experience Amendment Proposal |
308 |
GW 027304 |
02/28/97 |
K. Skidmore message to T. Waitt, R. Snyder, J. Von Holle, and others re "Microsoft/Concerns" |
309 |
HP-MSN 0784- 0785 |
3/00/97 |
J. Romano (Hewlett-Packard) letter to D. Wright (Microsoft) |
310 |
MS98 0203007 |
02/06/98 |
Table: Estimated Browser Market Shares |
311 |
MS98 0114987-
0114989 |
01/16/98 |
B. Gates message to B. Veghte, S. Ballmer, P. Maritz, J. Allchin, M. Dunie, J. Kempin, re "Windows 98 registration" |
312 |
MS98 0120785 |
02/06/98 |
M. Bliss message to T. Lennon, B. Veghte, L. Jeffries re "Disabling Update Wizard" |
313 |
MS98 0120870-
0120872 |
02/16/98 |
B. Gates message to B. Veghte, M. Dunie re "Memphis Product Registration"; B. Gates 2/11/98 message to S. Bush, B. Chase, J. Kempin, B. Veghte, S. Ballmer, and others; S. Bush 2/9/98 memo to B. Chase, J. Kempin, B. Gates, S. Ballmer, and others re "Memphis Product Registration" |
314 |
98 CV01232: 5001-
5002 |
02/25/98 |
S. Flannigan (Compaq) memo to E. Pfeiffer, D. Cabello, M. Heil, J. Rose, M. Winkler, T. Harris, and others re "Microsoft Negotiations: Update" |
315 |
MS98 CV01232:
5043-5045 |
3/00/98 |
Summary of Microsoft/Compaq negotiations |
316 |
MS98 0115572-
0115573 |
03/10/98 |
J. Kalkman message to B. Fujiwara, D. Watanabe re "HPD Request for exceptions to Win98 boot sequence," and 3/5/98 message from F. Santos (Hewlett- Packard) to B. Fujiwara (Microsoft) |
317 |
MS98 0109996 |
04/03/98 |
C. Sittig message to A. Neault, J. Williams re "W98 Preferred ISP oppty" |
318 |
MS98 0109997 |
04/07/98 |
T. Henningsgard message to D. Hardwick, J. O'Hara, J. Katz re "Discussion points for 1:1" |
319 |
GW 032554-032555 |
04/07/98 |
Gateway Feedback on Windows 98 |
320 |
MS98 0110186-
0110188 |
04/10/98 |
J. VonHolle (Gateway) message to G. McClain, K. Skidmore, M. Flanary re "summary of comments from meetings" |
321 |
MS98 0109575-
0109577 |
04/16/98 |
B. Koszewski message to A. Neault, K. Kolb, D. Bourgoin, M. Aldridge, J. Alvarez re "ISP Referral Rude Q's" |
322 |
ATR-12087-12091 |
05/16/98 |
B. Anderegg (IBM) message to S. Holtzman (DOJ) re "MS Remedies" |
323 |
MS98 0125785-
0125787 |
05/30/98 |
C. Grisdale message to B. Akerlind, G. McClain, and others re "NEC, Gateway back Navigator" |
324 |
MS98 0124530 |
06/01/98 |
K. Kolb message to J. Kempin, J. Jenkins, B. Akerlind, C. Gulledge re "NEW Alternate first boot document," and P. Peter 5/20/98 message to C. Grisdale, D. Hardwick, P. Martin, K. Kolb, and others re "Alternate first boot document" |
325 |
MS98 0128355 |
06/15/98 |
R. Barrie message to B. Akerlind re "Windows Experience" |
326 |
98 CV01232: 5139-
5140 |
09/14/98 |
E. Loevner message to J. Robinson, P. Leonard, D. Burris, G. Plotner, S. Decker, T. Gardner, J. Bacus re "Windows desktop experience issues" and B. Irving 2/3/95 message to A. Saunders, B. Chase, M. Conte, B. Slivka, and others re "Frosting and Ohare" |
327 |
1 Page |
Microsoft Internet Referral Service Listing |
328 |
MX 7163499 |
03/20/94 |
B. Gates message to J. Kempin, S. Ballmer, and others re "IBM helps Lotus," and J. Kempin 3/23/94 reply |
329 |
MS98 0103443-
0103446 |
04/14/95 |
B. Slivka message to D. Ling, R. Rashid, P. Maritz, and others re "Internet (aka Web Windows)" |
330 |
C001759 |
04/25/95 |
R. Schrock message to J. Rose and others re "AOL LOI" |
331 |
MS98 0103666-
0103672 |
05/15/95 |
D. Rosen message to B. Slivka, T. Reardon, N. Myhrvold, P. Maritz |
332 |
MS98 0103441 -
0103442 |
06/16/95 |
J. Messerly message re "Netscape 6/21" |
333 |
2 pages |
10/24/95 |
B. Gates Article re "The Use and Misuse of Technology" |
334 |
MS98 0104678-
0104691 |
11/01/95 |
C. Jones message to B. Slivka re "Getting to 30% share memo" and accompanying memo "sent to Bill G for third week" |
335 |
MS6 6010708 |
01/08/96 |
B. Gates message to B. Silverberg, P. Maritz, and others re "Steve Case- AOL" |
336 |
MS7 007442-
007446 |
04/10/96 |
B. Gates memo re "The Internet PC" |
337 |
none |
undated |
Chart entitled "Calculation of 'Flow' Measure of Market Share" |
338 |
MS6 5002960-
5002961 |
05/20/96 |
J. Brendsel (AOL) messages to J. Goldstein & G. Sullivan and to M. Berlow (AOL) re. "Offering Standalone Versions of IE to AOL members" |
339 |
NSC 000080 |
05/24/96 |
M. Medin (Home.net) to M. Andreessen re "Gates on warpath" |
340 |
NSC 002063-
002067 |
06/24/96 |
F. Ramirez (Microsoft) message to J. Breese |
341 |
MS6 6011984-
6011985 |
07/28/96 |
B. Gates message to A. Nehru, B. Chase, and others re "8/19 Netscape Exec Meeting Agenda" |
342 |
C-DOJ 000770-
000782 |
08/07/96 |
Report: "Analyzing Caldera's Industry and Market" |
343 |
MS6 6011750-
6011752 |
08/27/96 |
A. Nehru message to D. Willingham, C. Myhrvold, J. Kempin, S. Ballmer, B. Chase, J. Raikes re Netscape revenue breakdown |
344 |
MS98 0137350-
0137351 |
10/22/96 |
R. Wolf message to S. Sinofsky re "Browser Share 10/18/96" |
345 |
MS6 6013069 |
12/01/96 |
B. Gates message to A. Nehru, B. Silverberg, B. Chase, S. Ballmer, P. Maritz re "Netscape revenues (long mail)" |
346 |
MS6 6010337 |
12/09/96 |
B. Gates message to B. Chase, P. Maritz, B. Silverberg, S. Ballmer re "Downloads of IE" |
347 |
MS6 6008816-
6008817 |
12/18/96 |
J. Ludwig message to D. Cole, Y. Mehdi, B. Chase, and others re "IE 4" |
348 |
NSC 002206-002208 |
12/18/96 |
M. Hawkins message to M. Andreessen |
349 |
NSC 002204 |
12/23/96 |
M. Hawkins message to M. Andreessen |
350 |
MS6 6009919 |
00/00/97 |
Microsoft Report: "Top North American Internet Access Providers" |
351 |
MS7 027347 |
01/28/97 |
B. Gates message to P. Maritz, B. Silverberg, J. Allchin, and others re "Openness" |
352 |
none |
undated |
Microsoft website entitled "The IE Challenge: Trouble-Free Guarantee" |
353 |
MS7 006219-006221 |
02/08/97 |
M. Dunie message to B. Veghte, C. Stork, and others re "Memphis Retail Enhancements: The Costs" |
354 |
MS7 007462-07463 |
02/18/97 |
J. Allchin message to B. Gates, P. Maritz |
355 |
MS7 003000-003003 |
03/21/97 |
C. Stork message to J. Roberts, J. Allchin, M. Dunie re "Memphis and IE thoughts" |
356 |
MS7 027341-027342 |
03/24/97 |
J. Allchin message to P. Maritz, B. Gates, S. Ballmer, and others |
357 |
GW 026521 - 026527 |
03/25/97 |
Gateway Memo re "Microsoft Meeting" |
358 |
MS98 0119108 |
04/18/97 |
J. Romano (Hewlett- Packard) letter to C. Grisdale, J. Kempin, and others |
359 |
1 page |
04/30/97 |
S. Bushman message to J. Winebaum, S. Wadsworth, E. Aledort re "Active Desktop" |
360 |
MS8 001052 |
06/18/97 |
P. Maritz message to S. Ballmer, B. Chase, G. Moffei, and others re "PN deal-Confidential" |
361 |
MS98 0133132 |
09/08/97 |
B. Chase message to B. Gates, P. Maritz, S. Ballmer, and others re "web professionals tracking ppt" |
362 |
MS98 0110603-
0110608 |
09/26/97 |
K. Mehta message to D. Tanditi, Y. Mehdi, IE 4.0 Project Team, Executive Staff and Direct Reports |
363 |
98CV01232: 5469-
5473 |
11/20/97 |
S. Flannigan memo to E. Pfeiffer, D. Cabello, M. Heil, J. Rose, and others re "Microsoft Negotiations Update" |
364 |
MS7 004717-004728 |
11/23/97 |
C. Jones memo to IE Executive Team re "Notes from IE5 Planning Offsite" |
365 |
MS7 007193-
007196 |
12/16/97 |
J. Kempin message to B. Gates, S. Ballmer, P. Maritz re "As promised OEM pricing thoughts" |
366 |
MS98 0113011 |
12/31/97 |
Microsoft Report: "MSNA Depth Access ISPs - FY 98 Mid Year Review" |
367 |
3 pages |
12/31/97 |
Selected pages from Netscape 10-K |
368 |
MS98 0112864 |
01/07/98 |
S. Norberg message to D. Saunders, J. Dossett, M. Hayes, and others re "Distribution % to ISPs" |
369 |
5024 |
01/16/98 |
S. Flannigan message to E. Pfeiffer, D. Cabello, M. Heil, J. Rose, and others re "Microsoft Negotiations: Letter of Intent" |
370 |
MS98 0121263-
0121267 |
01/27/98 |
H. Cooperman message to D. Bradford re "Transition Plan" |
371 |
MS7 006325 |
02/11/98 |
B. Veghte message to J. Roberts, A. Taylor, K. Kolb, M. Dunie, and others re "Win9x price point" |
372 |
MS98 0122136-
0122140 |
02/16/98 |
J. Williams message to J. Kempin, C. Sittig, and others re "Microsoft" |
373 |
MS98 0125608-
0125609 |
04/27/98 |
K. Barer message to S. Wu re IE distribution |
374 |
MS98 0106631 -
0106633 |
04/21/98 |
Microsoft Unilateral Waiver of Rights |
375 |
MS98 0125616-
0125617 |
05/07/98 |
B. Gluth message to B. Hall, B. Koszewski, M. Nichols, K. Mehta, L. Shiner re "ISP desires for IE5" together with accompanying focus group summary" |
376 |
MS98 0128123-
0128124 |
06/05/98 |
P. Kahl (Waggener Edstom) message to B. Chase (Microsoft) and others re "Pixel calls today" |
377 |
MS98 0122146-
0122154 |
02/15/98 |
N. Myhrvold message to B. Gates, B. Chase, S. Ballmer, P. Maritz, J. Allchin, and others re "Browser in the OS" |
378 |
MS7 005306-
005307 |
02/17/98 |
J. Allchin message to Y. Mehdi. B. Chase re "new org" |
379 |
MS98 0111132 |
05/12/98 |
B. Koszewski message to B. Chase and others re "Urgent Heads Up: OEMs and Referral Server" |
380 |
NSC 016994-016996 |
09/01/95 |
J. Herendeen message to M. Homer re "Iexplorer/Navigator testing results" |
381 |
NSC 001840-001848 |
02/26/96 |
Microsoft Electronic Newsletter |
382 |
NSC 073368-
073370 |
01/09/97 |
J. Barksdale message to A. Baratz |
383 |
9 pages |
01/30/98 |
S. Holley Letter to Professor L. Lessig together with OEM service releases |
384 |
MS98 0125631-
0125641 |
05/09/98 |
J. Ruchinskas message to K. Mehta re "IE5 Positioning Report" and K. Mehta 5/; 11/98 reply |
385 |
MS98 0125631-
0125645 |
05/11/98 |
K. Mehta message to L. Shiner and B. Hall concerning J. Ruchinskas message to K. Mehta and enclosed "IE 5 Positioning Report" |
386 |
Graph: World Wide Current and Projected Intel-Compatible PC Operating System Market Share |
387 |
Graph: World Wide Current and Projected Intel-Compatible PC Operating System Market Share |
388 |
Graph: Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator Browser Usage Share |
389 |
Table: Installed Base Share by Method of Acquisition |
390 |
Graph: Installed Base Share by Method of Acquisition |
391 |
Table: Browser Usage Share by Browser Type and Version |
392 |
Table: Estimate of the Number of Internet Users |
393 |
Table: Browser Users by Browser Version and Type |
394 |
395 |
Graph: Browser Market Share from 4Q97 to 3Q98 |
396 |
Graph: Projected Browser Market Share: Original Run and Switch Rates |
397 |
Graph: Projected Browser Market Share: Revised Run and Switch Rates |
398 |
MS98 0107092-
0107103 |
November-94 |
Paper: "Microsoft Windows 95 Questions and Answers" |
399 |
MS98 0103342-
0103355 |
04/14/95 |
B. Slivka slides re "Platform Shift: The Web" |
400 |
NSMS 059528-
059566 |
12/00/95 |
Netscape Corporate Presentation: Linking People to Information |
401 |
MS6 6000014-
6000029 |
01/22/96 |
Microsoft OEM Sales FY96 Midyear Review by Kempin |
402 |
MS6 6001734-
6001865 |
06/01/96 |
Microsoft North America FY96 Reviews |
403 |
MS6 6006353-
6006540 |
06/01/96 |
Microsoft North America: FY97 Reviews |
404 |
TXAG 0014288-
0014314 |
06/18/96 |
FY97 Product Group Budget Review: BOOP Presentation; Platforms Division by Maritz |
405 |
MS6 6006589-
6006609 |
06/21/96 |
Microsoft OEM Sales FY97 Budget Review |
406 |
MS6 6010874-
6010880 |
06/21/96 |
C. Myhrvold message to B. Silverberg, R. Stockdale, B. Chase "WW ISP List and IE Status," together with 6/13/96 "Worldwide Internet Access Market and Status" |
407 |
MS6 5005708-
5005718 |
06/22/96 |
Microsoft's "Winning Internet Content Marketing Plan" |
408 |
MS6 6001047-
6001123 |
08/08/96 |
Microsoft FY97 Plan. Data prepared by Corporate Planning |
409 |
MS6 5004596-
5004669 |
08/20/96 |
Gates report "Chairman; Microsoft corporation" |
410 |
MS98 0008835-
0008855 |
11/01/97 |
Microsoft General OEM Business Terms with Digital Equipment Corporation |
411 |
MS6 6007074-
6007083 |
11/26/96 |
Internet Explorer Marketing Plan Review |
412 |
MS7 001033-001048 |
01/24/97 |
Microsoft Presentation: "Windows 95 OSR and Memphis Alternatives" |
413 |
MS6 6003202-
6003227 |
02/11/97 |
Internet Client and Collaboration 3 Year Business Outlook |
414 |
MS6 6009544-
6009560 |
03/26/97 |
C. Stork: "Memphis Plans" |
415 |
MSV 10540- 10577 |
04/01/97 |
IE Market Review by Mehta |
416 |
MS7 004364 |
04/03/97 |
Kolb email re. "Notes from today - Active Desktop and Default Channels" |
417 |
MS7 003515-
3515.576 |
04/11/97 |
3 Year Outlook and Presentations |
418 |
MS98 0009041-
0009059 |
11/01/97 |
Microsoft General OEM Business Terms with Toshiba Corporation |
419 |
MS7 001215-
001275 |
08/21/97 |
Windows 98 Project Review |
420 |
MS98 0113043-
0113056 |
12/01/97 |
Internet Customer Unit (Microsoft Europe) FY 98 Mid-Year Review |
421 |
MS7 000620-
000710 |
01/22/98 |
MS OEM Sales: FY '98 Mid-Year Review by Kempin |
422 |
MS7 000711-
000725 |
01/22/98 |
MS OEM Sales: FY98 Midyear Review by Hosogi |
423 |
MS7 000725-
000734 |
01/22/98 |
MS OEM Sales: FY98 Midyear Review FY99 Outlook by Kempin |
424 |
MS7 000584-
000619 |
01/23/98 |
Internet Customer Unit: FY '98 Mid-Year Review |
425 |
MS98 0102440-
0102455 |
01/26/98 |
Referral Server Business Plan |
426 |
MS7 005950 |
01/28/98 |
Veghte email re. "1999 Release Plans" |
427 |
MS98 0116509-
0116528 |
01/28/98 |
ISP Marketing Update |
428 |
MS7 000353-
000470 |
02/10/98 |
Platforms - Desktop: 3 Year Business Outlook |
429 |
MS98 0102456-
0102471 |
02/11/98 |
Microsoft Referral Server Followup |
430 |
MS7 003926-003958 |
03/02/98 |
C. Wildfeuer: Windows 98 Launch Review |
431 |
55 pages |
03/03/98 |
Microsoft Logo Handbook for Software Applications for Windows NT and Windows 95 |
432 |
MS98 0102636-
0102660 |
04/07/98 |
Microsoft IE 5 "Developer Preview" Marketing Plan |
433 |
Reserved |
434 |
000150- 00301 |
08/07/97 |
Firing up Inferno '97 Lucent Technologies |
435 |
MS7 005379-
005459 |
08/09/97 |
Windows Business Review from Adam Taylor to Allchin, Roberts, Tong Presentation/email |
436 |
07/13/98 |
Javasoft website Java OS: A Standalone Java Sun Website Java OS: The Standalone Java Application Platform |
437 |
MS7 002844-
002916 |
02/15/96 |
The Desktop Operating System- Three-Year Business Outlook |
438 |
MS98 0172156-
0172157 |
05/15/96 |
Email String re: heads up on "Internet terminal"announcement next week |
439 |
MS98 0113387 |
03/04/96 |
Microsoft OEM PC Value Analysis |
440 |
MS98 0151667-
0151668 |
04/07/97 |
Email string re: Referral Server |
441 |
AOL 0001372 |
07/14/97 |
S. Case message to J. Davies Re: "microsoft OPK" |
442 |
AP 4 002550-
002554 |
07/29/97 |
D. Anderson, J. Hoover, D. Schwegman memo to J. Douglas, J. Rubinstein, A. Tevanian, F. Anderson, D. Manovich, G. DeLuca, J. McCluney Re: "Q3 FY97 worldwide market share report and tables |
443 |
MS98 0112113-
0112129 |
04/02/98 |
Email String Re: FY99 USFG Revenue: Platforms- Desktop |
444 |
TNE 002358-
002393 |
1996-2000 |
Operating Environments, Review and Forecast |
445 |
summer/94 |
S. Cook memo to Intuit's Board of Directors |
446 |
MS6 6005144-
6005324 |
01/01/97 |
Microsoft North America FY97 Regional Business Reviews |
447 |
MS7 001193-
001214 |
09/26/97 |
Marketing Windows 98 and Beyond to the US Home PC Market |
448 |
MS7 000620-
000672 |
01/22/98 |
J. Kempin presentation: Microsoft OEM sales FY '98 Mid-Year Review |
449 |
MS98 0002610-
0002644 |
10/01/92 |
License Agreement for Microsoft Products between MS and Compaq |
450 |
GW 024357- 024362 |
04/11 /93 |
Cooperative Market Development and Support Agreement for MS Windows Desktop Operating System Products |
451 |
COM-2- 000008-
000009 |
05/23/94 |
J. Tempesta message to D. White Re: "Compaq-MS Licensing Agreement dated 10/01/92 |
452 |
COM-3- 000027 |
12/12/94 |
Windows 95 License Agreement comparative Pricing Analysis |
453 |
MS6 5007020-
5007042 |
02/28/95 |
B. Silverberg memo to BOOP Re: "3 YR outlook" |
454 |
MSV 0004301-
0004321 |
05/01/95 |
Microsoft OEM License Agreement for Desktop and Portable Operating Systems |
455 |
Dell 02140- 02169 |
07/01/95 |
Microsoft OEM License Agreement for Operating systems with Dell Computer Corporation |
456 |
MSV 0000374-
0000413 |
05/01/96 |
Microsoft OEM License Agreements for Desktop Operating Systems with Packard Bell |
457 |
GW 024299- 024303 |
07/18/97 |
P. Nash memo to T. Waitt, B. Elliott Re: "MS Relationship Issues for Steve Ballmer" |
458 |
MS98 0009141-
0009156 |
11/01/97 |
Microsoft License Agreement for Desktop Operating System Products with Gateway 2000 Inc. |
459 |
MS98 0009060-
0009079 |
11/15/97 |
Microsoft License Agreement for Desktop Operating system Products with Packard Bell |
460 |
98 CV01232: 5005-
5008 |
12/05/97 |
S. Flannigan message to E. Pfeiffer, D. Cabello, M. Heil, E. Mason, G. Petsch, J. Rose M. Winkler Re: "microsoft negotiations: resolutions plan" |
461 |
MS98 0009497-
0009516 |
01/01/98 |
Microsoft License Agreement for desktop Operating System Products with International Business Machines |
462 |
98 CV01232: 5046-
5060 GG |
01 /06/98 |
CST Update: Microsoft Partnership |
463 |
MS98 0109662 |
01/11/98 |
Email String Re: OEM OS pricing in the light of the <1 k PC segment- more input and good thoughts frm Carlg |
464 |
MS98 0008857-
0008861 |
04/01/98 |
Cooperative Market Development and Support Agreement for MS Windows Desktop Operating System Products |
465 |
MS6 6002321-
6002337 |
04/04/96 |
Memo Re: FY'97 Planning Memo "Winning the Internet platform battle" |
466 |
MS6 5003780-
5003786 |
08/16/96 |
Email String Re: '97 Tools Vision |
467 |
TNE 002302-
002357 |
Unix and client/Server Operating Environments: Client Operating Environments----Client Operating Environments: Review and forecast, 1996-2001 |
468 |
MS98 0111434-
0111444 |
08/10/94 |
B. Chase message to J. Price Re: "A comparison of "Windows 95" and IBM OS/2" |
469 |
MS98 0118383-
0118398 |
04/17/98 |
3 Year Outlook and Presentations |
470 |
MS6 5006840-
5006890 |
06/02/95 |
Microsoft API Strategy 9/19 Presentation by Muglia |
471 |
MS6 5005276-
5005322 |
01/31/96 |
Athena Plan Review |
472 |
MS6 5003903-
5003908 |
02/13/96 |
Memo Re: Public Network Sales and Business Development |
473 |
MS6 6006231-
6006266 |
02/22/96 |
Internet Browsers 1) Netscape's actions 2) How to Win by Maritz |
474 |
MS6 6007859-
6007862 |
06/20/96 |
Memo Re: windows and internet issues |
475 |
MS7 007439-
007440 |
02/19/97 |
Email String Re: Re: "Losing a Franchise--The Microsoft Windows Story" (a new Harvard case study) |
476 |
MS7 007464-
007472 |
02/24/97 |
email string re: Memphis IEU focus groups report from Dunie to Gates, Maritz, Allchin |
477 |
MS7 004179-
004206 |
03/01/97 |
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 Competitive Guide-Draft |
478 |
MS7 003287-
003289 |
03/13/97 |
Email String Re: Browser and email share-Key focuses for FY'98 |
479 |
MS7 004085-
004086 |
04/24/97 |
Email String Re: FW: Windows Challenges & Org Changes |
480 |
MS7 006428 |
12/23/97 |
Email re: IE from Allchin |
481 |
NSMS 062837-
062839 |
01/05/98 |
Netscape Market Research Netscape User Study Executive Summary |
482 |
MS6 5004674-
5004710 |
Platforms and Tools presentation by Paul Maritz |
483 |
MS6 5004711-
5004745 |
Microsoft PDC presentation by Maritz |
484 |
MS6 5004866-
5004888 |
Microsoft's Internet and Intranet Strategy by Raikes |
485 |
MS6 5005193-
5005202 |
Microsoft Internet Platform and Tools Division Internal Communication |
486 |
MS6 5005512-
5005535 |
Internet Client Strategy and Opportunities by John Ludwig |
487 |
MS6 5005693-
5005707 |
Microsoft Internet Explorer Product Marketing by Yusuf Mehdi |
488 |
MS6 5005751-
5005887 |
Internet Explorer 3: Webmasters ActiveX |
489 |
MS6 6000310-
6000319 |
New Platform Challenges: Navigator, Java, & NC |
490 |
MS6 6008769-
6008814 |
Microsoft Platforms Group Opportunities & Challenges for FY'97 presentation by Maritz |
491 |
Group 1 Market Share--All users |
492 |
MS98 0102965 |
09/27/94 |
Email Re: Internet |
493 |
MS98 0203290-
0203291 |
01/28/97 |
Email Re: FW: IE Vital Signs owners/descriptions |
494 |
MS7 004612-
004622 |
05/31/97 |
Email String Re: ie5 planning |
495 |
MS98 0203069 |
12/10/97 |
Email Re: Hits based share |
496 |
MS98 0203049-
0203051 |
01/01/98 |
Email String Re: March browser share |
497 |
MS98 0203065-
0203066 |
04/16/98 |
Memo Re: IE share |
498 |
MS98 0168612-
0168615 |
04/06/95 |
P. Maritz message to bens, johnlu, bradsi Re: "internet as a business tool" |
499 |
MS98 0107261 -
0107267 |
05/03/95 |
Email String Re: BillG think week docs |
500 |
MS98 0167097 |
06/05/95 |
J. Ludwig message to P. Maritz, B. Silvergerg, and D. Rosen Re: "NetScape meeting" |
501 |
MS98 0137838-
0137839 |
06/22/95 |
Email String Re: Netscape notes; comment please |
502 |
MS98 0116221 -
0116237 |
12/07/95 |
Memo Re: BillG Internet Speech- Transcript |
503 |
MS6 6008247-
6008282 |
02/22/96 |
Internet Browsers: Netscape's actions and How to win |
504 |
MS98 0169093-
0169121 |
04/01/96 |
Microsoft Internet Directions by Maritz |
505 |
MS6 6006754-
6006775 |
08/13/96 |
Memo Re: Internet Share Drive Marketing Plan |
506 |
MS98 0137005-
0137008 |
08/16/96 |
Email String Re: '97 Tools Vision |
507 |
MS98 0104548-
0104561 |
09/25/96 |
Document entitled, "The Web is the Next Platform." |
508 |
MS7 027318-
027330 |
01/05/97 |
Memo Re: Overview slides for billg/NC&Java session with 14+'s on Monday |
509 |
MS7 007476-
007481 |
02/25/97 |
Interoffice memo "Windows Marketing and the NC" fr Tong, Taylor and Bliss to Gates, Ballmer & Maritz |
510 |
MS7 004127-
004147 |
04/04/97 |
FY98 Planning Memo "Preserving the desktop Paradise" by B. Chase |
511 |
MS7 007435-
007438 |
04/08/97 |
Email Re: Collaboration and the browser-thoughts |
512 |
MS7 004148-
004165 |
04/25/97 |
Memo Re: B. Chase's FY 98 planning memo |
513 |
MS98 0104573-
0104630 |
07/08/97 |
Email String Re: FW: Microsoft and the Internet. |
514 |
MS7 007506-
007511 |
07/14/97 |
Email string re: "(not so) random marketing thoughts.. |
515 |
MS98 0203009-
0203022 |
02/06/98 |
Email String Re: Browser Model for 3YO |
516 |
MS6 6001184-
6001193 |
Presentation Re: New Platform Challenges |
517 |
MS6 6008630-
6008654 |
IPTD Division Meeting |
518 |
MS7 030429-
030431 |
10/24/96 |
Email String Re: Microsoft Java Strategy |
519 |
MS7 030389-
030392 |
01/07/97 |
Memo Re: (TechWire) Microsoft Backing off Java Legal Wording |
520 |
MS98 0107189-
0107195 |
04/12/95 |
Email String Re: FW: 3 year plan thoughts-draft |
521 |
MS98 0103337-
0103341 |
04/13/95 |
Email String Re: FW: Internet (aka Web Windows) |
522 |
MS98 0117652-
0117668 |
05/27/95 |
The Web is the Next Platform |
523 |
MS98 0103653-
0103665 |
08/10/95 |
Email Re: Internet Plans- take 3 |
524 |
MS98 0167053-
0167054 |
09/26/96 |
E-mail from P. Maritz to B. Silverberg, J. Allchin re: Mail that I want to send out. |
525 |
MS7 005545-
005548 |
01/10/97 |
Email String Re: FW: ie4 and memphis |
526 |
MS7 006977-
006979 |
07/14/97 |
Email String Re: (not so) random marketing thoughts |
527 |
MS98 0010436-
0010437 |
06/01/95 |
Email String Re: FW: Netscape discussions |
528 |
NET 00207- 00208 |
06/05/95 |
E-mail from M. Andreessen to J. Barksdale re: MS visit |
529 |
MS98 0135635-
0135637 |
06/12/95 |
D. Rosen message T. Reardon Re: "netscape engagement" |
530 |
MS98 0135638-
0135641 |
06/15/95 |
B. Fox message to T. Reardon Re: "netscape" |
531 |
MS98 0133757-
0133762 |
06/20/95 |
Presentation Materials entitled, "Document Object." |
532 |
MS98 0009599-
0009608 |
06/21/95 |
Agenda for the Microsoft / Netscape Meeting and an email re: prioritized list regarding our meeting tomorrow. |
533 |
MS98 0010144-
0010146 |
06/21/95 |
Agenda for the Microsoft / Netscape Meeting |
534 |
NET 00913- 00915 |
06/21 /95 |
Netscape e-mail from M. Andreessen re: notes on ms meeting, 6/21 - long |
535 |
MS98 0010220-
0010221 |
06/22/95 |
Email String Re: Netscape notes; comment please |
536 |
MS98 0009584-
0009599 |
06/23/95 |
Email String Re: Netscape meeting: reality |
537 |
MS7 028644-
028648 |
06/26/95 |
Email String Re: FW: Netscape meeting: reality |
538 |
MS98 0009122-
0009140 |
11/01/97 |
Microsoft General OEM Business Terms with Packard Bell NEC Inc. |
539 |
MS98 0010030-
0010047 |
06/30/95 |
Memo Re: Netscape steps |
540 |
MS98 0010340-
0010343 |
07/17/95 |
Email String Re: FW: Netscape |
541 |
MS98 0153354-
0153362 |
07/26/95 |
Email String Re: What is netscapes "secure courier" all abt? |
542 |
MS98 0153440 |
08/31/95 |
Memo Re: Pricing @netscape |
543 |
MS98 0133890 |
09/30/95 |
Email String Re: Netscape |
544 |
MS98 0145658 |
06/05/98 |
B. Silverberg message to D. Rosen, N. Myhrvold, P. Maritz, P. Higgings, R. Siegelman, A. Bay, B. Slivka, B. Gates, B. Silverberg, C. Jones, J. Allard, J. Allchin, J. Ludwig, P. Neupert, P. Pathe Re: "netscape meeting" |
545 |
MS98 0170398-
0170401 |
06/05/95 |
E-mail from Rosen re: Netscape meeting. His summary of meeting. |
546 |
MS98 0133717-
0133719 |
06/13/95 |
Microsoft Discussion List with Netscape |
547 |
NET 000913-000923 |
6/21/95 |
Email notes on ms meeting, 6/21 |
548 |
MS98 0009968-
0009970 |
06/22/95 |
Email Re: Netscape meeting |
549 |
MS98 0010222-
0010229 |
06/22/95 |
Email String Re: Netscape notes; comment please |
550 |
MS98 0167084-
0167087 |
06/24/95 |
B. Gates message to P. Maritz Re: "netscape meeting reality" |
551 |
MS98 0137862 |
06/30/95 |
D. Rosen message to A. Bay, B. Fox, C. Jones, J. Allard, T. Reardon, R. Wolf, W. Dent, R. Williams, B. Slivka |
552 |
MS98 0010025-
0010029 |
Notebook Notes: Re: Netscape |
553 |
MS98 0133932-
0133933 |
03/19/95 |
Memo Re: FW:Netscape Completely Ignores MIPS/NT? |
554 |
MS98 0135662-
0135665 |
07/17/95 |
J. Ludwig message to T. Reardon Re: "netscape" |
555 |
MS98 0009595 |
06/05/95 |
N. Myhrvold email re: Netscape Meeting |
556 |
MS98 0137530-
0137533 |
06/14/95 |
D. Rosen message to P. Pathe, C. Jones, B. Fox, A. Bay, J. Allard, N. Myhrvold, P. Higgins, P. Maritz, R. Siegelman, P. Neupert, B. Gates, J. Ludwig, J. Allchin Re: "Netscape" |
557 |
MS98 0137836-
0137837 |
06/22/95 |
C. Jones message to J. Allard, A. Bay, B. Fox, D.Rosen, R. Wolf, T. Reardon Re: "netscape notes; comment please" |
558 |
MS6 6001290-
6001292 |
06/06/96 |
Email from Brumer re: Briefing for your Andy Grove 1-1, 6/7/96 |
559 |
07/08/96 |
Fortune Magazine: "A Conversation with Lords: |
560 |
MS98 0112254 |
08/15/97 |
Email re: IBM and Netscape |
561 |
MS7 021065 |
10/12/97 |
Memo Re: FW: Intel meeting October 22-technical content |
562 |
477MSCID 00199 |
10/12/95 |
M. Maerz message to F. Gill Re: beta copies of the internet access/publisher/blackbird" |
563 |
475MSCID 00015-
00016 |
11/09/95 |
S. McGeady message to F. Gill re: "maritz meeting summary" |
564 |
477MSCID 00272-
00279 |
11/09/95 |
Microsoft notes |
565 |
477MSCID 00271 |
04/09/96 |
Microsoft Java Meeting notes (handwritten) |
566 |
477MSCID 00026-
00027 |
04/19/96 |
A. Holzman message to M. Richmond, G. Eastman, F. Ehrig, B. Perry, B. Dawson, S. Morris, P. Gelsinger, C. Kinnie Re: "MS/Intel Java Meeting Minutes- 4/18/96 |
567 |
477MSCID 00098 |
04/25/96 |
C. Kinnie message to mcg@ibeam.jf.intel.com re: "summary of 4/23 Ludwig phone call |
568 |
Reserved |
569 |
MAC 19304- 19308 |
03/31/97 |
F. Lee message to J. Gable, R. Gonzales Re: "MS Java Strategy by J. McLaughlin" |
570 |
Apple 000372-
000373 |
04/07/97 |
Scalise Letter Re: est. a business relationship btwn MS and Apple |
571 |
MAC 09347- 09348 |
05/15/97 |
Email String Re: MS negotiations |
572 |
Apple 000404-000414 |
06/02/97 |
Apple's response to Microsoft's Agreement term sheet |
573 |
Apple 000417-
000418 |
06/04/97 |
Letter from Anderson Re: impediments to alliance between MS and Apple |
574 |
MS98 0138683 |
6/6/97 |
Email from Merrill re Apple IE deal |
575 |
A 0404- 0414 |
06/12/97 |
Apple's response to Microsoft's Agreement term sheet |
576 |
Apple 000403 |
06/25/97 |
F. Anderson Letter Re: solutions to rights relative to the OTLC patent portfolio |
577 |
AP 4 001257 |
06/30/97 |
J. Gable message to F. Anderson Re: "MS observations" |
578 |
MAC 2379 |
06/30/97 |
J. Gable message to F. Anderson Re: "MS observations" |
579 |
MS98 0113391 -
0113392 |
07/01/97 |
Email String Re: Apple discussion |
580 |
MAC 11025- 11028 |
07/25/97 |
Email String Re: MS contract negotiations update |
581 |
Apple 000251-
000253 |
08/01/97 |
MS/Apple Cross License |
582 |
MS98 0121098 |
08/01/97 |
M. Allison message to G. Shaw, B. Gates Re: "apple PR" |
583 |
Apple 000254-
000291 |
08/05/97 |
Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement Between Apple and MS |
584 |
Apple 000292-
000313 |
08/05/97 |
Patent Cross License Agreement between Apple and MS |
585 |
Apple 000314-
000325 |
08/05/97 |
Technology Agreement between Apple Computer and MS |
586 |
MAC 11227- 11228 |
08/07/97 |
J. Lloyd message to G. DeLuca, F. Anderson Re: "Barksdale reaction to MS announcement" |
587 |
MAC 18761- 18762 |
08/20/97 |
Memo Re: Working w/ MS |
588 |
MS98 0009157-
0009186 |
11/01/97 |
Microsoft General OEM Business Terms with Gateway 2000 |
589 |
MAC 18883 |
09/15/97 |
Email Re: Default browser transition to IE4 |
590 |
MS98 0108939-
0108940 |
11/13/97 |
Email String Re: FW: Can you do the Mac Office 98/IE 4 launch event at MacWorld? |
591 |
MS98 0112412-
0112414 |
12/05/97 |
Memo Re: Mac IE Bundles: Office/Apple |
592 |
MS98 0112663-
0112665 |
12/05/97 |
Memo Re: Mac IE Bundles: Office/Apple |
593 |
MS98 0109751 |
02/26/98 |
Memo Re: Apple comments on IE |
594 |
MS98 0125488-
0125489 |
06/09/98 |
B. Waldman message to D. Cole Re: "Mac IE 5" |
595 |
MAC 2548- 2550 |
Telecom w/ Barksdale |
596 |
MS98 0136223-
0136238 |
01/25/94 |
Allard Memo entitled, "Windows: The Next Killer Application on the Internet." |
597 |
MS98 0010790-
0010795 |
02/10/94 |
Memo Re: Chicago beta 1 content |
598 |
MS98 0134272-
0134274 |
04/13/94 |
Email String Re: Internet Messages at the EMA |
599 |
MS98 0122323-
0122328 |
05/25/94 |
Allard Memo entitled, "An extensible Internet client and Gateway Approach." |
600 |
MS98 0112437-
0112439 |
09/27/94 |
Email String Re: FW: Internet |
601 |
MS98 0107104-
0107107 |
11/04/94 |
Email String Re: Communicating Windows PC msgs |
602 |
MS98 0137385-
0137386 |
12/08/94 |
Email string re: Mosaic Summary |
603 |
MS98 0105316-
0105317 |
12/13/94 |
Email string re: Mosaic Codebase Acquisition |
604 |
MS98 0107139-
0107150 |
01/11/95 |
Draft announcement re investment in UUNET/Spyglass deal |
605 |
MS98 0102678-
0102684 |
01/13/95 |
O'Hare in Win95 Frosting |
606 |
MS98 0107158-
0107162 |
02/10/95 |
The Case for Shipping O'Hare with Frosting |
607 |
MS98 0166733-
0166734 |
02/14/95 |
B. Gates message to B. Silverberg Re: "Windows 95" |
608 |
MS98 0103581 |
04/12/95 |
Email Re: ohare in win95 |
609 |
MS98 0103392-
0103394 |
04/14/95 |
Email string re: Internet (aka Web Windows) |
610 |
MS98 0103409-
0103410 |
04/14/95 |
Email re tcp/ip setup |
611 |
MS98 0157819-
0157827 |
04/19/95 |
P. Neupert message to billg, craigmu, drosen, nathanm, patfer, paulma, russs Re: "internet strategy" |
612 |
MS98 0122185-
0122187 |
06/15/95 |
email "Summary: O'Hare/Rome in OEM Preinstall Kit Meeting" |
613 |
MS98 0112441 -
0112446 |
06/23/95 |
Email string re platform group issues |
614 |
MS98 0119133-
0119134 |
08/23/95 |
Email string re: The Microsoft Universal Browser |
615 |
MS98 0119155-
0119156 |
09/29/95 |
Email from B. Slivka to F. Artule |
616 |
MS7 003007-
003009 |
03/13/97 |
Memo Re: (Allchin to Maritz) to discuss with you today in our 1:1 |
617 |
MS98 0168461 -
0168463 |
04/09/97 |
Memo from Kruger re: Intel- Grove meeting: DMI Issue. |
618 |
MS7 005482 |
07/22/97 |
Email String Re: Memphis and IE4 shell |
619 |
MS7 005372-
005373 |
07/23/97 |
Email String Re: Memphis and IE4 shell |
620 |
08/06/98 |
New York Times article, "Microsoft says Internet Browser Idea Arose Long Before Netscape |
621 |
Reserved |
622 |
TXAG 0026852-
0026856 |
B. Slivka Declaration |
623 |
MS98 0170409 |
06/23/95 |
E-mail string re: RE: Netscape meeting: reality |
624 |
MS98 0166889-
0166890 |
07/18/95 |
E-mail from "johnlu" re: FW:Browser OEM update. |
625 |
MS98 009456-
0009492 |
11/01/97 |
Microsoft General OEM Business Terms with Micron Electronics Inc. |
626 |
MS7 004579-
004580 |
05/09/97 |
E-mail string RE: Memphis Schedule and IE4. |
627 |
Dell 00802- 00803 |
Supplement Addendum for IE4.0 |
628 |
MS98 0117613-
0117634 |
Internet Client Strategy |
629 |
MS98 0009456-
0009492 |
01/01/98 |
Microsoft General Business Terms with IBM |
630 |
Windows NT Workstation 5.0 BETA 1 |
631 |
TBC 000440 |
Boeing Browser Decision History |
632 |
TBC 000442-
000443 |
Browser Issues: netscape/ problems with IE 4.0 |
633 |
TBC 000494-
000495 |
Win 98 Browser Choice matrix |
634 |
TBC 000528-
000560 |
10/27/97 |
ARR 525 Recommendation: Windows Browser Evaluation |
635 |
TBC 000422-
000438 |
03/20/98 |
Enterprise-wide Web Browsers for the Desktop |
636 |
TBC 000348-
000390 |
06/09/98 |
Desktop Integration roadmap |
637 |
TBC 000409-
000411 |
07/14/98 |
18-Month tactical Plan Iternet Explorer 5.0 |
638 |
TBC 000412-
000418 |
09/15/98 |
Why Internet Exploerer 5.0? |
639 |
TBC 000561-
000578 |
09/15/98 |
ARR 525 Recommendation (Windows Browser Evaluation) |
640 |
TBC 000395-
000396 |
09/17/98 |
PC week labs executive summary |
641 |
MS6 6010151 -
6010157 |
09/16/96 |
Email String Re: Active Themes and Nashville |
642 |
MS7 002688-
002697 |
Memo Re: Analysis of whether Win95/NTWi and Memphis makes business sense |
643 |
MSV 0009431 A-
0009432 A |
05/13/96 |
Email String Re: Compaq and our products Roadmap |
644 |
COM-8- 000005 |
06/06/96 |
D. Hardwick letter to C. Dunn Re: "Notice of intent to terminate license agreement 1107-3053" |
645 |
COM-8- 000002 |
06/21/96 |
C. Dunn letter to D. Hardwick Re: "Notice of intent to terminate license agreement 1107-3053" |
646 |
COM-8- 000009-
000010 |
06/25/96 |
Letter to C. Dunn of Compaq from D. Hardwick of MS |
647 |
MSV 0002127-
0002148 |
07/01/96 |
Microsoft OEM License Agreement for Desktop Operating Systems with Toshiba Corporation |
648 |
MS98 0167238-
0167239 |
05/14/96 |
Memo re "FW: HP Term Sheet and the Internet" |
649 |
COM-3- 000222-
000223 |
05/31/96 |
Letter from Miller Re: Notice of Intent to Terminate License Agreement #1107-3053, dated 10/1/92 |
650 |
MSV 0006134 |
06/06/96 |
Letter From D. Hardwick Re: Notice of Intent to Terminate License Agreement #1107-3053, dated 10/1/92 |
651 |
MSV 0006133 |
07/08/96 |
Letter From D. Hardwick Re: Notice of Intent to Terminate License Agreement #1107-3053, dated 10/1/92 |
652 |
ATR 30001- 30021 |
IN RE: Civil Investigative Demand Number 16960- Answers to Interrogatories of Gateway 2000, Inc. |
653 |
MS98 0167369-
0167373 |
06/26/96 |
P. Maritz message to B. Silverberg Re: "windows and internet issues" |
654 |
DOJ 47 |
08/01/96 |
Readme to Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 |
655 |
MS7 003374-
003391 |
09/19/96 |
Memphis Plans |
656 |
MS6 6005636-
6005666 |
10/16/96 |
IE 4.0 Business Model by W. Poole, S. Fine |
657 |
MS6 6007082-
6007083 |
11/26/96 |
IE Budget |
658 |
MS6 6010327-
6010329 |
12/17/96 |
Memo re: "RE: IW" |
659 |
MS7 004301-
004303 |
03/17/97 |
Memo re: RE: IE4.0 Feedback from first Dell Meeting |
660 |
IBM 00609- 00626 |
04/29/97 |
License and distribution agreement between MS and IBM |
661 |
IBM 01217 |
07/24/97 |
D. Dubinsky message to G. Huber Re: "Netscape &IE4.0" |
662 |
MS7 002991-
002999 |
11/13/97 |
Windows as a Service Offsite Presentation |
663 |
MS7 006375-
006378 |
11/19/97 |
Memo re: RE: Windows: Renewing the Focus |
664 |
MS98 0104818-
0104820 |
01/28/98 |
C. Sittig message to C. Sittig's Direct Reports Only Re: "netscape's visits to OEMs" |
665 |
MS98 0204026-
0204033 |
02/03/98 |
K. Whitaker message to B. Koszewski, W. Poole, L. Shiner Re: "IE Re-Branding" |
666 |
MS98 0203852-
0203858 |
02/23/98 |
A. Redmond message to S. Fallon, G. Shaw, K. Mehta Re: "Browser in the OS" |
667 |
MS98 0203782-
0203785 |
03/02/98 |
Email String Re: Done: Browser in the OS |
668 |
MS6 6006901-
6006934 |
IE 3 Sustaining Plan |
669 |
MS6 6009363 |
IE Timeline Summary (!) |
670 |
NSMS 046887-
046912 |
Monthly Share Summary |
671 |
MS98 0135785-
0135791 |
06/04/95 |
N. Myhrvold message to B. Gates Re: "MSN futures" |
672 |
MS98 0170440 |
09/28/95 |
E-mail string re: "RE: Internet concern" |
673 |
MS6 6005880-
6005886 |
11/28/95 |
Internet Product Management Strategy |
674 |
MS98 0167341 -
0167344 |
05/23/96 |
Memo re: "RE: east coast trip (long mail)" |
675 |
MS7 015601-
015604 |
06/20/96 |
Memo Re: windows and internet issues |
676 |
MSV 0005710-
0005723 |
07/01/96 |
License and Distribution Agreement (Microsoft Internet Explorer) between Compaq and Microsoft |
677 |
MS7 027405 |
02/12/97 |
Email String Re: Systems Design Review-March 26th and 27th |
678 |
MS98 0202662-
0202667 |
06/27/97 |
Email String Re: FW: ISP% input from Cameron for JeffR BEC slides |
679 |
07/24/97 |
Financial Analysts Day Executive Q&A Microsoft Corporation |
680 |
MSV 10025- 10030 |
08/25/97 |
Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") re: Internet Explorer 4.0 Launch Activities |
681 |
MS7 033928 |
12/06/97 |
Email String Re: FW: using IE4 technology |
682 |
MS98 0109581-
0109583 |
04/09/98 |
Email String Re: Notice to Mcrosoft Premier ICP Partners |
683 |
100547- 100550 |
04/29/98 |
Email re: Microsoft Internet Explorer Business Case and Novell Business Case on Microsoft/Internet Explorer |
684 |
MS6 6007113-
6007128 |
0/0/96 |
Brad Chase Online Documents: How to get to 30% Share in 12 months |
685 |
100000- 100015 |
Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 4 and Internet Explorer Administration Kit License and Distribution Agreement |
686 |
100817- 100819 |
Novell Memo from Randolph regarding pending issues |
687 |
103191- 103205 |
Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 4 and Internet Explorer Administration Kit License and Distribution Agreement |
688 |
MS98 0118362-
0118364 |
Internet Explorer 5.0 Description |
689 |
Novell 103191-
103205 |
Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 4 and Internet Explorer Administration Kit License and Distribution Agreement |
690 |
MS98 0103610-
0103616 |
07/07/95 |
Memo Re: ATT Browser Opportunity |
691 |
MS6 6003266-
6003270 |
04/09/96 |
FY97 Planning Memo |
692 |
001690- 001700 |
07/25/96 |
Bristol Technology Presentation Materials, "Microsoft IE on UNIX" |
693 |
MS6 5003726-
5003727 |
08/22/96 |
Email Re: What's next |
694 |
MS98 0110820 |
04/16/97 |
Email re "ie share on mac" |
695 |
MS98 0106508-
0106543 |
01/15/98 |
Apple Status Mac IE5 Offsite presentation |
696 |
MS98 0102499-
0102500 |
0/0/99 |
Mac IE Marketing FY99 |
697 |
MS98 0009565-
0009583 |
11/01/97 |
Microsoft General OEM Business Terms with Sony Corporation |
698 |
MS98 0206261-
0206262 |
09/01/97 |
Calldowns, Hits to top sites, and Meida Metrix thru April 98 from K. Mehta Office documents |
699 |
MS98 0133132-
0133181 |
09/08/97 |
Memo Re: FW: web professionals tracking ppt (Web Professionals Tracking: wave III and Email String Re: Mindspring customer survey are attached) |
700 |
MS98 0127463-
0127468 |
10/24/97 |
Email Re: Share on top site by month.xls |
701 |
MS98 0112744-
0112746 |
12/09/97 |
Email string re: Updated Presentation for Netscape Review |
702 |
MS98 0128021 |
12/18/97 |
Email Re: end user browser share |
703 |
MS98 0131038 |
12/18/97 |
Memo Re: end user browser share |
704 |
MS98 0131039-
0131061 |
12/19/97 |
Email re: Primary Browser Switcher Report |
705 |
MS98 0119056-
0119058 |
01/01/98 |
Microsoft browser share report based to calldowns |
706 |
MS98 0131072 |
01/08/98 |
Email String Re: November end user share |
707 |
MS98 0128083 |
01/16/98 |
Email Re: Hits based share |
708 |
MS98 0128096-
0128097 |
01/28/98 |
Email String Re: November end user share |
709 |
MS98 0131156-
0131162 |
02/03/98 |
Email Re: Primary Browser Switchers-Mar/Jul/Dec Users |
710 |
MS98 0203013-
0203014 |
02/06/98 |
K. Mehta message to B. Chase, R. Haas Re: "Browser Model for 3YO" |
711 |
MS98 0203023-
0203025 |
02/09/98 |
R. Haas message to J. Krass Re: "IE Browser slide.ppt" |
712 |
MS98 0203081-
0203085 |
02/10/98 |
K. Mehta message to L. Shiner, R. Haas Re: "data template" |
713 |
MS98 0203067 |
04/16/98 |
Y. Mehdi message to R. Haas, R. Bennett Re: "IE share" |
714 |
MS98 0133093-
0133094 |
05/19/98 |
Memo Re: Latest IE share (hits to top sites) |
715 |
MS98 0125493-
0125495 |
6/5/98 |
email from K. Browne re. Browser share |
716 |
MS98 0129204-
0129208 |
0/0/96 |
Average Browser Share 1996-1997 |
717 |
MS98 0001131 -
0001132 |
10-11/01/97 |
Microsoft Browser Tracking Study wave 3-4 |
718 |
MS6 6010558 |
01/13/96 |
Email string re: Netscape vs. MS at USW |
719 |
Reserved |
720 |
MS7 006188 |
01/29/97 |
Email String Re: OEM offsite and Memphis plan |
721 |
MS98 0124668 |
05/27/98 |
J. Collas message to J. Kempin, B. Akerlind Re: "Articles on Gateway bypassing win'98 boot-up screen" |
722 |
MS98 0112237-
0112238 |
01/09/97 |
Email String Re: Netscape: Announces Plans to Offer Netscape Communicator for Apple's Next-Generation Operating System |
723 |
MS7 005554 |
01/29/97 |
Email String Re: OEM offsite and Memphis plan |
724 |
TXAG 0009630-0009633 |
03/26/97 |
Memo Re: Closure on Memphis action items from 3YO and Billg Memphis review |
725 |
MS7 005460-
005462 |
07/19/97 |
Email String Re: idea |
726 |
IBM 00627- 00634 |
04/29/95 |
Microsoft Corporation License and Distribution Agreement between MS and IBM |
727 |
MS98 0137377-
0137378 |
12/02/96 |
Emails re: Office shipping IE components? And why DAV doesn't belong in Winlnet |
728 |
MS7 028280 |
07/29/97 |
J. Allchin message to D. Cole Re: "new Java VM and crypto DLLs" |
729 |
MS98 0151455-
0151457 |
02/24/98 |
B. Chase message to W. Haroun, J. Johnson, B. Veghte, M. Dunie, M. Bliss Re: "interested in opining" |
730 |
08/24/96 |
Memo Re: Microsoft License Provisions |
731 |
MS7 005484-
005486 |
07/15/97 |
Memo Re: (not so) random marketing thoughts |
732 |
MS7 023399-
023400 |
12/30/97 |
Memo Re: IE plans |
733 |
MS6 6010082-
6010097 |
11/11/96 |
Internet Explorer Marketing Plan Review |
734 |
MSV 10489- 10500 |
02/21/97 |
Email Re: IE4 positioning groups report |
735 |
MS98 0151322-
0151330 |
11/04/97 |
Memo Re: IE4 MORG (50-1K PCs) Focus Groups Report |
736 |
MS98 0128503-
0128505 |
03/27/97 |
Email String Re: ie data |
737 |
MS6 6013031-
6013032 |
10/15/96 |
Email String Re: Netscape/Compaq/SPRY Referral Server Details |
738 |
MS6 6012188-
6012221 |
DRG Public Internet Plan |
739 |
MS98 0135505 |
06/23/95 |
T. Chevalier message to daviddi@microsoft Re: "URL.DLL" |
740 |
NSMS 061246 |
12/29/97 |
M. McCue message to mswatch Re: "it's always something, even if it's not: supply DLLs with you App" |
741 |
MSV 0004845-
0004849 |
04/26/96 |
Memo "RE: LOU followed by "Compaq and Microsoft Frontline Partnership" |
742 |
MS7 006251-
006253 |
12/06/96 |
E-mail string re: "RE: Microsoft (WSJ) Moves to Control the PC Screen" |
743 |
MS7 007146-
007148 |
01/05/98 |
E-mail string re: "RE: Windows Experience follow-up" |
744 |
000338- 000356 |
Inferno Software License and Binary Distribution Agreement between Lucent Technologies Inc. and Universal Microelectronics Co., LTD. |
745 |
Reserved |
746 |
MS98 0114640-
0114643 |
02/23/98 |
E-mail thread re: ACTION REQUIRED: Win98 OEM Product Registration |
747 |
MS98 0203545 |
05/15/98 |
G. Shaw message to MS Corp PR Team, L. Bradbury, C. Lacter, Y. Mehdi, P. Kahl, C. Husemann Re: "first screen" |
748 |
C 004541 - 004543 |
03/29/95 |
Letter Re: letter of intent between Compaq and America Online Covering promotion and distribution of America Online's Online Service on Compaq Systems |
749 |
C 500002- 500007 |
05/10/95 |
Schrock Letter Re: the final signed LOI |
750 |
COM-3- 000015-
000017 |
08/03/95 |
G. Stimac letter to S. Ballmer Re: "OPK Rules" |
751 |
COM-13- 000029-
000039 |
05/15/98 |
Software Bundling Agreement between AOL and Compaq |
752 |
COM-2- 000734-
000736 |
07/02/95 |
OPK Requirements and Restrictions |
753 |
MSV 0002767-
0002769 |
08/15/95 |
Amendment Number 24 to License Agreement with Compaq and Don Hardwick letter to Steve Flannigan |
754 |
IBM 00749-00750 |
06/13/97 |
Draft of Microsoft Windows 95 and/or Microsoft windows NT IE 4.0 License Supplement |
755 |
MS98 0124674-
0124675 |
06/15/98 |
Memo Re: Jim letter 6-15 |
756 |
COM-8- 000043-
000055 |
08/13/96 |
Microsoft Update |
757 |
AOL 0002868-
0002877 |
07/01/96 |
Email String Re: AOL marketing options with Microsoft |
758 |
COM-4- 000083-
000086 |
11/12/96 |
S. Decker message to S. Goldberg Re: "MS ISP Revenue Share Meeting" |
759 |
AOL 0000828 |
04/01/97 |
Memo Re: AOL memo on Microsoft Concerns |
760 |
MS98 0109739 |
05/12/98 |
E-mail string re: OEMs & Referral Server |
761 |
MSV 0000726-
0000766 |
07/01/95 |
Microsoft OEM License Agreement with Dell Computer corporation |
762 |
MS7 005303-
005304 |
02/15/98 |
Email String Re: FW: Memphis Product Registration |
763 |
MS98 0104757-
0104759 |
02/15/98 |
E-mail thread re: Dennis Carter of Intel -Marketing Coordination and Memphis Product Registration |
764 |
MS98 0114748-
0114758 |
02/16/98 |
Email String Re: Win98 Schedule Update |
765 |
MS98 0122289-
0122291 |
05/27/98 |
E-mail thread re: URGENT Heads Up: OEMs and Referral Server |
766 |
MS98 0111098-
0111111 |
02/04/98 |
Email String Re: OEM Internet Plans: summary |
767 |
MS98 0112870-
0112871.2 |
03/16/98 |
Microsoft Registration Wizard OEM Support |
768 |
MS98 0114942-
0114943 |
03/17/98 |
Memo re: "RE: I need to see Dell's Windows Experience provisions" |
769 |
MS98 0112871 -
0112871.2 |
04/28/98 |
Memo Re: changes Microsoft has made based on Gateway feedback in the area of Active Desktop and channels |
770 |
MS98 0109738 |
05/12/98 |
Memo Re: OEMs and Referral Server |
771 |
MS98 0203549-
0203568 |
05/15/98 |
Email String Re: First Screen |
772 |
MS98 0125761 -
0125765 |
05/22/98 |
Letter Re: Microsoft Windows Initial Boot Process |
773 |
MS98 0113871-
0113875 |
05/26/98 |
Memo Re: Microsoft Windows Initial boot Process |
774 |
MS98 0113961 |
05/26/98 |
Microsoft letter to Gateway Re: "Windows Initial boot Process" |
775 |
MS98 0124668 |
05/27/98 |
Memo Re: Articles on Gateway bypassing Win'98 boot-up screen |
776 |
none |
04/23/98 |
Declaration of Steve Wadsworth |
777 |
IBM 01099 |
07/07/97 |
J. Kozel message to S. Barnes Re: "three comments re: ie4 supplement redline comments" |
778 |
MS7 007108-
007111 |
12/02/97 |
Email String Re: FW: Results: Details on Gateway becoming an ISP |
779 |
MS98 0119106-
0119107 |
12/12/97 |
Letter from Kempin to HPC concerning issues raised on October 30, 1997 |
780 |
MS98 0112076-
0112095 |
02/04/98 |
Email string Re: OEM internet plans: summary |
781 |
MS98 0112090-
0112095 |
02/04/98 |
Email string re: OEM Internet Plans: Summary |
782 |
MS98 0153898-
0153903 |
02/16/98 |
Email String Re: POR?: the end user experience for getting connected |
783 |
MS98 0156262-
0156263 |
02/28/98 |
Email string re: Action Request: First Boot Experience of Windows 98. |
784 |
MS98 0102948-
0102963 |
04/07/98 |
Email String Re: Urgent: Immediate Response Mandatory- Need windows experience exception language |
785 |
MS98 0110003-
0110004 |
04/09/98 |
E-mail thead re: ISP Referrals: When and How? |
786 |
MS98 0110109-
0110111 |
04/16/98 |
E-mail from B. Koszewski Re: ISP Referral Rude Q's |
787 |
MS98 0106506-
0106507 |
04/22/98 |
E-mail from S. Hooper Re: Announcement: Windows 98 ISP Referral Server Offering |
788 |
MS98 0156535 |
05/15/98 |
Email String Re: FW: First Screen |
789 |
MS98 0125799 |
06/05/98 |
790 |
MS7 003993-
004000 |
Email String Re: Windows Experience |
791 |
MS98 0109900 |
02/27/98 |
A. Neault message to C. Gulledge Re: "ISP yellow flag" |
792 |
MS98 0106485-
0106505 |
Microsoft Windows 98 Initial Boot Process |
793 |
MS6 6008284-
6008290 |
05/15/96 |
Strategic Relationship Framework Agreement between Microsoft and MCI |
794 |
SBCMS 000151-
0000183 |
08/26/96 |
Pac. Bell Memo re: "Project Mercury Quantitative Analysis" |
795 |
MS6 6012576-
6012579 |
09/10/96 |
E-mail string re: "RE: selling IE to the Enterprises Germany" |
796 |
SBCMS 000042-
000047 |
09/30/96 |
Pac. Bell Memo re: "Mercury External Communications First Draft" |
797 |
MS6 5006399 |
10/04/96 |
Memo re: "Re: Search and AOL" |
798 |
MS6 6012556-
6012557 |
10/07/96 |
E-mail string re: "RE: Price and Revenue analysis" |
799 |
MS6 6013328-
6013332 |
11/14/96 |
Memo re: "FW: IE 3.0 Sustain Marketing Plan" |
800 |
MS98 0112073-
0112075 |
02/02/98 |
Email string re: OEM Internet Plans: Summary |
801 |
MS98 0203657-
0203660 |
04/02/98 |
E. Cox message to E. Brewer, B. Koszewski, C. Beilinson, R. Bennett Re: "press call on ISP licensing agreements |
802 |
RAA 0099- 0158 |
Netscape Communications Corporation and Bell Atlantic Internet Solutions, Inc. OEM License Agreement |
803 |
AOL 0002908-
0002911 |
02/23/96 |
Memo Re: Internet Deals and Related Items |
804 |
AOL 0001724-
0001770 |
03/12/96 |
License and Marketing Agreement between Microsoft and America Online |
805 |
MS6 5001721-
5001754 |
03/12/96 |
MS and AOL License and Marketing agreement |
806 |
AOL 0002836 |
07/03/96 |
F. Chase message to E. Keller, D. Colburn Re: "update" |
807 |
B. Snyder message to S. Ballmer, B. Chase, R. Stockdale, P. Maritz, C. Myhrvold, B. Silverberg Re: "Netcom has agreed to our ISP referral server deal" |
808 07/09/96 MS98 0167835-0167837 1DOJAT-AVS:0024- 07/29/96 0040 |
Addendum D. Internet-Sign Up Wizard Referral Addendum To Strategic Relationship Framework Agreement |
809 |
09/22/97 |
Amendment No.1 to Addendum D to the Internet Sign-Up Wizard Referral Strategic Relationship Framework Agreement Between MCI and Microsoft |
810 |
MS6 5002043-
5002047 |
10/15/96 |
Amendment #1 to Internet Explorer Source License & Distribution Agreement between Compuserve and Microsoft. |
811 |
MS6 6010709-
6010710 |
01/12/96 |
Email String Re: FW: Steve Case - AOL |
812 |
MS6 5003676 |
03/17/96 |
Email String Re: FW: what a week |
813 |
MS98 0202772-
0202773 |
01/06/98 |
Email String Re: AOL upgrade to IE |
814 |
MS98 0203073-
0203076 |
01/07/98 |
Email String Re: AOL upgrade to IE |
815 |
MS98 0202888-
0203006 |
01/30/98 |
Email Re: Stuff for 3 year (IE International Business Review attached) |
816 |
AOL 0000829-
0000830 |
01/20/97 |
Memo Re: Microsoft: Pittman Follow Up |
817 |
AOL 0001373 |
06/17/97 |
Mvshaffer message to DKRJJ Re: "IRS: Case/Gates Discussion" |
818 |
AOL 0003451-
0003453 |
08/26/97 |
Email String Re: Fwd: Why AOL should do a Netscape HTML Engine Deal |
819 |
AOL-M- 0000352-
0000422 |
09/30/97 |
Netscape Instant Messaging Service, Netcaster Content Distribution and Navigator License Agreement with AOL |
820 |
AOL 0000837-
0000838 |
09/06/96 |
Memo Re: Netscape and Microsoft |
821 |
AOL 0001140-
0001146 |
02/23/97 |
Email String Re: Fwd: Netscape--Impt |
822 |
AOL 0002989-
0002991 |
02/28/97 |
Email String Re: Fwd: AOL Proposal-Confidential |
823 |
MS98 0112498 |
05/06/97 |
Email String Re: Some good news from AT&T |
824 |
AOL 0003474-
0003614 |
03/11/96 |
Netscape Communications Co. and AOL Promotion, License, Distribution, Development and Joint Marketing Agreement |
825 |
HEL 0281 |
03/21/96 |
Letter to Beran |
826 |
MS98 0154886-
0154888 |
10/14/97 |
Email String Re: Netscape: (WSJ) AOL are expected to launch a new alliance in messaging services |
827 |
MS98 0106638-
0106642 |
02/03/98 |
IE 4 Breadth ISP Marketing Plan |
828 |
MS98 0118365-
0118370 |
03/22/98 |
Memo Re: FY'99 Windows Platform Planning Memo- "Are your customers ready for Platform 2000?" Draft-3 |
829 |
NSC 001547-
001548 |
10/05/98 |
J. Barksdale message to R. Shriram Re: "AOL Status Report" |
830 |
MS6 6003176-
6003181 |
06/13/96 |
Worldwide Internet Access Market and Status |
831 |
AOL 0003392 |
09/22/97 |
Memo Re: Netscape |
832 |
MS98 0101974-
0101976 |
07/16/97 |
Concentric Network Corporation (Microsoft Referral Reporting for 5/97) |
833 |
MS98 0101956-
0101958 |
10/29/97 |
Concentric Network Corporation (Microsoft Referral Reporting for 7/97) |
834 |
MS98 0112742-
0112743 |
12/09/97 |
Email string re: SUN and top isps, telcos |
835 |
MS98 0112826-
0112843 |
12/19/97 |
Netscape Competitive Analysis- ISP/OLS Channel Revenue Segment |
836 |
MS98 0102166-
0102168 |
02/17/98 |
Prodigy report for subscribers and browsers |
837 |
MS98 0128110-
0128111 |
03/04/98 |
Email String Re: ISP Metrics |
838 |
MS98 0101939-
0101943 |
04/28/98 |
Concentric Network Corporation (Microsoft Referral Reporting for 11/97) |
839 |
MS98 0101891-
0101893 |
05/12/98 |
Concentric Network Corporation (Microsoft Referral Reporting for 3/98) |
840 |
BSC 00537- 00580 |
09/29/95 |
Netscape and Bell South NN Products Corporate Use and OEM License agreement |
841 |
BSC 00378- 00420 |
11/01/96 |
Amendment and Supplement to OEM Reseller License agreement between Netscape and Bell South |
842 |
BSC 00735- 00736 |
07/16/97 |
Second Amendment to OEM License agreement between Netscape and BellSouth |
843 |
BSC 00421- 00424 |
10/27/97 |
Amendment to NN Products Corporate Use and OEM License Agreement Between Netscape and BellSouth |
844 |
BSC 00525- 00533 |
12/30/97 |
Renewal Term amendment To NN Products Corporate Use and OEM License Agreement |
845 |
MS98 0105274 |
05/28/98 |
Email String Re: ISP License Agreement Changes |
846 |
MS98 0206258-
0206260 |
09/25/98 |
Letter to MCI Re: MS's universal waiver of rights |
847 |
BSC 00439- 00441 |
01/30/65 |
Third amendment to NN Products Corporate Use and OEM License Agreement Between Bell South and Netscape |
848 |
BSC 00425-00428;
00856- 00859 |
06/11/81 |
Amendment to NN Products Corporate Use and OEM License Agreement Between Netscape and BellSouth |
849 |
AOL 0003240-
0003251 |
05/01/96 |
Summary of AOL/ Netscape Contract |
850 |
AOL 0001304-
0001312 |
10/09/97 |
Netscape Agreement Executive Summary |
851 |
Reserved |
852 |
MS6 6005667-
6005693 |
10/18/96 |
"IE 4.0 Business Model" by Will Poole, S. Fine |
853 |
MS6 6010350-
6010358 |
12/13/96 |
E-mail forwarding "Draft partner plan" |
854 |
Reserved |
855 |
WD 0001- WD
00021 |
07/01/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution and Promotion Agreement |
856 |
MS98 0100293-
0100343 |
07/03/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing and Distribution Agreement between MS and Disney |
857 |
CNET 000561-
000564 |
07/09/97 |
Microsoft contract prep |
858 |
08/15/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution and Promotion Agreement |
859 |
AOL 0000123-
0000132 |
09/23/97 |
Memo Re: Microsoft Active Desktop Agreement |
860 |
MS98 0100136-
0100152 |
01/23/98 |
Streaming Media Technology Support & Promotion Agreement between Microsoft and CNN Interactive |
861 |
AOL 0000371-
0000374 |
06/27/98 |
Microsoft Proposal for Active Desktop |
862 |
MS98 0114682 |
06/24/96 |
Email String Re: Another AOL megadeal |
863 |
CNET 000480-
000484 |
05/26/97 |
Memo Re: Microsoft contract prep for press release |
864 |
TWDC 1962- 1963 |
06/06/97 |
Email Re: proposal (to Mike Slade and from Brad Chase) |
865 |
AOL 0001074-
0001077 |
08/14/97 |
Memo Re: CD Build of AOL 3.0 with IE 3.0/IE 4.0 |
866 |
MS98 0112152-
0112154 |
04/24/98 |
W. Poole message to P. Maritz, D. Cole, A. Bay, E. Engstrom Re: "Real and top ICPs" |
867 |
TWDC 2012- 2013 |
06/03/97 |
Email Re: MSFT Active Desktop for SportsZone Meeting Report- Frid |
868 |
MS98 0112487-
0112497 |
04/15/97 |
Microsoft/Intuit Internet Explorer 4.0 & Platinum channel Distribution Discussion Points |
869 |
TM 000132 |
05/28/97 |
Memo Re: Contract- Exhibit B |
870 |
SPORT 000088-
000089 |
05/16/97 |
Email String Re: Microsoft |
871 |
09/03/98 |
W. Poole message to Intuit Re: "concerns about terms of Microsoft agreement" |
872 |
04/09/98 |
W. Poole message to Intuit Re: "waiver of agreement terms" |
873 |
MS98 0115293 |
04/10/98 |
Email String Re: speaking points for ICPs calls |
874 |
TWDC 0299- 0309 |
Disney Online and Microsoft Active Desketop Agreement - Summary of Terms |
875 |
TWDC 0427- 0440 |
876 |
MS98 0133698-
0133702 |
06/21/95 |
Handwritten Notes re: Netscape |
877 |
MS98 0125612-
0125613 |
04/30/98 |
Email Re: IE5 directional questions |
878 |
MS98 0203035-
0203037 |
11/02/97 |
Email Re: 10-24-97 status report |
879 |
MS98 0206381-
0206382 |
1/12/96 |
Email from Silverberg re. Steve Case - AOL |
880 |
MS98 0125610-
0125611 |
04/30/98 |
Email String Re: Breadth ISP: call-down update |
881 |
MS98 0203813-
0203851 |
05/19/98 |
Internet Explorer 1.0 and 2.0 Reviews |
882 |
MS98 0203793-
0203802 |
05/20/98 |
Additional Internet Explorer 1.0 reviews |
883 |
Reserved |
884 |
MS8 000301-
000314 |
08/26/98 |
Agreement between Microsoft and Progressive Networks on Media Streaming Technology |
885 |
MAC 16892- 16894 |
04/08/96 |
MS's Activemovie a Threat to QT |
886 |
MAC 05197- 05198 |
07/24/96 |
Memo Re: Important: Qtime & MacroMedia |
887 |
MAC 17103- 17104 |
04/01/97 |
QuickTime Business Opportunities |
888 |
MAC 10588 |
04/23/97 |
Memo Re: Microsoft proposal around QT |
889 |
MAC 10589- 10591 |
04/23/97 |
R. Ely message to A. Tevanian, G. DeLuca Re: "microsoft proposal around quicktime" |
890 |
MAC 10586- 10587 |
08/12/97 |
Email String Re: Intel and QuickTime |
891 |
MAC 18758- 18759 |
08/19/97 |
Memo Re: Microsoft's Active Stream Format |
892 |
MAC 10607- 10616 |
09/11 /97 |
Email String Re: Microsoft Multimedia Streaming Format |
893 |
MAC 18776- 18777 |
09/11/97 |
Email String Re: Microsoft Multimedia Streaming Format |
894 |
MAC 18882 |
09/17/97 |
Email Re: plug-in compatibility |
895 |
MAC 19272- 19273 |
10/20/97 |
Email String Re: QT plugin for IE |
896 |
MAC 19353- 19354 |
10/20/97 |
Email Re: QT plugin for IE |
897 |
MS98 0121112-
0121113 |
01/22/98 |
D. Cole message to P. Maritz, B. Gates, B. Muglia Re: "Steve Jobs Call" |
898 |
MS98 0110921 -
0110922 |
02/05/98 |
Email String Re: FW: QuickTime and Apple Relationship |
899 |
A 1116- 1120 |
04/05/98 |
Email String Re: MS fightback begins |
900 |
A 1114- 1115 |
04/06/98 |
Email Re: FYI/MS Multimedia File Format PR |
901 |
A 1075- 1076 |
04/10/98 |
Email String Re: Plugins and Streaming |
902 |
A 1080 |
04/10/98 |
Email String Re: Plugins and Streaming |
903 |
A 1014 |
04/22/98 |
Email String Re: QuickTime Plug-in and IE 4 Browser |
904 |
A 0857 |
05/22/98 |
Email Re: QuickTime |
905 |
MS98 0168400 |
05/28/98 |
C. Phillips message to E. Engstrom Re: "we should talk" |
906 |
MS98 0169381 -
0169392 |
06/15/98 |
Memo re: "apple meetings" |
907 |
MS98 0169387-
0169393 |
06/15/98 |
Apple Meeting |
908 |
MS98 0179183-
0179185 |
07/06/98 |
Email string re: Steve Jobs meeting regarding QT this last Monday |
909 |
MS98 0168248-
0168249 |
07/28/98 |
Email string re: QuickTime, Win98, and Media Player |
910 |
MS98 0168278-
0168281 |
08/05/98 |
Email string re: QuickTime assistance |
911 |
MS98 0168286-
0168289 |
08/06/98 |
C. Pierry message to K. Larkin Re: "Quicktime assistance" |
912 |
A 2580- 2584 |
Microsoft Confidential QuickTime/DirectX Convergence Proposal |
913 |
MAC 18784- 18791 |
Apple QuickTime Microsoft Proposal |
914 |
MAC 19898- 19900 |
QuickTime for Windows Q&A |
915 |
MAC 20083- 20104 |
QuickTime Review |
916 |
MAC 2239- 2261 |
QuickTime Review |
917 |
Caution Screen in Windows regarding file types and ActiveMovie |
918 |
Error Locating Object Handler in Windows screen |
919 |
477MSCID 00024 |
04/12/95 |
R. Sullivan message to R. Wirt, J. Valerio Re: "background for May meeting" |
920 |
MS CID 00208-
00211 |
05/04/95 |
Desktop Platform Goals/Strategies |
921 |
MS98 0168650-
0168654 |
05/15/95 |
E-mail string re: "FW: 5/9 Intel Meeting re NSP" |
922 |
MS98 0171489-
0171496 |
05/15/95 |
Email String Re: 5/9 Intel Meeting re NSP |
923 |
MS98 0168630 |
05/31/95 |
E-mail re: "Paulma & NSP" |
924 |
MS98 0171573-
0171575 |
06/06/95 |
Email String Re: Intel/Whittier |
925 |
MS98 0171556-
0171559 |
06/15/95 |
Email String Re: Mail to Intel: response requested |
926 |
MS98 0168770-
0168771 |
06/16/95 |
E-mail string re: "RE: NSP" |
927 |
477MSCID 00288 |
07/19/95 |
IAL staff meeting notes (handwritten) |
928 |
Reserved |
929 |
477MSCID 00064-
00065 |
02/12/96 |
F. Gill message to C. Kinnie, M. Maerz, J. Johnson, S. Morris Re: "MS meeting notes" |
930 |
MS98 0172018 |
03/05/96 |
Email String Re: MS/Intel Maritz/Gill 3/1/96 Meeting Notes |
931 |
MS98 0172024-
0172027 |
03/25/96 |
Email String Re: IAL review |
932 |
MS98 0172028 |
03/26/96 |
Email Re: Intel call with Kinnie 3/26 |
933 |
MS98 0172029-
0172033 |
03/31/96 |
Email String Re: intel |
934 |
MS98 0172034-
0172036 |
04/01/96 |
Email String Re: FW: intel and security |
935 |
MS98 0168292 |
02/25/97 |
E-mail re: "Intel and Java" by Gates |
936 |
MS8 000918-
000919 |
07/25/97 |
Email String Re: Problems with Progressive Networks- attorney-client privilege |
937 |
MS98 0170925-
0170928 |
11/14/97 |
Email String Re: Intel: Text in RED is what Andy wants |
938 |
MS98 0171054-
0171055 |
12/18/97 |
Email String Re: Send to Gates |
939 |
MS98 0171065-
0171066 |
12/21/97 |
Email String Re: Intel Content Standards Meeting- brief notes |
940 |
INT 0315- 0329 |
07/11/98 |
"Gates Unplugged (handwritten)" |
941 |
477MSCID 00293-
00294 |
Handwritten Microsoft notes |
942 |
MS98 0172691-
0172707 |
ADL Desktop Platform: Goals and Strategies |
943 |
MS CID 00001-
00006 |
08/15/95 |
MS/Intel IP & EM Discussion with Maritz 8/15 |
944 |
MS98 0137507-
0137510 |
05/31/95 |
Memo Re: Netscape discussions |
945 |
05/26/98 |
The Wall Street Journal Article: "US May add Charges to Microsoft Case" |
946 |
MS8 000780-
000829 |
Presentation Materials; Agenda: Opportunities, Threat... |
947 |
MS98 0153130-
0153133 |
03/18/95 |
Email string re: Netscape Completely Ignores MIPS/NT? |
948 |
MS98 0137444-
0137447 |
03/20/95 |
Email string re: Netscape Completely Ignores MIPS/NT? |
949 |
MS98 0137499-
0137500 |
04/26/95 |
W. Dent message to B. Fox, D. Rosen, J. Allard Re: stt/netscape |
950 |
MS98 0137501 |
04/27/95 |
Fox email re: Netscape Plan for STT |
951 |
MS98 0153178 |
05/04/95 |
D. Rosen message to K. Barber-Eck |
952 |
MS98 0137505-
0137506 |
05/25/95 |
Reardon email re: W3C and Netscape meetings 5/22 |
953 |
MS98 0167102-
0167103 |
06/01/95 |
P. Maritz message to B. Gates, D. Rosen, N. Myhrvold |
954 |
MS98 0137521 |
06/12/95 |
Email String Re: Netscape |
955 |
MS98 0103467-
0103468 |
06/22/95 |
D. Rosen message to B. Gates, N. Myhrvold, P. Maritz, peteh, abay, bens, bfox, bobmu, bradsi, chrisjo, jallard, jimall, johnlu, petern, ppathe, russs, rwolf, stevesi, thomasre, warrend Re: "netscape meeting" |
956 |
MS98 0153263-
0153264 |
06/22/95 |
D. Murray message to A. Menezes, D. Rosen, G. Mangione, J. Shewchuk, MSN Business-to-Business, M. Tuchen, P. Farrel Re: "[InetDisc] New Netscape beta" |
957 |
MS98 0166899-
0166902 |
06/24/95 |
E-mail string re: "FW: Netscape meeting: reality" |
958 |
MS98 0137571 -
0137572 |
06/28/95 |
T. Reardon message to C. Jones, D. Rosen Re: "netscape and rna" |
959 |
MS98 0145704 |
07/06/95 |
R. Wolf message to D. Rosen Re: "terms for netscape" |
960 |
MS98 0010338 |
07/08/95 |
C. Jones message to drosen, robwi, thomasre, bradsi, johnlu Re: "netscape and rna" |
961 |
MS98 0158936-
0158946 |
07/10/95 |
D. Rosen message to chrisjo, robwi, thomasre Re: "netscape and rna" |
962 |
MS98 0137590-
0137592 |
07/11/95 |
R. Wolf message to R. Souza Re: "terms for netscape" |
963 |
MS98 0137624-
0137626 |
07/13/95 |
D. Rosen message to W. Dent, B. Fox, L. Jennings, S. Shaiman, T. Johnston, G. Barzdukas, R. Johnson Re: "netscape abc's" |
964 |
MS98 0137674-
0137677 |
07/20/95 |
D. Rosen message to R. Wolf, P. Farrel Re: "LOI with Netscape" |
965 |
MS98 0137685-
0137686 |
07/26/95 |
M. Homer message to D. Rosen Re: "letter" |
966 |
MS98 0135770-
0135774 |
08/03/95 |
D. Rosen message to aaronco, abay, bens, bfox, chrisjo, chrisp, davidwit, jallard, johnlu, nathanm, patfer, peteh, ppathe, russs, rwolf, stevesi, thomasre, warrend Re: "netscape LOI on Content Formats" |
967 |
MS98 0133865-
0133867 |
09/02/95 |
M. Homer message to T. Reardon Re: "follow on from our discussions" |
968 |
MS98 0153534-
0153558 |
09/20/95 |
J. Herendeen message to C. Jones Re: "support from Microsoft" |
969 |
MS6 6011954-
6011956 |
08/28/96 |
Email String Re: Netscape Revenue Breakdown |
970 |
RSC 0616- 0622 |
08/01/97 |
Windows 98 & windows NT 5.0 First Wave Letter of Agreement |
971 |
MS98 0120836-
0120837 |
02/11/98 |
Email String Re: Memphis Product Registration |
972 |
MS98 0124762-
0124763 |
06/17/98 |
Email String Re: FW: Budget Review |
973 |
MS98 0206380 |
1/14/96 |
Email from B. Gates re: Thoughts on Steve Case |
974 |
MS98 0144358-
0144361 |
05/13/96 |
Email String Re: Posted in response to Taher |
975 |
AOL 0002873-
0002877 |
06/24/96 |
Email String Re: MS Registration server |
976 |
MS6 5006402-
5006403 |
09/30/96 |
Email string Re: IE distribution proposal |
977 |
GW 026782- 026788 |
08/29/97 |
Email String Re: Gateway IE4 MOU |
978 |
AOL 0001438 |
12/24/96 |
J. Brendsel message to JohnayersC, RachelWT, Mvshaffer, Mberlow Re: "IE Promotional Deal Summary" |
979 |
IBM 00813 |
09/05/97 |
Amendment Number 15 to OEM License Agreement with IBM |
980 |
MS98 0153625-
0153627 |
07/29/96 |
A. Nehru message to D. Rosen Re: "Netscape Exec Staff Meeting" |
981 |
MS98 0134535-
0134536 |
08/06/96 |
Email String Re: FW: 8/19 Netscape Exec Meeting agenda |
982 |
Reserved |
983 |
MS7 032895-
032898 |
10/01/96 |
B. Muglia message to Developer tools Strategy, P. Kukol, P. Dussud, B. Lovering, D. Stutz, V. Stone, B. Slivka, A. Bosworth Re: "Think Week (Long!)" |
984 |
MS7 033171-
033174 |
02/25/97 |
Email string re: Dimension X Acquisition |
985 |
MS7 024849 |
04/14/97 |
Memo Re: java review with you |
986 |
MS7 027430-
027432 |
08/05/97 |
Email String Re: Microsoft: Makes latest Java technologies available in SDK 2.0 for Java Beta |
987 |
MS7 027800-
027803 |
08/05/97 |
C. Fitzgerald message to M. Toutonghi, K. Srock, R. Arun Re: "distributing the new Java VM" |
988 |
RSC 0317- 0326 |
02/24/98 |
J. Rood message to nhunt@rational.com Re: "URGENT-IE version for JDK 1.14 |
989 |
MS98 0122129-
0122135 |
01/02/98 |
Email String re: What happens when you break apart IE and Windows |
990 |
MS98 0127462 |
10/16/97 |
E-mail from K. Mehta re: September Browser and email Calldown Share. |
991 |
001738 |
01/13/93 |
Letter from Kempin Re: future Compaq meeting |
992 |
COM-7- 001737 |
01/13/93 |
Letter to E. Pfeiffer of Compaq from J. Kempin of MS |
993 |
C 000381- 000382 |
04/02/93 |
Letter from B. Gates re: MS as exclusive supplier of OS software for Compaq computers |
994 |
MS 154265- 154279 |
07/24/93 |
N. Myhrvold, file attachment (interoffice memo) to email to B. Gates, P. Rinearson, J. Lazarus |
995 |
C 004070- 004071 |
07/15/94 |
Email String Re: Microsoft's "Marvel" meeting w/ S. Lurie |
996 |
A 0000- 0032 |
07/20/94 |
Microsoft on Multimedia or "In each area we currently trail Apple's Quicktime" |
997 |
08/24/94 |
Spyglass News Flash "Univ. of Illionois Assigns All Future Commercial Licensing Rights for Mosaic to Spyglass, Inc." |
998 |
C 000901- 000911 |
09/27/94 |
Email String Re: Consumer Agreement |
999 |
C 001755- 001756 |
11/11 /94 |
Email String Re: Marvel |
1000 |
C 004004-004005 |
11/11/94 |
Email String Re: Marvel... Here it comes! |
1001 |
C 004023- 004024 |
11/11/94 |
Email String Re: Marvel response |
1002 |
C004059 |
11/11/94 |
Email Re: Marvel... Here it comes! |
1003 |
C 003986 |
12/02/94 |
Email Re: Compaq's level playing field |
1004 |
C 004003 |
12/06/94 |
Email Re: Microsoft |
1005 |
C 000905- 000909 |
12/19/94 |
Email String Re: Microsoft Network (Marvel) Demo |
1006 |
C 004012- 004013 |
01/04/95 |
Email Re: Blackbird |
1007 |
MAC 10315- 10317 |
01/11/95 |
Apple Memo |
1008 |
01/13/95 |
Spyglass News Flash "Microsoft Signs Licensing Agreement with Spyglass" |
1009 |
C 004017 |
01/25/95 |
Email Re: On-line service partnership |
1010 |
COM-8- 000294 |
01/25/95 |
Memo Re: Encarta & Works Bid for 1995 |
1011 |
MAC 12787- 12825 |
02/13/95 |
Letter Re: US of America V. Microsoft Corporation |
1012 |
C 001749- 001750 |
03/01/95 |
Email Re: On Line Conference |
1013 |
10/1/95 |
News article Jupiter Communications Interactive Content |
1014 |
MS CID 00029-00034 |
05/10/95 |
IAL staff meeting notes (handwritten) |
1015 |
TXCOM 103208-103213 |
05/10/95 |
Letter from Schrock Re: Two copies of the final signed LOI |
1016 |
MS98 0103279-
0103296 |
05/27/95 |
Email Re: Version 5: the Web is the next Platform |
1017 |
5/29/95 |
News article from Advertising Age |
1018 |
MS98 0010209-0010210 |
06/09/95 |
S. Sinofsky message to R. Wolf Re: "Director/Netscape details" |
1019 |
Reserved |
1020 |
MS98 0010224-0010225 |
06/22/95 |
Email string re: Netscape notes, comment please |
1021 |
475MSCID 00020-00021 |
07/05/95 |
Meeting notes w/microsoft (handwritten) |
1022 |
Reserved |
1023 |
COM-8- 000273-000275 |
08/03/95 |
Letter from G. Stimac Re: effort to resolve issues (to Steve Ballmer) |
1024 |
MS98 0010280-
0010287 |
09/15/95 |
R. Wolf message to S. Sinofsky Re: "netscape status" |
1025 |
MS98 0153581
-0153589 |
10/02/95 |
T. Johnston message to B. Fox, B. Kruger, B. Muglia, C. Jones C. Fiebig, C. Mundie, D. Henrich, D. Rosen, H. Vigil, J. Allchin, J. Ludwig, L. Jennings, M. Conte, R. Tong, S. Parthansarathy, T. Reardon, S. Julien Re: "info on ma/netscape" |
1026 |
MS CID 00102-
00123 |
11/07/95 |
Intel Architecture Labs: Feedback on Microsoft SI PC and windows '97 Strategies |
1027 |
475MSCID 00040-
00041 |
11/13/95 |
D. Landsman message to D. Haight, M. Anastas, C. Kinnie, M. Maerz, F. Gill Re: "Draft notes from Gill/Maritz summit on 11/9" |
1028 |
MAC 11775- 11776 |
01/15/96 |
Apple/MS executive meeting email |
1029 |
COM-8- 000020-
000024 |
04/26/96 |
Compaq and Microsoft extend Frontline Partnership to the internet/intranet |
1030 |
AP 13 003504-
003509 |
05/14/96 |
Press release |
1031 |
MAC 11299 |
05/24/96 |
Memo Re: Microsoft annoyances |
1032 |
MAC 07660- 07667 |
06/25/96 |
The Envisioneering Group |
1033 |
MAC 05197- 05198 |
07/23/96 |
Email |
1034 |
MAC 15663- 15668 |
08/05/96 |
Email |
1035 |
MSV 0006245-0006256 |
08/08/96 |
Amendment 12 to License Agreement between MS and AST Research |
1036 |
MAC 10332- 10349 |
08/21 /96 |
Presentation entitled: "what to do about microsoft" |
1037 |
MAC 10369- 10380 |
08/21/96 |
Strategy Development Meeting |
1038 |
AP 2 003444-003447 |
10/28/96 |
Forbes interview |
1039 |
COM-13- 000071 |
10/30/96 |
Memo Re: Cosmos Desktop design |
1040 |
MAC 11857- 11881 |
11 /26/96 |
A Competitive View of the Interne Platform: K. Matzke |
1041 |
COM-4- 000058-
000059 |
01/18/97 |
Email String Re: Discussions with MS |
1042 |
Reserved |
1043 |
MAC 05269- 05289 |
03/17/97 |
Correspondence and attachments |
1044 |
03/27/97 |
E. Dunn message to B. Harris Re: "MS Explorer/Active DeskTop" |
1045 |
MAC 10765- 10770 |
04/23/97 |
Email |
1046 |
Apple 000147 |
04/27/97 |
Proposal |
1047 |
Apple 000376 |
4/27/97 |
Email from Maffei re: Apple-MS Partnership |
1048 |
Apple 000380-000383 |
5/2/97 |
Letter to Greg Maffei |
1049 |
Apple 000368-000371 |
05/24/97 |
Correspondence and attachments |
1050 |
none |
"1997" |
Microsoft Press Dictionary, 3rd Edition |
1051 |
Apple 000847-
000848 |
07/02/97 |
Memo to file |
1052 |
AP 13 004531-
004551 |
07/03/97 |
ADR Rhapsody Plan |
1053 |
Apple 000396-
000399 |
7/3/97 |
Letter to B. Gates from G. Amelio |
1054 |
MAC 10582- 10585 |
07/07/97 |
Email |
1055 |
MS98 0100156-
0100176 |
07/15/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement |
1056 |
SEPT.SUB 5091-5129 |
08/12/97 |
CST Update: Microsoft Partnership |
1057 |
MAC 10744- 10747 |
09/11 /97 |
Email |
1058 |
MS98 0008810-
0008834 |
11/01/97 |
Microsoft License Agrement for Desktop Operatin system Products with Digital Equipment Corp. |
1059 |
MS98 0009231-
0009251 |
11/01/97 |
Microsoft General OEM Business Terms |
1060 |
MS98 0009311-0009333 |
11/01/97 |
Microsoft License Agreement for Desktop Operating System Products with AST |
1061 |
MAC 11960- 12025 |
11/15/97 |
Microsoft Relationship Strategy Update |
1062 |
AOL 0000031-
0000067 |
12/01/97 |
AOL Web Browser Usability test |
1063 |
MS98 0116529-
0116567 |
12/05/97 |
IE 4 Sustain Plan |
1064 |
MS6 6013637-
6013649 |
12/11/97 |
IE 4/1 CDODK |
1065 |
SEPT.SUB 5036-5037 |
12/29/97 |
Letter from Harris Re: summary of MS's current positions in the negotiation |
1066 |
MS98 0009292-
0009310 |
04/01/98 |
Letter to AST Re: Initial Shipment Terms of Windows 98 |
1067 |
MS98 0113012-
0113023 |
01/27/98 |
Email String Re: Netscape paying ISPs to switch |
1068 |
01/30/98 |
Letter to L. Lessig from S. Holley Re: Win 95 service releases |
1069 |
MS98 0101383-
0101399 |
02/06/98 |
Internet-Sign Up Wizard Referral Agreement between AOL and MS |
1070 |
MS98 0110923-
0110925 |
2/26/98 |
Email from Waldmen re: Apple Issues mail |
1071 |
A 0152- 0170 |
03/05/98 |
Hardware Glossary |
1072 |
MS98 0009194-
0009226 |
04/01/98 |
Letter and attachment Re: Initial shipment Terms of Windows 98 |
1073 |
MS98 0204591-
0204595 |
04/24/98 |
Letter to Gateway Re: Feedback for Windows 98 enhancements |
1074 |
04/27/98 |
Fortune Magazine article describing the Fortune 500 and MS's rank |
1075 |
SEPT.SUB 5130-5138 |
04/29/98 |
Memo re: 4/29 Updated Windows Release Schedules |
1076 |
MS98 0110419 |
5/6/98 |
Email from Waldment re. IE 4.01 for Mac timing? |
1077 |
MS98 0103647-
0103649 |
05/12/98 |
D. Rosen message to B. Slivka, J. Ludwig, P. Maritz, and T. Reardon Re: "preliminary: the web is the next platform" |
1078 |
MS98 0105268 |
05/12/98 |
Email String Re: One registration & one process for connecting to the internet |
1079 |
A 0666- 0671 |
05/20/98 |
Email String re: Win98 developer release |
1080 |
A 0672- 0676 |
05/20/98 |
Email String Re: Read Paragraph 4 |
1081 |
A 0632- 0635 |
05/21/98 |
Win98 developer release |
1082 |
MAC 05248 |
06/04/98 |
Email |
1083 |
MS98 0169397 |
06/15/98 |
Email |
1084 |
MS98 02035306 |
"02/98" |
Disk Containing model of browser market created by Randy Haas |
1085 |
Apple 000828-
000829 |
07/24/98 |
Email |
1086 |
AC 156- 157 |
08/05/98 |
Email |
1087 |
AC 161 |
08/12/98 |
Email |
1088 |
none |
undated |
Curriculum Vitae of Professor David J. Farber |
1089 |
A 0096 |
08/14/98 |
Email Re: Mac WorldView |
1090 |
MS98 0204260-
0204263 |
09/02/98 |
Email String Re: DOJ v. MS |
1091 |
10/08/98 |
Insider Profile: Ed Graczyk (lead product manager, MS) |
1092 |
MS98 0112834-
0112843 |
07-09/01/97 |
Netscape Competitive Analysis ISP/OLS Channel Revue Segment |
1093 |
MS CID 00002 |
8/2/95-11/9/95 |
Appointments |
1094 |
AC 164-165 |
Two-page handwritten notes on front and back |
1095 |
AP 13 000001-
000025 |
Large/Medium business and government Market--Situation Analysis |
1096 |
AP 13 004516- 13
004530 |
Apple presentation to establish Rhapsody as a viable mass-market alternative platform for development and deployment of innovative applications and solutions on PowerPC and Intel hardware |
1097 |
AP 13 006538 |
Undated handwritten note |
1098 |
AP 13 006769-
006774 |
Slide showing MS technical trade evaluation |
1099 |
AP 4 000168-
000199 |
Apple Rebuilding for the Future |
1100 |
Apple 000377-
000378 |
Apple-MS Agreement Term Sheet |
1101 |
Apple 000936-
000944 |
Memo |
1102 |
MAC 02551- 02552 |
Email |
1103 |
MAC 07136- 07137 |
Competition |
1104 |
MAC 09296- 09298 |
Mac OS and the internet Preliminary MRD Feature List |
1105 |
MAC 10721- 10722 |
Two-page e-mail dated September 5 |
1106 |
MAC 15698- 15729 |
Microsoft Relationship strategy: Draft |
1107 |
MAC 18234- 18245 |
Microsoft Relationship strategy: Draft |
1108 |
MS7 004233-
004263 |
Presentation Materials, "IE 4.0 Team Meeting" |
1109 |
MS98 0106544-
0106581 |
Loose Ends - IE4 to IE5 Transition Docs. |
1110 |
MS98 0110448-
0110513 |
Microsoft Office 98, Macintosh Edition: Launch Plan |
1111 |
MS98 0110519-
0110521 |
IE 4.0 for Macintosh Sustain Plan |
1112 |
none |
09/28/98 |
Excerpts from Microsoft Money manual explaining ease of switching from Quicken to Microsoft |
1113 |
Chart: Examples of Microsoft's Agreements with OEMs - General OEM Business Terms |
1114 |
Chart: Examples of Microsoft's Agreements with Internet Content Providers |
1115 |
Chart: Examples of Microsoft's Agreements with Online Services and Other Internet Service Providers |
1116 |
MSV 0002610-
0002644 |
02/22/93 |
License Agreement for Microsoft Products between Microsoft and Compaq |
1117 |
NSMS 059968 |
12/15/94 |
Netscape Product Update |
1118 |
MS98 0153122 |
01/11/95 |
B. Gates message to N. Myhrvold, D. Rosen re "Barksdale joins Netscape" |
1119 |
MSV 0004322-
0004336 |
05/01/95 |
Amendment No. 1 to the Microsoft OEM License Agreement between Microsoft and Gateway 2000 |
1120 |
MSV 0004289-
0004290 |
05/01/95 |
Amendment No. 2 to the Microsoft OEM License Agreement between Microsoft and Gateway 2000 |
1121 |
MSV 0000749-
0000756 |
07/01/95 |
Amendment No. 2 for Microsoft contract # 2811-5180 with Dell |
1122 |
000070 |
08/01/95 |
Promotion and Distribution Agreement between AOL and Compaq |
1123 |
MSV 0000143-
0000172 |
08/24/95 |
Microsoft OEM License Agreement with IBM |
1124 |
MSV 0000199-
0000217 |
08/24/95 |
Amendment No. 7 to Microsoft OEM License Agreement with IBM |
1125 |
MS6 5000087-
5000105 |
12/06/95 |
Microsoft Internet Explorer Source License and Distribution Agreement with Compuserve |
1126 |
MS6 6010976-
6010985 |
02/22/96 |
Urgeles email re. Telefonica visit |
1127 |
MS98 0102535-
0102536 |
03/12/96 |
Summary of Explorer Marketing and Distribution Agreement between Microsoft and AOL |
1128 |
MS6 5001199-
5001245 |
03/12/96 |
License and Marketing Agreement between Microsoft and AOL |
1129 |
MSV 0005244-
0005246 |
05/01/96 |
Amendment No. 1 to Microsoft OEM License Agreement for Desktop Operating Systems between Microsoft and Packard Bell |
1130 |
MSV 0005697-
0005706 |
05/01/96 |
Amendment No. 1 to the License Agreement between Compaq and Microsoft |
1131 |
1DOJAT-AVS: 0001 -
0023 |
05/15/96 |
Strategic Relationship Framework Agreement between Microsoft and MCI |
1132 |
MS6 6008291-
6008307 |
05/15/96 |
Internet Explorer Addendum to Strategic Relationship Framework Agreement between Microsoft and MCI |
1133 |
MSV 0005923-
0005927 |
05/17/96 |
Letter from Williams to Compaq enclosing the Letter of Understanding extending the Frontline Partnership between Microsoft and Compaq |
1134 |
MS6 5000168-
5000189 |
06/03/96 |
Promotion and Distribution Agreement between Microsoft and Compuserve |
1135 |
SBCMS 500303-
500310 |
06/06/96 |
License and Distribution Agreement -Microsoft Internet Explorer |
1136 |
AM 00035-00059 |
06/27/96 |
Network Service Provider Distribution Agreement between Netscape and Ameritech Interactive Media Services |
1137 |
MSV 0005734-
0005747 |
07/01/96 |
License and Distribution Agreement -Microsoft Internet Explorer between Microsoft and Compaq |
1138 |
MS6 5000862-
5000878 |
07/29/96 |
Addendum D. Internet-Sign Up Wizard Referral Addendum to Strategic Relationship Framework Agreement between Microsoft and MCI |
1139 |
NSC 002125 |
08/02/96 |
Company Obligations |
1140 |
MS98 0102554-
0102555 |
08/15/96 |
Summary of Internet-Sign up Wizard Referral and Microsoft Internet Explorer License and Distribution Agreement between Microsoft and Brigadoon |
1141 |
MS6 5000003-
5000028 |
08/16/96 |
Internet-Sign Up Wizard Referral and Microsoft Internet Explorer License and Distribution Agreement between Microsoft and Earthlink Network |
1142 |
MS98 0102556-
0102557 |
08/20/96 |
Summary of Internet-Sign up Wizard Referral and Microsoft Internet Explorer License and Distribution Agreement between Microsoft and Istar |
1143 |
DOJ 00049 (7 pages) |
08/26/96 |
Microsoft OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) OEM Service Release 2 User's Guide |
1144 |
MS6 5001127-
5001152 |
08/27/96 |
Internet-Sign Up Wizard Referral Agreement between Microsoft and Compuserve |
1145 |
MS98 0102539-
0102540 |
09/01/96 |
Summary of Internet Explorer Promotion and Distribution Agreement between Microsoft and Prodigy |
1146 |
MS6 5000920-
5000947 |
09/05/96 |
Internet-Sign Up Wizard Referral and Microsoft Internet Explorer License and Distribution Agreement between Microsoft and Mindspring |
1147 |
MS98 0102552 |
09/13/96 |
Summary of Internet-Sign Up Wizard Referral and Microsoft Internet Explorer License and Distribution Agreement between Microsoft and IDT Corporation |
1148 |
MS6 5000997-
5001019 |
09/18/96 |
Promotion and Distribution Agreement between Microsoft and Prodigy |
1149 |
MS98 0102546-
0102547 |
09/26/96 |
Summary of Internet-Sign Up Wizard Referral and Microsoft Internet Explorer License and Distribution Agreement between Microsoft and Digex, Inc. |
1150 |
Reserved |
1151 |
AM 00060-00100 |
11/01/96 |
First Amendment and Supplement to Network Service Provider Distribution Agreement between Netscape and Ameritech Interactive Media Services |
1152 |
RAA 0057-0097 |
11/01/96 |
Second Amendment and Supplement to OEM License Agreement between Netscape and Bell Atlantic Internet Solutions |
1153 |
MS98 0100808-
0100825 |
12/07/96 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement between Microsoft and PointCast Inc. |
1154 |
MS98 0102537-
0102538 |
01/07/97 |
Summary of Internet -Sign Up Wizard Referral and Microsoft Internet Explorer License and Distribution Agreement between Microsoft and Prodigy |
1155 |
000009 |
02/01/97 |
Joint Market Promotion Activity Agreement between Microsoft and Compaq |
1156 |
INT 00001- 00025 |
06/06/97 |
Internet Explorer Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement between Microsoft and Intuit |
1157 |
MS98 0100566-
0100590 |
06/06/97 |
Internet Explorer Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement between Microsoft and Intuit |
1158 |
AM 00022-00023 |
06/25/97 |
Amendment No. 2 to the Network Service Provider Distribution Agreement between Netscape and Ameritech Interactive Media Services |
1159 |
TM 000054- 000074 |
06/26/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement between Microsoft and Hollywood Online |
1160 |
AM 00028-00029 |
07/01/97 |
Second Amendment to Network Service Provider Distribution Agreement between Netscape and Ameritech Interactive Media Services |
1161 |
000007 |
07/01/97 |
Cooperative Market Development and Support Agreement for Microsoft Windows between Microsoft and Compaq |
1162 |
none |
undated |
Curriculum Vitae of Glenn E. Weadock |
1163 |
CNET 000028-
000055 |
07/14/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement between Microsoft and CNET |
1164 |
CNP 000001-
000021 |
07/15/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution, & Promotion Agreement Between Microsoft & CondeNet Inc. |
1165 |
TWDC 0369- 0388 |
07/17/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement between Microsoft and ESPN Internet Adventures |
1166 |
MSV 10010- 10013 |
07/21/97 |
Memorandum of Understanding re: Internet Explorer 4.0 between Microsoft and Digital |
1167 |
MAC 0041 - 0052 |
08/05/97 |
Technology Agreement between Apple Computer and Microsoft |
1168 |
MSV 10014- 10017 |
08/08/97 |
Memorandum of Understanding re: Internet Explorer 4.0 between Microsoft and Packard Bell NEC Corp. |
1169 |
MSV 10018- 10024 |
08/14/97 |
Non-binding letter of Intent re: Internet Explorer 4.0 between Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard |
1170 |
NBC 0015-0038 |
08/15/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement between Microsoft and NBC |
1171 |
MSV 10031-10038 |
08/20/97 |
Memorandum of Understanding re: Internet Explorer 4.0 between Microsoft and Dell |
1172 |
MSV 10025-10029 |
08/25/97 |
Memorandum of Understanding re: Internet Explorer 4.0 Launch Activities between Microsoft and Toshiba |
1173 |
MSV 10002-10009 |
08/28/97 |
Memorandum of Understanding re: Internet Explorer 4.0 between Microsoft and Gateway 2000 |
1174 |
MS98 0100070-
0100089 |
09/08/97 |
IEAK Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement, Business ICP between Microsoft and Bloomberg |
AOL 0000145-0000173 |
09/10/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement between Microsoft and AOL |
TWDC 0704- 0755 |
09/10/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement between Microsoft and Disney Online |
Government Ex. 911 |
09/22/97 |
Amendment No. 1 to Addendum D: Internet Sign-up Wizard Referral between Microsoft and MCI |
AM 00030-00034 |
10/27/97 |
Third Amendment to Network Service Provider Distribution Agreement between Netscape and Ameritech Interactive Media Services |
AM 00002-00012 |
12/30/97 |
Fourth Amendment to Network Service Provider Distribution Agreement between Netscape and Ameritech Interactive Media Services |
RAA 0002-0013 |
12/30/97 |
Sixth Amendment to 3/23/96 OEM License Agreement between Netscape and Bell Atlantic Internet Solutions |
98CV01232: 5027-
5032 |
01/09/98 |
Compaq & Microsoft Letter of Intent |
1182 |
MS98 0101383-
02/06/98 |
Internet-Sign Up Wizard Referral Agreement between Microsoft and AOL |
MS98 0009088-
0009118 |
02/01/98 |
Amendment No. 6 to Microsoft contract # 1172-6201 with Hewlett-Packard |
MS98 0102533-0102534 |
02/06/98 |
Summary of Internet Referral Server Agreement between Microsoft and AOL |
none |
undated |
Curriculum Vitae of Professor Franklin M. Fisher |
SBCMS 001498-
001508 |
02/23/98 |
Amendment to 8/15/96 OEM License Agreement between Netscape and Southwestern Bell Internet Services |
SBCMS 001487-
001497 |
02/23/98 |
Amendment No. 4 to 3/24/95 OEM Reseller License Agreement between Netscape and Pacific Bell Internet Services |
MS98 0128294-
0128331 |
03/01/98 |
Microsoft General OEM Business Terms with Dell Computer |
MS98 0008868-
0008919 |
04/01/98 |
Microsoft General OEM Business Terms with Compaq (#5115450001) |
MS98 0008920-
0008953 |
04/01/98 |
Microsoft General OEM Business Terms with Compaq (#5000020819) |
MS98 0153753-
04/16/98 |
D. Bourgoir message re: Windows 98 Referral Server Agreement and "Waiver Letter" |
MS98 0113898-
0113914 |
05/16/98 |
Microsoft Registration Wizard OEM Support |
none |
undated |
Curriculum Vitae of Professor Edward W. Felton |
MS98 0113962
05/26/98 |
Microsoft letter to Hewlett-Packard re alternate registration and ISP sign-up in Windows 98 boot process |
MS98 0113849-
0113870 |
05/27/98 |
Microsoft letter to Packard Bell re alternate registration and ISP sign-up in Windows 98 boot process, with attached documents |
MS98 0113937 |
06/22/98 |
Microsoft letter to Dell re alternate registration and ISP sign-up in Windows 98 boot process |
C-DOJ 000874-000884 |
06/29/98 |
Caldera Openlinux End-User License Agreement |
NSMS 059984-059988 |
12/15/94 |
End-User License Agreement for Netscape Navigator |
3 pages |
undated |
End-User License Agreement for Microsoft Internet Explorer |
3 pages |
undated |
End-User License Agreement for Microsoft Internet Explorer Starter Kit |
MS98 0102858-0102865 |
undated |
Appendix A OPK Requirements and Restrictions |
none |
undated |
Videotape entitled "Removing IE web browsing from Microsoft Windows presented by Dr. Edward W. Felton |
none |
undated |
Videotape entitled "Microsoft Internet Connection Wizard in Windows 98" presented by Dr. Edward W. Felton
Reserved |
Reserved |
Reserved |
Reserved |
Reserved |
MTVN 000094-000116 |
7/25/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement between MTV Networks and Microsoft |
SPORT 000175-000196 |
7/7/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement between Sportsline, USA and Microsoft |
ZD 0002- 0025 |
8/6/97 |
Active Desktop Marketing, Distribution & Promotion Agreement between Microsoft and ZDNet |
MS6 5000413-
5000452 |
7/23/96 |
Internet-Sign Up Wizard Referral and Microsoft Internet Explorer License and Distribution Agreement between AT&T and Microsoft
MS6 5000381-
7/23/96 |
Promotion and Distribution Agreement between AT&T and Microsoft |
MS6 5000949-
5000977 |
7/11/98 |
Internet-Sign Up Wizard Referral and Microsoft Internet Explorer License and Distribution Agreement between Netcom and Microsoft
MS6 5000978-
3/1/96 |
License and Distribution Agreement between Netcom and Microsoft |
none |
10/12/98 |
Table of Information from Deloitte & Touch financial database of pre-tax profitability as a percentage of revenue
none |
undated |
Financial History Pivot Table from www .microsoft.com/mfst/tools.htm |
none |
undated |
Tevanian Witness Statement Attachment 1
none |
undated |
Tevanian Witness Statement Attachment 2
none |
undated |
Tevanian Witness Statement Attachment 3
none |
undated |
Tevanian Witness Statement Attachment 4
none |
undated |
Tevanian Witness Statement Attachment 5
MAC 5229 |
email |
MAC 5288- 5289 |
none |
undated |
Market Share Data |
1226 |
none |
undated |
Market Share Data |
1227 |
none |
undated |
Screen Shots of IE 4 Web Browsing Window Displaying Department of Justice Home Page on Windows 98, Sun Solaris, and Apple MacOS |
none |
undated |
Screen Shots of IE 4 Web Browsing Window Displaying "Explorer Bar" on Windows 98, Sun Solaris, and Apple MacOS |
none |
undated |
Screen Shots of IE 4 Web Browsing Window Displaying "Security Zones" on Windows 98, Sun Solaris, and Apple MacOS |