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July 2003 Model Of Oracle's Projection Of Declines In R&D, S&M, G&A Costs For J.D. Edwards

The chart shows the July 2003 Model of Oracle's Projection of Declines in R&D, S&M, G&A Costs for J.D. Edwards (in millions of dollars).

Total R&D, S&M, and G&A costs are shown as follows: FY03 481, FY05E 111 (77% decline), continuing with a slight decline in FY06E and FY07E, to 94 (80% decline) in FY08E. Oracle alleges that these cost declines are efficiencies attributable to J.D. Edwards: $371 million = $481 million - $111 million.

S&M costs are shown as follows: FY03 265, FY05E 34 (87%), continuing with a slight decline in FY06E and FY07E, to 24 (91%) in FY08E.

R&D costs are not readable, but show a decline.

G&A costs are shown as follows: FY03 89, FY05E 17 (82%), continuing with a slight decline in FY06E and FY07E, to 15 (84%) in FY08E.

Notes: Charts exclude FY04 since the July 2003 Model only provides partial year forecast for FY04.

Source: July 2003 Model (Plaintiff's Exhibit 3004).

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Updated August 14, 2015