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Figure 3

This diagram shows that divestiture of transport circuits sufficient to connect that loop's splice point on the AT&T network to the purchasing CLEC's network. The remedy can be presumed successful at getting the call onto the CLEC's network without a price increase created by a "2 to 1" loop situation resulting from the acquisition. The relationships are

First level - An image of a Building. Line extending from the right of the Building connecting to SBC enclosed in a box.

Second level - SBC box connects to SBC/AT&T Equipment enclosed in a rectangle box. Extending down from the SBC/AT&T Equipment box are two diagonal lines (one to the left, one to the right). The diagonal line to the left represents AT&T Loop and connects to a Building (no label), while the diagonal line with an arrow to the right represents the Building labeled Location C. From the bottom center of the SBC/AT&T Equipment box is a straight line separating into two smaller lines – one arrow is pointing and connecting to a Building (no label) – the other arrow is pointing and connecting to the Building labeled Location C. These connections to a Building (no label) and Building labeled Location C represents SBC Loops. The caption under both Building (no label) and Building labeled Location C is Customer Branch Offices. From the right of the SBC/AT&T Equipment box are two lines --SBC (on top) and AT&T (underneath) – with a direct line indicating traffic flow into the SBC/AT&T/CLEC Equipment box enclosed in a rectangle box. Connecting from the top of the SBC/AT&T/CLEC Equipment box is an arrow pointing upwards with the label To CLEC Network. The caption under SBC/AT&T/CLEC Equipment box is Location B. From the right of the SBC/AT&T/CLEC Equipment box are two lines --SBC (on top) and AT&T (underneath) – with a direct line indicating traffic flow into a second SBC/AT&T/Equipment box enclosed in a rectangle box. From the left and right corners of the second SBC/AT&T Equipment box are two smaller lines – both pointing to the center and connecting to the Building labeled Location A. The caption under the Building labeled Location A is Customer Main Office.

Diagram key is Remedy applies to Local Private Line from Location A to Location B, but not from Location B to Location C.

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Updated August 14, 2015