Current Issues In Merger Enforcement : Thoughts On Theory, Litigation Practice, And Retrospectives - Description Of Figure 1 - Merger Challenges
Figure 1, labeled "Merger Challenges," is a bar chart showing how often the Division has challenged mergers from fiscal year 2003 to the present. The figures represented on the bars are, for fiscal years: 2003, 9 complaints filed, 3 deals restructured without a complaint being filed, and 3 deals abandoned during DOJ investigation; 2004, 6 complaints filed, 1 deal restructured without a complaint being filed, and 2 deals abandoned during DOJ investigation; 2005, 3 complaints filed and 1deal restructured without a complaint being filed; 2006, 10 complaints filed and 6 deals restructured without a complaint being filed; 2007, 4 complaints filed, 7 deals restructured without a complaint being filed, and 1 deal abandoned during DOJ investigation; and 2008 (year to date), 13 complaints filed and 1 deal restructured without a complaint being filed. |
Updated August 24, 2015