Order Establishing Notice And Public Comment Procedures For Motion To Terminate Final Judgment : U.S. V. Watchmakers Of Switzerland Information Center, Inc.
PROCEDURES FOR MOTION TO TERMINATE FINAL JUDGMENT Defendant Rolex Watch U.S.A., Inc. ("Rolex"), successor in interest to Defendant the American Rolex Watch Corporation, having moved for an Order terminating the Final Judgment entered by this Court on March 9, 1960 in the above-captioned matter ("Final Judgment"), and Plaintiff, the United States, having tentatively consented to the motion, and Plaintiff having proposed, and Defendant Rolex having agreed, that notice of the motion and the United States' tentative consent to it be published at the expense of Defendant Rolex, and that all interested persons be given an opportunity to submit comments concerning the proposed termination of the Final Judgment, and it appearing to the Court desirable to invite such comments, and in consideration of the Stipulation of the parties dated February 28, 2006, it is ORDERED that Defendant Rolex shall publish at its own expense a notice in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A in (a) two consecutive issues of The Wall Street Journal and (b) simultaneous publications in Modern Jeweler and Professional Jeweler both of which are monthly journals and file proof of such publications with the Court; and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that copies of all comments received by Plaintiff within sixty (60) days after the last publication of the notices required by this Order shall be filed with this Court by Plaintiff promptly after it receives such comments; and it is FURTHER ORDERED, that this Court will not rule upon Defendant's motion until at least the seventieth (70th) day after the last publication of the notices required by this Order and the publication by the United States of a notice in the Federal Register announcing these proceedings. DONE, this _____ day of __________________, 2005.