Business Address | | Harvard Business School 10 Soldiers Field Road Boston, MA 02163 (617)495-6643 | Education | | Ph.D. in Physics. September 1988 Harvard University Thesis on experimental low temperature electronics, microfabrication, and superconductivity; Professor M. Tinkham, advisor. A.B. summa cum laude in Physics, June 1983 Harvard University Diploma, June 1979 American International School, Vienna, Austria International Baccalaureate, 1979 (ranked second in the world, distinctions in English, Math and Physics). | Academic Experience | | Professor Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration July 1998 - present. Technology and Operations Management area. Co-designed and taught the second year course Starting New Ventures, as well as several other MBA and executive courses and electives. Performed research on the management of new ventures, operations, technology and product development. Advised several doctoral dissertations. Co-designed joint PhD program in Information Technology and Management, and co-chaired the program until Jan 2004. Appointed to David Samoff Professorship in 2001. Associate Professor Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration July 1994 - 1998. Technology and Operations Management area. Designed and taught the second year course Managing Product Development, and product development electives in the executive PMD and AMP programs. Designed and chaired the Leading Product Development executive course. Performed research on the management of technology and product development. Assistant Professor Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration July 1989 - June 1994. Production and Operations Management area. Taught the first year course on Technology and Operations Management. Performed research on the management of technology and product development. Teaching Fellow in the Department of Physics Harvard University 1982 - 1988. Teaching fellow in several physics courses, including solid state physics and laboratory electronics. IBM Post-doctoral Research Fellow Harvard University Sept. 1988 - June 1989 Performed research on the design and fabrication of a new generation of microelectronic devices, using principles developed in the course of thesis research. Research Assistant in the Division of Applied Sciences Harvard University 1983 - Sept. 1988. Performed experimental and theoretical work on the behavior of small microelectronic circuits at low temperatures. Acquired experience in software development, computer modeling techniques, and in the use of infrared lasers. Partly responsible for the organization, design and construction of a new class room. Research Assistant Center for Atomic Energy Research, Seibersdorf Austria Summer 1981. Performed experiments for the Austrian Atomic Energy Commission. Work was performed in German. | Selected Consulting Experience | | Co-Founder and Board Member, Model N Corporation March 2000 - August 2000 and September 2001 - present. Co-founded and advised Model N, an enterprise software company that provides a platform for Business Networks. Model N software is J2EE-compliant. Co-Founder and Vice President, for Products and Strategy, Model N Corporation September 2000 - August 2001. During a year leave from Harvard, performed executive roles at Model N, including responsibility for Product Management, Product Marketing, and Strategy. During tenure, company grew to 120 employees, acquired key customers, shipped multiple product releases, and built a significant revenue base. Board Member and Chief Strategic Advisor, IDe Corporation October 1998 - present. IDe provides enterprise software for automating the product development chain. Board Member, Mobilian Corporation October 1998 - present. Mobilian provides integrated circuits for wireless networks. Consultant and Advisor 1990 - present. Performed consultant and advisory roles for a variety of companies in different industries, including Lucent Technologies, Merloni Inc., Nortel Networks, Motorola, Unilever, Greylock Ventures, OneLiberty Ventures, (Acquired by Ariba, Inc.), NetDynamics (Acquired by Sun Microsystems), PDF Solutions (NASDAQ:PDFS), and others. | Awards and Honors | | Phi Beta Kappa (elected as a college junior). John Parker Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Scholarship, 1986. Robbins Physics Prize, 1986. IBM Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1988-1989. Apgar Award for Innovation in Teaching, 1998. | Publications
Book | | lansiti, M., Technology Integration: Making Critical Choices in a Turbulent World, HBS Press, 1997. Iansiti, Marco and Roy Levien. The Keystone Advantage: What the New Dynamics of Business Ecosystems Mean for Strategy, Innovation, and Sustainability. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, July 2004. | Management Research Papers | | Iansiti, M., "Real World R&D: Jumping the Product Generation Gap," Harvard Business Review (May-June 1993). Barkan, P., and M. Iansiti, "Prototyping: Rapid Learning and Early Testing," in H. K. Bowen and S C. Wheelwright, eds., The Perpetual Enterprise Machine: High Performance Product Development in the 1990s, N.Y. Oxford University Press, 1994. A revised version was published as "Prototyping, a Tool for Rapid Learning in Product Development," Simultaneous Engineering Journal (1993). Clark, KB., M. Iansiti, and R. Billington, "Project Leadership and Organization" In The Perpetual Enterprise Machine: High Performance Product Development in the 1990s, edited by H. K. Bowen and S. C. Wheelwright. NY: Oxford University Press, 1994. Iansiti, M. and KB. Clark. "Integration and Dynamic Capability: Evidence from Product Development in Automobiles and Mainframe Computers," Industrial and Corporate Change 3 (1994): 557-605. Iansiti, M, "Science Based Product Development: An Empirical Study of the Mainframe Computer Industry," Production and Operations Management (1995). Iansiti, M., "Technology Development and Integration: An Empirical Study of the Interaction Between Applied Science and Product Development," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 42 (1995): 259-269. Iansiti, M., "Technology Integration: Managing, Technological Evolution in a Complex Environment," Research Policy 24 (1995): 521-542. Iansiti, M. and T. Khanna, "Technological Evolution, System Architecture and the Obsolescence of Firm Capabilities," Industrial and Corporate Change 4 (1995): 333-361. Iansiti, M., "Shooting the Rapids: Managing Product Development in Turbulent Environments," California Management Review (1995). Fujimoto, T., M. Iansiti, and K.B. Clark, "External Integration in Product Development," in Managing Product Development, N.Y., Oxford University Press (1996). Iansiti, M., and J, West, "Science Based Product Development", selected as one of the five best papers to the International Product Development Management Conference, Fountainebleau, France (May 1996). Iansiti, M., and J. West, 'Technology Integration: Turning Great Research into Great Products" Harvard Business Review (March-April 1997). Iansiti, M., and A. MacCormack, "Developing Products on Internet Time." Harvard Business Review (75th Anniversary Issue 1997). Iansiti, M, "From Technological Potential to Product Performance: An Empirical Analysis," Research Policy 26 (1997). Khanna, T., and M. Iansiti. "Firm Asymmetries and Sequential R&D: Theory and Evidence from the Mainframe Computer Industry." Management Science 43, no. 4 (April 1997): 405-421. MacCormack, A.D., and M. Iansiti. "Developing Products for the Interent." In Sense and Respond: Capturing Value in the Network Era, edited by Stephen P. Bradley and Richard L. Nolan. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1998. Iansiti, Marco, and Jonathan West. "From Physics to Function: An Empirical Study of R&D Performance in the Semiconductor Industry." Journal of Product Innovation Management (1998). McGrath, M., and M. Iansiti. "Envisioning IT-Enabled Innovation" PRTM's Insight, (Fall/Winter 1998). Iansiti, M. "How the Incumbent Can Win: Managing Technological Transitions in the Semiconductor Industry," Management Science 46, no. 2 (February 2000). MacCormack, A. D., R. Verganti, and M. Iansiti. "Developing Products on Internet Time: The Anatomy of a Flexible Development Process." Management Science 47, no. 1 (January 2001). West, J., and Marco Iansiti. "Experience, Experimentation, and the Accumulation of Knowledge: An Empirical Study of the Evolution of R&D in the Semiconductor Industry." Research Policy 32, no. 5 (May 2003). Iansiti, Marco, F. Warren McFarlan, and George Westerman. "Leveraging the Incumbent's Advantage." Sloan Management Review 44, no. 4 (Summer 2003): 58-64. Iansiti, Marco, and Roy Levien. "Strategy as Ecology." Harvard Business Review 84, no. 3 (March 2004). | Technical Research Papers | | Hu, Q., J. U. Free, M. Iansiti, O. Liengme, and M. Tinkham, "Chaotic Behavior Observed in a de-Biased Josephson Junction Driven at Far-infrared Frequencies." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics MAG-21, 590 (1985) Iansiti, M., Q. Hu, R. M. Westervelt, and M. Tinkham, "Noise and Chaos in a Fractal Basin Boundary Regime of a Josephson Junction," Physical Review Letter, 55, 746, (1985). Akoh, H., O. Liengme, M. Iansiti, M. Tinkham, and J. U. Free, "Reentrant Temperature Dependence of the Critical Current in Small Tunnel Junctions," Physical Review, B33, 2038 (1986). Iansiti, M., A. T. Johnson, W. F. Smith, H. Rogalla, C. J. Lobb, and M. Tinkham, "Charging Energy and Phase Delocalization in Single Very Small Josephson Tunnel Junctions," Physical Review Letters 59, 489 (1987). Iansiti, M., A. T. Johnson, W. F. Smith, C. J. Lobb, and M. Tinkham, "Possible Observation of Charging Energy Effects in Single Ultra-Small Josephson Tunnel Junctions," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 26, Supplement 26-3, 1557 (1987). Iansiti, M., A. T. Johnson C. J. Lobb, and M. Tinkham, "Crossover from Josephson Tunneling to the Coulomb Blockade," Physical Review Letters 60, 2414 (1988) Iansiti, M., Quantum Phenomena in Mesoscopic Superconducting Tunnel Junctions, Technical Report of the Office of Naval Research, Harvard University (1988). Iansiti, M., A. T. Johnson, C. J. Lobb, and M. Tinkham, "Comment," Physical Review Letters 62, 483(1989). Iansiti, M., A. T. Johnson, W. F. Smith, C. J. Lobb, and M. Tinkham, "Charging Effects and Quantum Properties of Small Superconducting Tunnel Junctions," Physical Review B39, 6465 (1989). Iansiti, ML, A. T. Johnson, C. J. Lobb., and M. Tinkham, "Quantum Tunneling and Low-voltage Resistance in Small Superconducting Tunnel Junctions," Physical Review B40, 11370 (1989). | Course Development
Course And Module Overviews Managing Product Development Course | | Managing Product Development: Matching Technology with Context, Harvard Business School Case #9-697-103. Introduction and Overview: Managing Product Development, Module Overview, Harvard Business School Case #9-697-104. Product Development Foundations, Module Overview, Harvard Business School Case #9-697-105. Product Development Process, Organization, and Improvement, Module Overview. Harvard Business School Case #9-697-106. Innovation in Action: Product Development Projects and Action-Based Learning, Module Overview, Harvard Business School Case 35-697-107. Product Development Performance, Module Overview. Harvard Business School Case #9-697-108. | First Year Product Development Module | | Product Development Organization and Capability, Module Note, Harvard Business School Case #9-693-109. | Cases | | Technological Imperative of Production, Harvard Business School Case #690-052. Microsoft, Office Business Unit, Harvard Business School Case #9-691-033. Intel Systems Group, Harvard, Business School Case #9-691-040. MCC: The Packaging and Interconnect Program (A), with Dorothy Leonard-Barton, Harvard Business School Case #9-692-020. Honda Today, with Takahiro Fujimoto, Harvard Business School Case #9-692-044. Becton Dickinson Advanced Diagnostics Division, Harvard Business School Case #N9-693-100. Becton Dickinson Consumer Products, Harvard Business School Case #9-693-125. Boehm Automotive Suppliers (A), Harvard Business School Case #9-693-096. Boehm Automotive Suppliers (B). Harvard Business School Case #9-693-097. NEC, Harvard Business School Case #N9-693-095. Fiat (A), Harvard Business School Case #9-694-041. Fiat (B), Harvard Business School Case #N9-694-042. Microsoft Multimedia Publications (A), Harvard Business School Case #9-695-005. Microsoft Multimedia Publications (B), Harvard Business School Case #9-695-006. Silicon Graphics, Inc. (A), Harvard Business School Case #9-695-061. Silicon Graphics, Inc. (B), Harvard Business School Case #9-697-038. Team New Zealand (A), Harvard Business School Case #9-697-040. Team New Zealand (B), Harvard Business School Case #9-697-041. Team New Zealand(C), Harvard Business School Case #9-697-042. Bane Zero: New Product Development, Harvard Business School Case #9-697-044. The R&D Challenge of the 1990s, Harvard Business School Case #9-697-048. Living on Internet Time: Product Development at Netscape, Microsoft, Yahoo!, and NetDynamics,. Harvard Business School Case #9-697-052. Connexus (A), Harvard Business School Case #9-697-045. Connexus (B), Harvard Business School Case #9-698-054. Katie Burke (A), Harvard Business School Case #9-698-092. Katie Burke (B), Harvard Business School Case #9-698-093. Staples (A), Harvard Business School Case #9-898-157. Staples (B), Harvard Business School Case #9-898-158. Staples (C), Harvard Business School Case #9-898-159. Sports Experience, Inc. (A), Harvard Business School Case #1-698-029. Sports Experience, Inc. (B), Harvard Business School Case #1-698-030. Sports Experience, Inc. (C), Harvard Business School Case #1-698-031. Eutech Cybernetics, Harvard Business School Case #9-698-062. CitySoft, Inc., Harvard Business School Case #9-698-080. X-IT Products, LLC, Harvard Business School Case #9-698-084. Crimson Solutions (A), Harvard Business School Case #9-699-139. Inktomi: Scaling the Internet, Harvard Business School Case #9-699-156. Motive Communications, Harvard Business School Case #9-699-157. Lucent Technologies: Optical Networking Group, Harvard Business School Case #9-600-053. eFrenzy, Inc. (A), Harvard Business School Case #9-600-093., Harvard Business School Case #9-600-101. | Conceptual Student Notes | | Product Development, A Customer Driven Approach, Harvard Business School Case #9-695-016. Understanding User Needs, Harvard Business School Case #9-695-051. Technology Integration: Knowledge and Context, Harvard Business School Case #9-697-039. Designing a Satellite Launcher, Harvard Business School Case #9-696-060. Design for Manufacturing: An Exercise, Harvard Business School Case #9-695-015. Note on Technical Problem Solving, with Kim B. Clark, Harvard Business School Case #9-692-036. Note on High Temperature Superconductivity, with Oscar Hauptman, Harvard Business School Case #9-691-017. | Teaching Notes | | Silicon Graphics, Inc., Teaching Note, Harvard Business School Case #5-697-111. Intel Systems Group, Teaching Note, Harvard Business School Case #5-692-034. Microsoft, Office Business Unit, Teaching Note, Harvard Business School Case #5-693-111. Honda Today, Teaching Note, Harvard Business School Case #5-693-009. Becton Dickinson: Advanced Diagnostics Division, Teaching Note, Harvard Business School Case#N5-693-110. Boehm Automotive Suppliers (A) and (B), Teaching Note, Harvard Business School Case #5-693-112. NEC, Teaching Note, Harvard Business School Case #N5-693-l 14. Fiat (A), and (B), Teaching Note, Harvard Business School Case #5-697-109. Microsoft Multimedia Publications (A), and (B) Teaching Note, Harvard Business School Case # 5-697-110. Team New Zealand (A), (B), and (C), Teaching Note, Harvard Business School Case #5-697-112. Connexus (A), Teaching Note, Harvard Business School Case #5-697-113. Banc Zero: New Product Development, Teaching Note, Harvard Business School Case #5-697-114. Living on Internet Time: Product Development at Netscape, Microsoft, NetDynamics, and Yahoo!, Teaching Note, Harvard Business School Case #5-697-116. | Professional Activities | | Member, editorial board, Research Policy and Production and Operations Management. Member, organizing committee, International Product Development Management Conference. Ad hoc referee for Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, R&D Management, Industrial and Corporate Change, and the Academy of Management. |