Government Exhibit 4079 Confidential and Proprietary
Tax Business Requirements - Tax Tax Function: | # of Business Requirements: | In Scope or Out of Scope for Phase I? |
301 | Income & Franchise Tax Prep | 12 | In scope | 302 | Financial Reporting | 5 | In scope | 303 | Point of Sale | 1 | Out of scope | 304 | Service | 3 | Out of scope | 305 | Use Tax | 22 | In scope | 306 | Planning | 7 | Out of scope | 307 | Incentives | 0 | Out of scope | 308 | Research | 0 | Out of scope | 309 | Accruals | 1 | In scope | 310 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | 16 | In scope | 311 | Reconciliations | 4 | Out of scope | 312 | Adjustments | 5 | Out of scope | 313 | Unclaimed Property | 1 | In scope | 314 | Audits and Litigation | 1 | In scope | 315 | Properly Tax | 15 | In scope | 316 | Assessment Review & Controls | 1 | Out of scope | 317 | Payments & Verification | 3 | Out of scope | 318 | Other | __________7 | Out of scope | | Subtotal Tax Function | 104 | |
Nextell - 000270 CONFIDENTIAL
Tax | Income & Franchise Tax |
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
301.00.001 | Income & Franchise Tax Prep | | Provide for multiple tax depreciation schemes for fixed assets. | 301.00.002 | Income & Franchise Tax Prep | | The ability to record intangible assets in the Fixed asset module. | 301.00.003 | Income & Franchise Tax Prep | | There should be enough organizational structure flexibility to enable the reporting of full financial results (Trial Balances) for each legal entity represented in the ERP system | 301.00.004 | Income & Franchise Tax Prep | | The chart of accounts should be capable of providing detail for tax relevant reporting and Schedule M-1 identification. Examples include the ability to add tax relevant accounts (or sub-accounts) or the ability to capture tax specific identifiers at the transaction level. This will allow sorting of transactions in an account for tax specific data needs. | 301.00.005 | Income & Franchise Tax Prep | | The ability to provide details about related party transactions (both Tor consolidated and non-consolidated related parties). Transactions include all revenue items, purchases, expenses, and period-end balances (A/R and A/P). | 301.00.006 | Income & Franchise Tax Prep | | Provide various jurisdictional information for state income tax purposes, such is sales by ship from location, sales by ship to location, fixed assets by location, inventory by location, salary and wages by location, rental expenses by location | 301.00.007 | Income & Franchise Tax Prep | | Income statement and balance sheet forecasts at a legal entity level. | 301.00.008 | Income & Franchise Tax Prep | | Ablity to identify and isolate expenses incurred for reseach and development | 301.00.009 | Income & Franchise Tax Prep | | Process Income & Other Taxes | 301.00.010 | Income & Franchise Tax Prep | | Submit Income & Other Taxes Filings | 301.00.011 | Income & Franchise Tax Prep | | Process Income & Other Taxes Payments | 301.00.012 | Income & Franchise Tax Prep | | File & Retrieve Income & Other Taxes Records |
Nextell - 000271 CONFIDENTIAL
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
302.00.001 | Financial Reporting | | Ability to easily report adjustments to reflect temporary and permanent differences, taxable income and net interest. | 302.00.002 | Financial Reporting | | Tax Reports must be easily run and produced, on an as needed basis. | 302.00.003 | Financial Reporting | | To facilitate Management and Tax reporting, the Location segment will be populated by looking up the Cost Center/Location Relationship per the Entity Control System (ECS). | 302.00.004 | Financial Reporting | | The ability to forecast tax liabilities and the subsequent impact on a corporation's business decisions. | 302.00.005 | Financial Reporting | | The ability to maintain tax data for employee, creating tax withholding methods, calculating and adjusting tax balances, and processing lax remittances to government agencies. |
Nextell - 000272 CONFIDENTIAL
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
303.00.001 | Point of Sale | | Ablity to calculate (and retain electronically) sales taxes at the point of sale and to record the relevant tax for the correct sales tax jurisdiction, including the printing of the sales tax on the sales receipt |
Nextell - 000273 CONFIDENTIAL
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
304.00.001 | Service | | Ability to calculate sales, use, value-added, goods and services, gross receipts, consumption and any other statutory taxes for invoice processing of fixed asset or expensed items. | 304.00.002 | Service | | Provide data in a sufficient level of detail to make tax decisions for sales to customers and purchases of goods and services. | 304.00.003 | Service | | Provide a means to identify services and products. |
Nextell - 000274 CONFIDENTIAL
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
305.00.001 | Use Tax | | The organizational structure in the system should consider the legal entity structure of your company, e.g., Legal Entity and filing requirements for separate sales lax reporting requirements by legal entity. | 305.00.002 | Use Tax | | The organizational structure in the system should allow specific geographical locations to be identified, e.g., departments = a geographical location. | 305.00.003 | Use Tax | | The chart of accounts should be capable of providing detail for tax relevant reporting for sales and use tax purposes. | 305.00.004 | Use Tax | | Provide the ability to assign jurisdictional information such as customer, plant, cost center, material numbers, etc. | 305.00.005 | Use Tax | | The accounts receivable, accounts payable, purchasing and general ledger functions should be capable of functioning with use tax system. | 305.00.006 | Use Tax | | Provide an audit file that can interface with an external sales. | 305.00.007 | Use Tax | | Provide a method of categorizing or classifying groups of data to allow products and customers to be grouped together when determining logical exemption classifications. | 305.00.008 | Use Tax | | Ensure Use Tax Compliance | 305.00.009 | Use Tax | | Process Use Tax | 305.00.010 | Use Tax | | Collect Commercial Transaction Information | 305.00.011 | Use Tax | | Maintain Use Tax Tables | 305.00.012 | Use Tax | | Reconcile Use Tax Accounts | 305.00.013 | Use Tax | | Research & Resolve Issues | 305.00.014 | Use Tax | | Submit Use Tax Filings | 305.00.015 | Use Tax | | Run Report | 305.00.016 | Use Tax | | Complete Use Tax Form | 305.00.017 | Use Tax | | Submit Use Tax Form | 305.00.018 | Use Tax | | Compile & Submit Sates Specific Reports | 305.00.019 | Use Tax | | Process Use Tax Payments | 305.00.020 | Use Tax | | Receive Use Tax Filings & Payments | 305.00.021 | Use Tax | | File & Retrieve Use Tax Records | 305.00.022 | Use Tax | | The ability to collect information on and reporting use tax. |
Nextell - 000275 CONFIDENTIAL
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
306.00.001 | Planning | | Support material requirements planning for strategic and annual planning | 306.00 002 | Planning | | Support user-defined planning horizons and lead times for each item | 306.00.003 | Planning | | Support forward and backward planning algorithms | 306.00.004 | Planning | | Support time-phased planning. | 306.00.005 | Planning | | Support backward planning and time phased sourcing | 306.00.006 | Planning | | Support real-time planning adjustments | 306.00.007 | Planning | | Support manual planning adjustments |
Nextell - 000276 CONFIDENTIAL
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
307.00.001 | Incentives | | |
Nextell - 000277 CONFIDENTIAL
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
308.00.001 | Research | | |
Nextell - 000278 CONFIDENTIAL
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
309.00.001 | Accruals | | Ability to process month-end expense accruals and build the associated journal entries. |
Nextell - 000279 CONFIDENTIAL
Tax | Sales & Transaction Tax |
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
310.00.001 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | The ability to produce Tax reports on a Legal Entity and a Consolidated basis. | 310.00.002 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | Ability to validate all applicable sales, use and other statutory taxes against the tax name and rate tables. | 310.00.003 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | Ensure Sales Tax Compliance | 310.00.004 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | Process Sales Tax | 310.00.005 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | Maintain Sales Tax Tables | 310.00.006 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | Reconcile Sales Tax Accounts | 310.00.007 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | Research & Resolve Issues | 310.00.008 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | Submit Sales Tax Filings | 310.00.009 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | Run Report | 310.00.010 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | Complete Sales Tax Form | 310.00.011 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | Submit Sales Tax Form | 310.00.012 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | Compile & Submit Country Specific Reports | 310.00.013 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | Process Sales Tax Payments | 310.00.014 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | Receive Sales Tax Filings & Payments | 310.00.015 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | File & Retrieve Sales Tax Records | 310.00.016 | Sales & Transaction Tax Report Filings | | The ability to report sales taxes including federal and state. |
Nextell - 000280 CONFIDENTIAL
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
311.00.001 | Reconciliations | | The business requirement is that each entity within all regional instances must reconcile their feed to the balances that will be contained in the reporting sets of books. | 311.00.002 | Reconciliations | | Reconcile Intercompany balances by transactional currency across all Legal Entities | 311.00.003 | Reconciliations | | Reconcile balances between the company's parent's investment in subsidiary (at cost only) and the related company's Subsidiary's Equity accounts. This must be done on a USD currency basis only. | 311.00.004 | Reconciliations | | Tax and General Ledger would use same chart of accounts. |
Nextell - 000281 CONFIDENTIAL
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
312.00.001 | Adjustments | | Adjustments must be able to be segregated into permanent differences, temporary differences and other adjustments. | 312.00.002 | Adjustments | | The ability to have payroll adjustments reflected in correct pay period. | 312.00.003 | Adjustments | | The ability to apply post payroll corrections for rates, taxes, and other payroll configuration data based on effective date of the correction: with all periods allowances, deductions, being adjusted appropriately. | 312.00.004 | Adjustments | | The ability to automatically reverse a check with an audit trail. | 312.00.005 | Adjustments | | The ability to accumulate and track deduction arrearages and implement a systematic recovery/ repayment plan. |
Nextell - 000282 CONFIDENTIAL
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
313.00.001 | Unclaimed Property | | Ablity to track escheatable items that must be remitted to the states after specific time periods, including unclaimed vendor checks, customer refunds, and other abandoned property |
Nextell - 000283 CONFIDENTIAL
Tax | Audits and Litigation |
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
314.00.001 | Audits and Litigation | | Ablity to produce electronic records in support of various state and federal audits, including the production of transaction level electronic flat files for all open tax periods |
Nextell - 000284 CONFIDENTIAL
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
315.00.001 | Property Tax | | For Fixed Assets provide the following data elements: description, type, cost, net book values, age, life factors, modifications, utilization, replacements, maintenance, location, retirements, idle equipment, rebuilds, relocations, and exemption categories. | 315.00.002 | Properly Tax | | For Inventory provide the following data elements: volume, quantity, cost, detail, turnaround, shelf time, spoilage/shrinkage, sales, ultimate destination, obsolete inventory, finished goods, supplies, and location | 315.00.003 | Property Tax | | For Real Estate provide the following data elements: digital photo storage, cost, acquisition date, legal description, fair market values, appraisal information, and improvement data. | 315.00.004 | Property Tax | | For Leased Equipment provide the following data elements: lessor/lessee, description, location, terms, purchase option, and liability. | 315.00.005 | Property Tax | | For Leased Real Estate provide the following data elements: lessor/lessee, description, terms, financial data, rental income, payment, expenses, liability, and purchase option. | 315.00.006 | Property Tax | | Ensure Property Tax Compliance | 315.00.007 | Property Tax | | Process Property Tax Reporting | 315.00.008 | Property Tax | | Run Exception Reports | 315.00.009 | Property Tax | | Review & Resolve Errors | 315.00.010 | Property Tax | | Review & Approve Filings | 315.00.011 | Property Tax | | Submit Property Tax Filings | 315.00.012 | Property Tax | | File & Retrieve Property Tax Records | 315.00.013 | Property Tax | | The ability to manage the tax books of record. | 315.00.014 | Property Tax | | The process required to produce IRS 1099s at the end of each calendar year. | 315.00.015 | Property Tax | | The ability to report assets by location for property tax assessment. |
Nextell - 000285 CONFIDENTIAL
Tax | Assessment Review & Controls |
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
316.00.001 | Assessment Review & Controls | | Before a transaction can be approved and posted to the AR sub-ledger, it must be approved by the Tax Manager (for [CLIENT BUSINESS UNIT] only). |
Nextell - 000286 CONFIDENTIAL
Tax | Payments & Verification |
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
317.00.001 | Payments & Verification | | Ablity to make tax payments both electorically and manually to all taxing jurisdictions | 317.00.002 | Payments & Verification | | The ability to remove the temporary payment hold that is placed on a new supplier who has not yet submitted a completed Tax Verification Information letter. | 317.00.003 | Payments & Verification | | The ability to maintain accounts payable tax codes in the system. |
Nextell - 000287 CONFIDENTIAL
ID | Function | Sub-Function | Requirement |
318.00.001 | Tax & Treasury | | Develop & Manage Tax Plan | 318.00.002 | Tax & Treasury | | Manage Tax Relationships | 318.00.003 | Tax & Treasury | | Manage Local Tax Authorities Relationships | 318.00.004 | Tax & Treasury | | Manage 'Agencies' Tax Authorities Relationships | 318.00.005 | Tax & Treasury | | Develop & Manage Treasury Plan | 318.00.006 | Tax & Treasury | | Manage Financial Institution Relationships | 318.00.007 | Tax & Treasury | | Manage Local Banking Relationships |
Nextell - 000288 CONFIDENTIAL |