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Mensa/Sagittarius Exchange Ratio

Mensa/Sagittarius exchange ratio

Y-axis - contains number from 1.5 thru 7.5x in increments of one (e.g., 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5)
X-axis - contains dates from 6/13/00 thru 6/13/03 (e.g., 6/13/00, 1/18/01, 8/25/01, 4/1/02, 11/6/02, 6/13/03)
Below the X-axis are several short horizontal lines, each one followed by text: Exchange Ratio, Last 3 Years, Last 2 Years, LTM, Last 90 Days, and Last 30 Days. It is not clear what these lines and text signify.
There are also some horizontal lines running thru the graph which are not marked or which purpose is not explained.

The exchange ratio is not specifically marked by date in the graph but can be approximated from the amount of dates given. The exchange ratio is given as follows:
Last 3 Years = 4.071x (date: 6/13/00)
Last 2 Years = 3.758x (date: 6/13/01)
LTM = 3.311x (?)
Last 90 Days = 3.939x (date: 3/13/03)
Last 30 Days = 4.559x (date: 5/13/03)
Current = 5.169x (date: 6/13/03)

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Updated August 14, 2015