July 2003 Model Of Oracle's Projection Of Percent Declines In Output And Costs For J.D. Edwards
The chart shows the July 2003 Model of Oracle's Projection of Percent Declines in Output and Costs for J.D. Edwards. Total customers (including "Oracle migrations") are shown as follows: FY03 0%, FY05E -8%, continuing with a slight decline in FY06E and FY07E, to 17% in FY08E. Total license transactions (including "Oracle migrations") are shown as follows: FY03 0%, FY05E -42%, continuing with a slight increase in FY06E and once again decreasing in FY07E, to -58% in FY08E. Total license, maintenance, and prof services costs (not alleged efficiencies) are shown as follows: FY03 0%, FY05E -69%, continuing with a slight decline in FY06E and FY07E, to -74% in FY08E. Total R&D, S&M, and G&A costs (alleged efficiencies) are shown as follows: FY03 0%, FY05E -77%, continuing with a slight decline in FY06E and FY07E, to -80% in FY08E. New J.D. Edwards customers are shown as follows: FY03 0%, FY05E -100%, continuing with -100% in FY06E, FY07E, and FY08E. Notes: Total customers shown are end of period numbers. Charts exclude FY04 since the July 2003 Model only provides partial year forecast for FY04. Source: July 2003 Model (Plaintiff's Exhibit 3004). For certain FY03 J.D. Edwards numbers, source is Oracle spreadsheet dated July 7, 2003 (Plaintiff's Exhibit 901). |