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Charter - International Competitiveness Advisory Committee

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   A.  Official Designation       This Charter relates to the International Competition Policy Advisory Committee, referred to herein as the Committee.   B.   The Committee's Objectives and Scope of Authority       To review and make recommendations to the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust Division ("AAG/ATR") regarding how the United States can best work with foreign nations and regional economic integration organizations to deter anticompetitive international cartels.       To review and make recommendations regarding the most efficacious manner in which the United States can coordinate their efforts with those of foreign nations and regional economic integration organizations to review the competitive ramifications of multinational mergers.       To review the relationship between United States' competition policy and trade policy and make recommendations regarding those situations in which competition policy, including specifically international antitrust enforcement, can effectively be used as a supplement to, or substitute for, trade policy in creating or maintaining free and open international markets.       To make recommendations concerning specific initiatives that the United States can undertake to enhance its ability to protect the United States' economy from international antitrust violations.   C.   Duration       The period of time necessary for the Committee to carry out its purpose is three years.      This Charter expires two years from its effective date and is subject to renewal.   D.   Reporting       The Committee shall report to the AAG/ATR or the AAG/ATR's designated appointee.   E.  Support Services       The Antitrust Division will provide all the necessary support services for the Committee.   F.  Duties       The duties of the Committee are advisory and are to carry out the objectives listed in Section B of this Charter.      The overall advisory process and structure will consist of the Committee, a Designated Federal Employee ("DFE") appointed by the AAG/ATR, and such staff, comprised of employees of the Antitrust Division, as shall be agreed upon between the Chairman of the Committee and the AAG/ATR.  The Chairman of the Committee also may designate, with the approval of the AAG/ATR, members of the Committee to act as one or more subcommittees in order to assist the Committee in carrying out its duties.   G.   Annual Operating Costs       The estimated annual operating costs of the Committee are expected to be approximately $53,000.  These costs involve 0.1 work- years of support services and the expenses of members to attend meetings.   H.  Meetings       The Committee generally will meet 6 times each year at approximately 2 month intervals.  Committee meetings will be open to the public unless determined otherwise by the DFE. Subcommittees will meet based on a schedule agreed to by the Chairman of the Committee and the DFE.   I.  Establishing Authority       Establishment of the Committee was approved by the AAG/ATR in August 1997 to ensure appropriate input from a broad spectrum of government, business and consumer interests towards the development of an appropriate antitrust enforcement approach to international antitrust violations and mergers, and of an appropriate approach to the integration of antitrust policy and international trade policy to achieve the common objectives of both.   J.  Delegation of Authority to Appoint Members       Authority to appoint members of the Committee is hereby delegated to the AAG/ATR.   K.  Termination Date       The Committee's termination date is 3 years from the date of this Charter.   L.  Date of Charter      Oct. 3, 1997.                                  ____________/S/____________                                          Janet Reno                                       Attorney General

Updated June 25, 2015