Congress of the United States Washington, DC 20515 August 9, 2001 The Honorable John Ashcroft U.S. Attorney General Department of Justice Tenth Street and Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530 Mr. Steve Hallmer Chief Executive Officer Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052 The Honorable Tom Miller Iowa Attorney General Department of Justice 1305 E. Walnut Street Des Mones, IA 50319 Dear Sirs: Following the recent Court of Appeals decision, we are pleased that all sides in the Microsoft antitrust litigation have begun settlement discussions. Today we write to encourage these discussions with the hope that a settlement can be reached at the earliest possible date and on reasonable terms that support competition and innovation. Antitrust enforcement should be about protecting the American consumers, not deciding ?? and loacers among wealthy competitors. Now is the time for all parties to the litigation to address the remaining issues and provide some finality that protects consumers and allows the American high-tech industry to innovate an prospect. This industry offers extraordinary promise to ?? exciting new technologies to the American consumer and the global marketplace, and the resolution of this protracted litigation will greatly serve to further that goal. While not expressing a view on the merits, we respectfully urge all parties to reach a just and speedy conclusions to this case. Best Regards,
___________/s/___________ Jennifer Dunn MEMBER OF CONGRESS | ___________/s/___________ Jay Inslee MEMBER OF CONGRESS |
Signatories Of Letter In Favor Of Settlement Jennifer Dunn -R Jay Inslee -D Dick Armey - R Henery Hyde -R Judy Biggert - R Anna Eshoo -D Stophen Horn - R Charles Taylor - R Charles Norwood - R Thomas Petri - R Sonny Callahan - R Timothy Johnson - R Deborah Pryce - R Mark Green- R Ernie Fletcher - R Pat Toomey - R Anne Northup - R Phil English - R George Nethercult Jr.-R Greg Walden- R Virgil Goods- I Joel Hefley - R Richard Porabo - R Mark Foley - R Melissa Hart - R Kay Granger- R Jim Gibbons - R Dave Hobson - R Jim Greenwood - R John Shadegg - R Henry Bonilla - R Alicee Hastings - D John Doolittle - R Bob Goodlatte- R Steve Buyer - R Charlie Bass - R Sam Farr - D J. Randy Forbes - R Shelley Moore Capito -R Roy Blunt - R Steve Chabot - R Chip Pickering -R C.L. Otter - R | Eric Cantor -R J.C. Watts-R Rick Keller-R Ron Kind -R Tim Holden- D Maurice Hichey-D Barney Frank - D Louis Gtierrez-D Cal Dooly - D Mike Ross-D Lane Evans - D Henry Waxman - D Robert Matsui - D Michael McNulty- D Gene Green - D Bud Kramer - D Norman Dicks - D Baron Hill - D Wm Lacy Clay- D Earl Blumenauer-D Ted Strickland-D Eddic Bemice Johnson- D Gary Ackerman- D David Phelps-D John Sprati- D Mike Mclntyre -D Jim Moran - D Tammy Baldwin-D Allen Boyd-D Steny Hoyer- D John Lewis -D Jim Matheson-D Jim McDermott-D Rick Larsen-D Gregory Mecks-D Elijah Cummings-D James Harcia-D John Oliver-D Nancy Pelosi-D Bill Detahunt -D Patrick Kennedy-D Martin Frost-D Tom Sawyer-D |