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LTM Stock Price Performance

LTM Stock Price Performance

The following numbers are estimates of the figures represented in a bar graph. These figures are not accurate, only approximations.

Y-axis - dollar value from $15.00 to $60.00 in increments of 5.
X-axis - dates starting on 4/9/2002 to 3/9/2003, marking the 9th date of each month.

Approximate stock price on:

4/9/2002 - $47.00
5/9/2002 - $53.00
6/9/2002 - $50.00
7/9/2002 - $40.00
8/9/2002 - $36.00
9/9/2002 - $39.00
10/9/2002 - $30.00
11/9/2202 - $34.00
12/9/2202 - $31.00
1/9/2003 - $36.00
2/9/2003 - $35.00
3/9/2003 - $33.50

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Updated August 14, 2015