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Figure 2

This diagram shows that divestiture of a loop circuit to a particular building is required only if AT&T and SBC (or Verizon and MCI) were the only carriers connected by their own loops to the building prior to the acquisition. Only in these "2 going to 1" loop scenarios is a divestiture required. The relationships are:

First level - An image of a building representing an Office Building. Line extending from the right of the Office Building connecting to SBC Equipment enclosed in a rectangle box.

Second level - SBC Equipment box and connects to SBC/AT&T Equipment enclosed in a rectangle box. Extending down from the SBC/AT&T Equipment box are two diagonal lines (one to the left, one to the right). The diagonal line with an arrow to the left represents AT&T Loop and connects to Building 1, while the diagonal line with an arrow to the right represents Other CLEC Loop and connects to Building 2. From the bottom center of the SBC/AT&T Equipment box is a straight line separating into two smaller lines connected with arrows – one arrow is pointing and connecting to Building 1 – the other arrow is pointing and connecting to Building 2. These arrows connecting to Buildings 1 and 2 represents SBC Loops. From the right of the SBC/AT&T Equipment box are two lines --an SBC Transport (on top) and an AT&T Transport (underneath) – with a direct line indicating traffic flow into the SBC/AT&T/CLEC Equipment box enclosed in a rectangle box. Connecting from the top of the SBC/AT&T/CLEC Equipment box is an arrow pointing upwards with the label To CLEC Network. Connecting to the right of the SBC/AT&T/CLEC Equipment box is an arrow pointing to the right with the label To SBC and AT&T Networks.

Diagram key is Divestiture Remedy applies to Building 1 Loops but not Building 2 Loops.

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Updated August 14, 2015