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Decapitalized On Demand Business

Decapitalized On Demand Business

Two triangles, one upside down. Both are divided into 4 parts.

First Triangle is labelled Traditional Business. The second is labeled On Demand Business. There is an arrow pointing from Tradional Business to On Demand Business.

Parts in the triangles are all labeled in the same order, except that the second triangle is upside down. The label is in between the triangles one arrow pointing to the left (Tradional Business) and one to the right (On Demand Business).

1st label - Brand Capital ("Push Focus" for Tradional Business), ("Pull Focus" for On Demand Business)
2nd label - Human Capital ("Production Focus" for Tradional Business), ("Customer Focus" for On Demand Business)
3rd label - Working Capital (High for Tradional Business), (Low for On Demand Business)
4th label - Physical Capital (High for Tradional Business), (Low for On Demand Business)

To the bottom right of the On Demand Business triangle, next to the 4th part, there are three smaller triangles (right side up) with the label Outsourced Network underneath.

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Updated August 14, 2015