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Plaintiff Exhibit 0005 : U.S. V. Visa U.S.A Inc., Et Al.

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February 10, 1992


Highly Confidential - Outside Counsel Eyes Only




February 10, 1992





Exhibit A: Acquirer V.I.P. System Fees - Operating Regulations
  1. State Street Bank Emergency Services
  2. Visa Authorizations Bank-Up Center
Exhibit B: Visa International Marks - Operating Regulations




February 10, 1992

A meeting of the Product Development and Marketing Committee of the Board of Directors of Visa U.SA. Inc. was held at The Lodge at Pebble Beach in Pebble Beach, California on February 10, 1992 at 8:15 a.m. Committee members present were Messrs. James L. Bailey, Charles T. Doyle, Keith W. Hughes, Edmund P. Jensen, Scott P. Marks, Robert L. Mushkin, Robert B. Palmer, Thomas E. Peterson, G. Patrick Phillips, and James M. Wells. Visa staff present were John H. Bennett, Harvey J. Bondar, Pete B. Gustafson, Anne P. Kortlander, Linda Mock, Bradford W. Morgan, William L. Powar, Sue A. Simon, Janet L. Soderstrom, and Wesley C. Tallman. Mr. Jensen acted aB Chairman. Broox W. Peterson acted as Secretary.

The Committee received a presentation summarizing for the first six months of 1991 the results of a consumer panel study of the means used by panel participants to pay for goods and services. The study shows plastic being used for 16.9% of all transactions, with Visa having a 34.6% share of that portion. The results also show Discover doing very well in issuance to traditional bankcard users and in penetrating targeted markets, including retailing.

The Committee received a presentation summarizing a study of consumer perceptions of all major payment systems - credit cards, charge


cards, department store cards, cash, and checks. The consumers rated the different systems in terms of appropriateness for different transaction situations, the image each payment device evokes in users' minds, and the performance characteristics of each payment system.

The Committee approved a proposal to create separate interchange rates for Business Cards when used at standard and at electronic travel and entertainment (includes restaurants) merchants, with the interchange fee in connection with use at all other merchants to remain at the updated blended interchange rates. These proposals would encourage issuance of the Business Card and enable greater competition with American Express in the important business travel and entertainment market.

The Committee also approved a proposal to create an unbundled Visa debit card interchange fee for merchants meeting PS2000 requirements, which will require two-day deposit, unique transaction ID., full magnetic Btripe transmission, and authorization and settlement message consistency. The actual rates and related Operating Regulations will be brought to the Committee for approval at the June meeting.

    1. State Street Bank Emergency Services

In order to secure efficient provision of Lost and Stolen Card Reporting and Emergency Card and Cash Services and to realize cost savings of approximately $60,000 per annum, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, it was


    1. Visa Authorizations Back-Up Center

In order to adopt an amendment to the Operating Regulations reducing the price charged to Merchant-Acquiring Members by Visa for travel agent back-up voice authorizations firom $0.80 to $0.50 effective March 1, 1992, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED, that the amendment to the Visa U.S.A. Operating Regulations set forth in Exhibit A is hereby adopted, and the Secretary is directed to attach said Exhibit to the minutes of the meeting.

The Committee approved a service concept permitting Visa cardholders to obtain cash back over the purchase amount in supermarkets. This service is necessary to support Visa Card use in supermarkets, where cardholders have other payment options permitting cash back, including Discover Cards. A field test is planned for late 1992, with rollout of a $40 maximum amount, signature-based service planned for the April, 1994, or possibly earlier, timeframe. Questions regarding pricing for the service (merchants will expect not to pay any discount on cash back amounts - Discover charges the cardholder), and security in connection with the service will need to be addressed. The Committee suggested that this service be implemented as soon as is practical to do so.

The Committee was advised that transaction growth continues in the market segments Bpedfically targeted as part of Visa's market segmentation


strategy, including in new markets, low share markets, and rapid growth markets.

The Committee recommended that Visa preserve its long-Btanding policy of not targeting MasterCard by name in advertising, even though MasterCard recently has specifically targeted Visa in advertising. The Committee also recommended that advertising and merchant relations communications to merchants include comparison of the advantages of the Visa Card over the Discover Card for merchants.

The Committee received a report on an initiative of American Express involving the establishment of new contractual arrangements with merchants which would require that they favor American Express over Visa. Noting that implementation of this initiative, unless promptly addressed, will operate to the significant detriment of the corporation and its Members, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, it was

The Committee approved in concept a proposal to sponsor for $2.5 million the U.S. Tennis Open in 1993 under terms permitting a television commercial, on-site exclusivity and signage, and hospitality rights.


The Committee was asked to agree that Visa would conduct a major usage stimulation program for fourth quarter 1992, so that Members could reserve space in their marketing program for support of such a promotion. Based on prior experience with the response to these promotions, the focus and most of the money Bpent will target merchants rather than cardholders. The Committee agreed that a major stimulation promotion would be conducted, but requested management to pursue revisions to the preliminary plan which would encourage greater participation by large volume merchants.

In order to approve the adoption of proposed amendments to the International Operating Regulations pertaining to the Visa International Marks, or alternatively, to support their adoption by the Visa International Board in the event that action is required to adopt such amendments, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, it was

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Broox W. Peterson, Secretary



Enhancements Cost Savings
(Visa Authorizations Back-Up Center)


(Included for Reference)

Exhibit QQ


  1. BASE I Message Processing Service Fees
    1. Authorization Service Visa Transaction Non-Visa Transaction
    Class A Class B
    • Dedicated Access $0.00* $0.02** $0.03
    • Local Dial Access $0.04 $0.05 $0.08
    • Feature Group B (FGB)
      (Effective November 1,1991)
    $0.055 $0.065 $0.095
    • National Dial Access (WATS)
      Monthy Transaction Volume***
      (Effective January 1, 1991)
          0 - 250,000 $0.085 $0.105 $0.135
          250,001 - 500,000 $0.08 $0.10 $0.13
          500,001 - 1,500,000 $0.0775 $0.095 $0.125
          1,500,001 - 3,000,000 $0.075 $0.09 $0.12
          3,000,001 - 5,000,000 $0.065 $0,075 $0.11
          5,000,001 + $0.06 $0.07 $0.095

    * When the processing level is V-50, the prices are: $0.03 for Visa Transactions, $0.04 for Non-Visa Class A Transactions, and $0.05 for Non-Visa Class B Transactions.

    ** This price is $0.01 when the processing level is B-1, V-350 or greater (see Exhibit PP) and (i) the Acquirer is certified for the Technology Migration Program and (ii) the Merchant is an ECR Direct-Connect Merchant.

    *** The appropriate WATS authorization tier is based upon a user's total monthly dial volume processed through VisaNet, including all authorization and transport transactors. The Visa, Class A and Class B fees within the attained tier apply to all of a users WATS authorization transactions processed through VisaNet during the month.

    2. Dial Terminal Transport

    Monthly Transaction Volume* Monthly Access Charge Per-Transaction Fee
    Local FGB** WATS
    0-1,000,000 $ 1,500 $0.04 $0.05 $0.085
    1,000,001 - 3,000,000 $5,000 $0.0375 $0.0475 $0.08
    3,000,001 - 5,000,000 $10,000 $0.035 $0.045 $0.075
    5,000,001 + $15,000 $0.03 $0.04 $0.065
    Terminal Captured Batch Delivery (Effective April 1, 1989) (500 Characters or 30 Seconds)
    • Local Dial Transactions $0.02
    • National Dial Access (WATS) $0.10

    * The appropriate Transport tier is based upon user's total monthly dial volume processed through VisaNet, including all authorization and transport transactions. The access and per-transaction fees within the attained tier apply to all of a user's dial transport transactions processed through VisaNet during the month.

    ** Effective November 1, 1991.


    (Included for Reference)

    Exhibit QQ (Cont'd)

    3. POS Leased Line Transport (Effective March 1, 1991)

    Authorization Fee

      Visa Transactions $0.00
    Class A $0.02
    Class B $0.03

    Monthly Fee

      Async $300.00
    X.25 $775.00

    Monthly fee includes line costs within a 20-mile radius of Merchant property. Fee does not include installation, move or dial backup costs.

  2. Debit System
    Message Processing Service Fees Visa Transaction   Non-Visa Transaction
    POS ATM Class A Class B
    • Category 1
      (Authorization, data capture,
      clearing and settlement)
    $0.01 $0.00 $0.03 $0.06
    • Category 2
      (Authorization, data capture,
      and clearing without settlement)
    N/A N/A $0.02 $0.05
    • Category 3
      (Authorization only)
    No Charge N/A $0.02 $0.03
    • Category 4 (Effective April 1, 1900)
    $0.03 $0.02 $0.03 $0.03
    • Administrative Message (assessed to originator of message) $0.02

    Visa Transaction: Visa and PLUS System transactions

    Non-Visa Transaction:

    Class A MasterCard, Merchant Private Label and preferred proprietary debt card interchange. Clearing Member also processes Visa and/or PLUS System transactions.
    Class B American Express, Diners Club/Carte Blanche, Check Guarantee (JBS, Telecheck and Telecredit), Master Teller, Cirrus and all other proprietary debit card interchange.
  3. Operator Assistance Service

    Back-up — $0.55 (effective April 1, 1991, $0.80) per Authorization request processed for dial terminals and electronic cash registers (ECRs) using VisaNet.

    Merchant Direct — $0.55 (effective April 1, 1991, $0.80) per Authorization request received from a Merchant whose Acquirer has contracted with Visa U.S.A for the service.

    Visa Support Authorization Service — $0.55 (effective April 1, 1991, $0.80) per Authorizatbn request received from a Merchant.


    Exhibit QQ (Cont'd)

    Unsigned Travel Agents —
    Effective through February 19, 1992. $0.80 per Authorization request assessed to the airline Acquirer.
    Effective March 1, 1992. $0.50 per Authorization request assessed to the airline Acquirer.

  4. Airline Inquiry Service — $0.03 surcharge per Authorization request.
  5. Account Number Verification — $0.025 per Account Number Verification inquiry.
  6. Recovered Caid Hanging Service — $5.00 per recovered Card processed by Visa, assessed to the Acquirer of the Merchant that recovered the Card.
  7. Research Service — $25.00 per person, per hour, with a $25.00 minimum.
  8. Report Service
  9. Debit System Settlement and Reconciliation Fees
    • Primary VisaNet endpoint No Charge
    • Additional VisaNet endpoints $250.00 per endpoint per month
  10. Automated Referral Service (ARS)



NOTE: Definition changes indicated in
Chapter 1 will be applied to all Chapters.


Bands Design — A Mark consisting of three horizontal bands, in blue, white and gold or black, white and grey, which identifies services comprising the Visa Card Program, as specified in Chapter 10.

Blue, White and Gold Bands Design — A Mark in blue, white and gold or a single color as specified in these Operating Regulations identifying services rendered in the Visa Card Program.

Classic Mark Wordmark — The A Mark consisting of the word "Classic", as described in the relevant section of Chapter 10, when used in connection with the Visa Card Program.

Diamond Design — A Mark, consisting of a diamond shape with an open space in the lower right hand corner, used in connection with the Blue Program as described in Chapter 4.

Dove Design — A Mark depicting a dove in flight which identifies services comprising the Visa Card Program and/or the Visa Travelers Cheque Program

Election Visa Decal Design — A full-color display design consisting of the Electron Product Name and its stylized "e" Mark on a background pattern of the Visa Mark Wordmark as specified in these Operating Regulations Chapter 10.

Lower Marks Area — The designated block on the front of a Card composed of the Blue, White and Gold Bands Designs with the Visa Mark Visa and Bands Symbol positioned below the Visa Dove hologram, as specified in Figure 10.7D. of these Operating Regulations.

Mark — A word, name, design, symbol, or any combination of such, which is adopted and used to identify the source of goods or services of one entity from the source of goods or services of another entity. A Mark that identifies the source of goods is commonly known as a "trademark". A Mark that identifies the source of services is commonly known as a "service mark".

Marks Panel — A vertical panel composed of (i) the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design Mark with the Visa Mark Visa and Bands Symbol. (ii) the Visa Dove Area, (iii) the Product Identifier Area and, (iv) other such features as specified in these Operating Regulations.

Plus Design — A Mark, consisting of three triangles with an open space in the lower right-hand corner, arranged to from an outline of the symbol "+", which is used in connection with the Plus Program as specified in Chapter 4.

Plus Program — A program involving the use of the Plus System Logo Symbol to iidentify ATM services as specified in Chapter 4.

Plus Program Marks — The Marks used in connection with the Plus Program, as specified in Chapter 10.

Plus System Card — A card which is issued by a Plus System Program Participant in accordance with these Operating Regulations and which bears the System Logo Symbol.


Plus System Card Reproduction — A representation of that side of a Plus System Card which bears the Plus System Logo Symbol.

Plus System-Logo Symbol — A Mark consisting of the Diamond Plus Design combined with the Plus System Mark Woodmark, as specified in Chapter 4.

Plus System Mark Woodmark — A Mark consisting of the words "Plus System" when used in connection with the Plus Program as described specified in Chapter 4.

Plus System Program Participant — An organization performing functions with respect to participating in the Plus Program, as specified in the By-Laws.

Plus System Transaction — An Automated Cash Disbursement effected through the use of made using a Plus System Card at an ATM bearing the Plus System Logo Symbol, with the exception of except for a Transaction in which (i) a Classic Visa Card, Visa Gold or Premier Visa Card bearing the Plus System Logo Symbol is used at an ATM bearing both the Plus System Logo Symbol and the Visa decal and Bands Symbol or (ii) an Electron Card bearing the Plus System Logo Symbol is used at an ATM bearing both the Plus System Logo Symbol and the Electron Visa Decal Design. At the option of each Regional Board or its exclusive Plus Program sublicensee. If applicable, Plus System Transaction criteria may be re-defined for intra-regional Transactions.

Proprietary Plus System Card — An ATM card issued by an Affiliate which permits a Cardholder to access an account(s) one or more accounts held by such Affiliate, and which bears the Plus System Logo Symbol.

Regional Office — An office of a Visa Region. The head office of a Visa Region, located as follows:

Small Marks Area — The designated block on the front of a Card composed of the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design with the Visa Mark, Visa and Bands Symbol positioned below the Visa Dove Design hologram, as specified in Figure 10.7B of these Operating Regulations. (Only in effect through 31 December 1994.)

Upper Marks Area — The designated block on the front of a Card composed of the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design with the Visa Mark, Visa and Bands Symbol positioned above the Visa Dove Design hologram, as specified in Figure 10.7C of these Operating Regulations.

Visa Card Program Marks — The Marks used in connection with the Visa Card Program as specified in the relevant section of Chapter 10.

Visa Dove — A Mark identifying services rendered in the Visa Card Program and the Visa Travelers Cheque Program


Visa International Marks — The Marks owned by Visa International, including the Visa Card Program Marks and the Plus Program Marks, as specified in Chapter 10.

Visa National Mark — Any Mark owned by Visa International, Visa Canada, or Visa, USA. the use of which is allowed solely within a single country.

Visa Mark — The mark described in the relevant section of Chapter 10, when used in connection with the Visa Card Program.

Visa and Bands Symbol — The combination of the Bands Design and the Visa Wordmark, as specified in Chapter 10.

Visa Wordmark — A Mark consisting of the word "Visa", as specified in Chapter 10.

Wordmark — A Mark consisting entirely of a word.


4.5 Plus Program

Note: Refer to Chapter 10 for specifications for use of the Pins Program Marks.

  1. An Affiliate may elect to participate in the Plus Program by obtaining a license to use the Plus Program Marks as specified in Section 10.1D 10.1C and (i) displaying the Plus System Logo Symbol on one or more of its ATMs and/or (ii) issuing Plus System Cards. An Automated Cash Disbursement effected with a Classic Visa Card, Visa Gold, Premier Visa Card or Electron Card bearing the Plus System Logo Symbol shall be processed in accordance with Operating Regulations specified for Visa ATM Network Transactions, unless such Automated Cash Disbursement occurs at an ATM bearing only the Plus System Decal Symbol as specified in Section 4.5B.1. Each Regional Board, or its exclusive Plus Program sublicensee, if applicable, may re-define Plus System Transaction criteria for intra-regional Transactions.
    1. Cash Disbursement Reimbursement Fee — Except as specified below, the Cash Disbursement Reimbursement Fee for Plus System Transactions shall be US $1.75 plus .33% of the amount, payable to the Affiliate making the disbursement.
      1. For each Plus System Transaction between a U.S. Affiliate and a Canadian Affiliate, the Automated Cash Disbursement Reimbursement Fee shall be US $0.50, payable to the Affiliate making the disbursement Disbursing Affiliate.
      2. For each Plus System Transaction between a U.S. Affiliate and an Affiliate of the Asia-Pacific Region, the Automated Cash Disbursement Reimbursement Fee shall be US $1.00. payable to the Affiliate making the disbursement Disbursing Affiliate.
      3. For each Plus System Transaction between a Canadian Affiliate and an Affiliate of the Asia-Pacific Region, the Automated Cash Disbursement Reimbursement Fee shall be US $1.00, payable to the Affiliate making the disbursement Disbursing Affiliate.

In addition to the requirements specified in Section 4.4B and the VisaNet Standards Manual for Affiliates participating in the Visa ATM Network, Plus System Program Participants must meet the following requirements.

    1. Plus System-Logo Symbol Display Requirements — An Affiliate participating in the Plus Program must display the Plus System Logo Symbol on each of its participating ATMs. A participating ATM is one which displays (i) the Plus System Logo Symbol or (ii) the Plus System Logo Symbol and the Visa decal Visa and Bands Symbol and which operates in accordance with standards and specifications in these Operating Regulations and the VisaNet Standards Manual.
      1. The Plus System Logo Symbol and the Visa decal Visa and Bands Symbol (if used) on participating ATMs must (i) each be a minimum height of


NOTE: Section references in the left margin next to struck through language are to indicate the new location of the language in that section. This language has been rewritten but the regulation itself has not changed. Deleted language is indicated as such.


10.1 License Agreements, Denotation of Regulation and Ownership of Visa-Program Marks
10.2 Restricted Use of Card Program Marks
10.3 Use of Card Program Marks
10.4 Prohibition of Adhesive Material on Cards
10.5 Affiliate Identification
10.6 Specifications for Decals and Other Representations
10.7 Card Specifications — General
10.8 Card Specifications — Classic Visa Card — FRONT
10.9 Card Specifications — Visa Gold — FRONT
10.10 Card Specifications — Premier Visa Card — FRONT
10.11 Card Specifications — EMBOSSING
10.12 Card Specifications — Classic Visa Card, Visa Gold, Premier Visa Card — BACK
10.13 Specifications — Electron Visa Card — FRONT AND BACK
10.14 Message Content Standard
10.15 Standard Draft Formset Agreement Specifications
10.16 Account Number Specifications
10.17 Personal Identification Number (PIN) Specifications
10.18 Automated Dispensing Machine Service — Standards
10.19 Limited-Amount Terminal Standards
10.20 Notification of Foreign Activities
10.21 Compliance
10.1 License Agreements, Denotation of Registration and Ownership of Visa Program Marks



A. Visa Card Program Marks — The Marks to which these specifications apply are only VISA, the Blue, White, and Gold Bands Design (and the single color version thereof), the stylized "e" and "p" Marks, the Classic Mark, the Product Name Electron and the stylized "e" Mark, the Visa Dove design and such other Marks as may be be adopted by Visa International for use in connection with the Visa Card Program. It is important to the Visa Card Program that all Affiliates use these Marks in a consistent manner on all printed or broadcast materials, including Cards, Paper, point of sale materials, advertisements, commercials (radio and TV), promotion pieces, magazines for its Visa Cardholders, etc. No materials using these Marks shall contain any matter which would tend to denigrate the Marks. An Affiliate uaing these Marks indemnifies Visa Interna-


tional from all claims, liabilities, lesses, and expenses arising from any materials produced under the direction of the Affiliate.

  B. Visa Card Program Marks License Agreements
10.1B.2   1. Visa International grants to each Affiliate a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the Marks specified in Section 10.1A. in connection with the Visa Card Program.
10.1D.2(a)   2. Each Affiliate expressely acknowledges ownership of the Marks specified in Section 10.1A. in Visa International and agrees that it will do nothing inconsistent with such ownership in that all use of the Marks shall insure to the benefit of and be on behalf of Visa International.
  3. Each Affiliate agrees that all use of the Marks specified in Section 10.1A., as well as the nature and quality of all services rendered under these Marks, shall comform to standards established and maintained by Visa International Operating Regulations, and agrees upon request to supply Visa International with specimens of all materials bearing these Marks produced by or for such Affiliate.
10.1D.6   4. Each Affiliate shall cooperate with Visa International in executing any and all documents or in doing or refraining from doing such acts as may be reasonable necessary to enable Visa International to protect the Visa Card Program Marks.
C. Plus Program Marks — The Marks used in connection with the Plus Program are the Plus System Logo, the Plus System Mark, the Diamond Design and such other Marks as may be adopted by Visa International for use in connection with the Plus Program. It is important to the Plus Program that all Affiliates use the Marks in a consistent manner on all printed or broadcast materials, including cards, Paper, point of transaction materials, advertisements, commercials (radio and TV), promotion pieces, magazines for its Cardholders, etc. No materials using these Marks shall contain any matter which would tend to denigrate the Plus Program Marks. An Affiliate using these Marks shall indemnify Visa International from all claims, liabilities, leases, and expenses arising from any materials produced under the direction of the Affiliate.
10.1C.3   1. The Plus System Logo is to be used as an ATM only Mark. Any change in the provision requires a 3/4 vote of the Visa International Board of Directors until such time as Visa International has adopted a marks strategy in accordance with Visa International's agreed strategic plan.
  D. Plus Program Marks License Agreements
10.1C.2   1. Upon request, Visa International will grant to these Affiliates electing to participate in the Plus Program and which are not otherwise licensed a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the Marks specified Section 10.1C. in connection with the Plus Program.
10.1D.2(a)   2. Each Affiliate expressely acknowledges ownership of the Marks specified Section 10.1C. in Visa International and agrees that it will do nothing


inconsistent with such ownership in that all use of the Marks shall insure to the benefit of and be on behalf of Visa International.

10.1D.5   3. Each Affiliate agrees that all use of the Marks specified 10.1C., as well as the nature and quality of all services rendered under these Marks, shall conform to the standards established and maintained by the Visa International Operating Regulations, and agrees upon request to supply Visa International with specimens of all materials bearing the Plus Program Marks produced by or for such Affiliate.
10.1D.6   4. Each Affiliate shall cooperate with Visa International in executing any and all documents or in doing or refraining from doing such acts as may be reasonably necessary to enable Visa International to protect the Plus Program Marks.
  E. Denotation of Regulations and Ownership of Marks
10.1D.2(c)   1. No Affiliate shall use any denotation or legend of Mark registration or ownership in connection with the Visa Card Program Marks except those required or consented to by Visa International. Affiliates should contact Visa International to obtain a current list of those countries where a denotation or legend is required. The required indicia will be provided by Visa International.
10.1D.2(c)   2. Any Affiliate which desires to use a denotation or legend of Mark registration or ownership in connection with any proprietary Marks or Trade Name used in association with, or on the same piece as, the Visa Card Program Marks, may do so provided that (i) Visa International determines that such use will not adversely affect the rights of Visa International in the Visa Card Program Marks or in the Plus Program Marks and (ii) the specifications for such use are approved by Visa International.
10.3A F. Use of the Word "BankAmericard" — Effective 1 October 1979, only (i) the Bank of America NT & SA ("the Bank"), (ii) any Affiliate which is the parent or subsidiary of an affiliate of the Bank or its parent and (iii) any Participant or agent Affiliate in California which is sponsored by the Bank, its parent, a subdiary or affiliate, may use the Mark "BankAmericard" in cojunction with the Visa Card Program Marks. In accordance with these Operating Regulations, "BankAmericard" will be considered a proprietary Mark of an Affiliate and may be used by such Affiliate in conjunction with the Marks associated with the Visa Card Program Marks in the same manner as other Affiliates use their own proprietary Marks.
  G. Use of Olympic Marks and Authenticating Statements
10.3B   1. Affiliates participating in the Visa Card Program may use the Marks, logos, designations and authenticating statements associated with the International Olympic Committee, the Organizing Committee of the current Winter and Summer Olympic Games and the national Olympic committee on Cards, decals, with other representatives of the Visa Card Program Marks


in advertising and promotional materials in accordance with the current Visa Olympic Sponsorship Manual.

  2. The right to use Olympic Marks, logos, designations and authenticating statements is the result of sponsorship agreements between Visa International and Olympic authorities. Because of failure of one Affiliate to observe restrictions specified in these agreements could result in the forfeiture by Visa International and all Affiliates of the right to use Olympic Marks, logo, designations and authenticating statements, careful adherence to such restrictions is required.
  1. Each Affiliate which uses the Olympic Marks, logos, designations and authenticating statements on Cards, or decals, with other representations of the Visa Card Program Marks, in advertising and/or on promotional materials shall strictly observe the guidelines for such use as specified in the current Visa Olympic Sponsorship Manual.
  2. Upon notice from Visa International, an Affiliate shall take corrective action with respect to any improper or invalid use of such Marks.
  3. Each Affiliate will be responsible for and hold Visa International harmless against any claims, losses, damages or liabilities arising from the Affiliate's failure to observe the requirements set forth in the current Visa Olympic Sponsorship Manual or any failure to take corrective action as requested by Visa International.
  H. Use of Other Marks
10.3C   1. An Affiliate may use the Visa Card Program Marks in conjunction with the Marks of the American Express Company. Eurocard, Eurocheque, MasterCard International, Sears, Reebuck and Company or the subsidiaries or affiliates of these entities, or other entities deemed competitive by the Board of Directors, on items and materials other than Visa Cards provided the overall appearance resulting from such use unmistakably conveys the idea that the Marks associated with Visa identity a product or service separate and distinct from any product or service of the American Express Company, Eurocard, Eurocheque, MasterCard International, Reebuck and Company or the subsidiaries or affiliates of these entities deemed competitive by the Board of Directors.
  2. No Affiliate may usc on Cards any Mark other than the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design with the Visa Mark, which denotes acceptanee at merchant locations outside the country of Card issuance. A Mark owned by a Single Merchant may appear on a Card as part of a Visa approved affinity program. Such acceptance shall not constitute an Acceptance Mark.
  3. An Affiliate may use on Cards other Marks which denote acceptance at merchant locations solely within the country of Card issuance, provided that such other Marks are clearly less prominent than the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design with the Visa Mark.
  4. All transactions executed with Cards at Merchant locations shall be deemed Visa Transactions and shall be governed by these Operating Regulations.
10.2 Restricted Use of Card Program Marks
10.1D.2(b) A. Availability and Ownership of Visa Products, Visa Services, Visa Card Program Marks or Plus Program Marks — No Affiliate shall state of imply, in any advertisement or other form of communications, that any Visa Product or service is offered exclusively by such Affiliate. Except as provided in these Operating Regulations, no Affiliate shall state or imply that any of the Visa Card Program Marks or Plus Program Marks are owned by the Affiliate.
10.1B.3 B. Restricted Use of the VISA Marks — The VISA Mark may be used by an organization which is (i) an Affiliate or (ii) a wholly owned subsidiary of one or more Affiliates and engaged exclusively in the processing of Visa Transactions, in such organization's corporate name or in any other name such as a "doing business as" (DBA) name, Trade Name, fictitious name, etc., whether or not such name has been or will be filed or registered in any governmental office, only upon the prior written consent of Visa International.
10.1B.4 C. Restricted Use of Country Name With the VISA Mark — No Affiliate, other than an Affiliate to which the Board of Directors of Visa International has granted exclusive jurisdiction pursuant to Section 2.12(e) of the By Laws, may use the name of a country in association with the VISA Mark to identify the Affiliate's Visa program. The foregoing shall not apply to an Affiliate which is a financial institution having the name of a country as an integral part of its corporate name, to the extent such use is authorized by other provisions of these Operating Regulations.
10.3 Use of Card Program Marks
10.2A A. All Uses of Visa Card Program Marks or the Plus Program Marks and the Product Names, in correspondence and on supplies, and on materials and goods used to promote Visa Products and services, are subject to the requirements and limitations of Section 10.3.
  B. Design and Color Specifications


  1. The VISA Mark is hand lettered art and not a standard type face. Examples of this type style are found in Figure 10.6B 1. The art may be enlarged or reduced for specific applications, but the relationship between length and height or width of letters shall not be altered. The Mark shall never be used in any other type style, except in typed or printed text, unless approved by Visa International. Camera ready art for reprodution of the Mark in approved logotypes and/or designs is available from Visa International.


  2. The standard colors and relative proportions of the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design must be used in accordance with the specifications in this chapter. No portion of the design may be substantially obscured, distorted


or defaced. No Marks, language, or Trade Names other that the VISA Mark may appear within the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design unless such Marks or Trade Names are used in accordance with the rules for reproductions of Classic Visa Cards bearing the full Blue, White and Gold Bands Design.

10.2C.1(d)   3. Reproduction of the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design in full color must exactly match the blue and gold color swatches available from Visa International. The final color on plastics must always be evaluated by a visual comparison with the color swatches. Since the color swatches fade with time. Affiliates should contact Visa International for new swatches each time plastics are produced.
10.2C1(e)   4. On printed reproductions of the bands design in a single color, the top band and the border line should be 100% intensity, the middle band 0% intensity and the bottom band 30% intensity. In a black on white reproduction for example, the result would be a black, white and gray bands design.
  C. Rules for Use of the VISA Mark
10.2D.1(d)   1. When used in typed or printed text, the VISA mark is normally written with a capital "V" and the remaining letters in lower case. For emphasis, it may be distinguished from the surrounding text by printing the entire word in all capital letters, italics, or boldface type.
10.2A.2   2. Use of denotations of Mark registration or ownership, or other legends, must conform to the requircmenta of Section 10.IE.
10.2D.l(e)   3. Whenever practicable, and at least once in the text of any piece, the VISA Mark should be followed by the generic name of the item or service which it describes. Far example: Visa card, Visa services, Visa application, Visa Merchant Agreement.
10.2D.l(f)   4. The VISA Mark should never be used in a possessive or plural forms. For example: it is incorrect to say "Visa's new service." It is correct to say "The Visa program's new service." It is incorrect to say "They were using their Visas to purchase many items." It is correct to say "They were using their Visa cards to purchase many items." These rules apply to both written and verbal expressions of the Mark.
10.2D.l(g)   5. The VISA Mark should never be misspelled or corrupted by coining other words from it or by combining it with other terms. For example, the following corruptions are never acceptable: "VISACASH," "VISACHECK."
10.D.l(h)   6. If the sequence of the digits of any Affiliate's telephone number results in the spelling of "Visa," (using corresponding letters on a telephone dial) such condition shall not be so identified in any print or broadcast material (e.g. 1-800-976-VISA), without the prior written permission of Visa International.
10.2D.2   7. In connection with an Affiliate's publication of a magazine which uses the VISA Mark in its title, (i) the magazine must be primarily distributed to the Affiliate's Visa Cardholders or Merchants; (ii) a copy of the first published


and distributed issue shall be submitted to Visa International for approval of the quality of its content and, as approved, all subsequent issues shall be maintained at least at the same level of quality, and (iii) the front cover shall contain, in print of not less than 14 points, an indication of the Affiliate's name (for example, "A Publication of __________________________," or "Published for Visa Cardholders by __________________________," or a similar indication.)

10.2G D. Rules of Use for Stylised "e", "p" and "c" Marks on Cards — The stylised "e", "p" and "c" Marks may only be used an Cards bearing the Marks Panel and must be used in the type style shown in Figures 10.8A, 10.9B and/or 10.12A 2 which is hand lettered art and not a standard type face. The art may be enlarged or reduced for specific applications but the relationship between the height and width of the symbol shall not be altered. The symbol shall never be used in any other type style unless approved by Visa International. Camera ready art for reproduction of the "e' and "p" and/or "c" Marks is available from Visa International upon request.
10.2E E. Rules of Use for the Visa Dove Design — The Visa Dove Mark may be reproduced only in accordance with the specifications provided by Visa International. Camera ready art for reproduction of the Visa Dove Design is available from Visa International upon request.
10.2J F. Rules of Use of the Electron Product Name
  1. When used in typed or printed text, the Electron Product Name is normally written with a capital "E" and the remaining letters in lower case. For emphasis, it may be distinguished from the surrounding text by printing the entire word in all capital letters, italics or boldface type.
  2. The Electron Product Name may only be used as an adjective. Correct uses include: "Electron services," "Electron Merchant," and "Electron Cardholder."
  3. The Electron Product Name should never be misspelled or corrupted by coining other words from it or by combining it with other terms. For example, the following corruptions are never acceptable: "Electroncash," "Electroncheck."
  G. Rules for Use of the Classic Mark
10.2F   1. When used in typed or printed text, the Classic Mark to normally written with a capital "C" and the remaining letters in lower case. For example, it may be distinguished from the surrounding text by printing the entire word in all capital letters, italics or boldface type.
  2. The Classic Mark may only be used as an adjective. Correct uses include "Classic service," "Classic program," and "Classic Visa Cardholder."
  3. The Classic Mark should never be misspelled or corrupted by coining other words from it or combining it with other terms. For example, the following corruptions are never acceptable: "Classiccash," "Classic check."
10.2I H. Rules for Use of the Premier Product Name — The Product Name Premier is a descriptive product identifier rather than a Mark and in typed or printed


material may be used in its dictionary sense as appropriate. To ensure unity of market presentation, the descriptive Product Name "Premier," when used with the VISA Mark and/or the stylized letter Mark should never be misspelled or corrupted by coining other words from it with other terms. The following corruptions are never acceptable: "Premier check."

10.2H I. Rules of Use of the Visa Gold Product Name

The Product Name "Visa Gold" is a deacriptive product identifier rather than a Mark and in typed or printed material may be used in its dictionary senseas appropriate. To assure unity of market presentation, the descriptive Product Nome "Visa Gold," when used with the VISA Mark, should never be misspelled or corrupted by coining ether words from it, translating it or combining it with other terms. The following corruptions are never acceptable: "Visa Goldcash," "Visa Goldcheck."

  J. Rules of Use of the Plus System Mark
10.2K   1. When used with printed text, the words "Plus System" with a capital "P" and a capital "S" and the remaining letters in lower case. For emphasis, it may be distinguished from the surrounding text by printing both words in all capital letters, italics or boldface type. When the words "Plus System" appear as part of the Plus System Logo, they must always appear as depicted in Figure 4.5.
10.2A.2   2. Use of denotations of Mark registration or ownership, or other legends, must conform to the requirements of Section 10.1D.
    3. No Affiliate may use the word "Plus" alone as a shorthand for Plus System. For example, the terms "Plus Card," and "Plus ATM" are not acceptable.
  4. The Plus System Mark should never be misspelled or corrupted by coining other words from it, by combining it with other terms or making the term Plus System possessive.
  K. Rules of Use of the Visa Card Program Marks or Plus Program Marks on promotional Goods and Printed, Promotional and Broadcast Material
10.2D.3   1. The respective Visa Card Program and Plus Program Marks may be used on promotional goods or printed, promotional or broadcast material only (i) to denote Visa of Plus Program services, (ii) to promote the Visa Card Program and/or Plus Program and/or (iii) to promote an Affiliate's Visa Card Program. Affiliate using any Visa Card Program or Plus Program Marks on such goods or material must (i) distribute such goods or material primarily to promote Visa services and (ii) reproduce the respective Marks in compliance with these Operating Regulations.
  2. None of the Visa Card Program Marks or Plus Program Marks may be used to indicate that Visa International endorses, is identified with, or sponsors goods or services other than those of Visa.
10.1D.3   3. No use of the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design Mark in conjunction with the Visa Mark may so resemble a Card as to create the risk that such use would be mistaken for a Card in Transactions.
  4. An Affiliate may not permit a Merchant or any other person or organization to use any of the Visa Card Program Marks or the Plus Program Marks on promotional goods or printed, promotional or broadcast material unless such goods or material are distributed to or by the Affiliate.
  5. Any Affiliate which uses any of the Visa Card Program Marks or the Plus Program Marks on any promotional goods or printed, promotional or broadcast material shall be responsible for and indemnify and hold Visa International harmless against any claims, losses, damages or liabilities arising out of the distribution and/or use of such promotional goods or material.
  6. Use of Olympic Marks, logos, designations and authenticating statements in cojunction with the Visa Card Program Marks on promotional goods or printed, promotional or broadcast material must be made in accordance with Section 10.1D of theoe Operating Regulations and the current Visa Sponsorship Manual.
10.4 Prohibition of Adhesive Material on Cards
10.5A   No Affiliate may permit any adhesive material which is not integral to the manufacture of the Card in accordance with these Operating Regulations.
10.5 Affiliate Identification
  A. All supplies, material (including broadcast material) and written or oral solicitations directed by an Affiliate to Cardholders, prospective Cardholders, Merchants, or prospective Merchants must prominently identify the soliciting Affiliate by principal name and city. Affiliates may substitute local branch name and city, if desired. Except for materials designed by Visa International for Affiliate use, such materials shall not give the impression that they are provided or endorsed by Visa International or the Visa system.
  B. No Affiliate may state or infer in any correspondence, supplies, materials, and/or oral solicitations directed to Cardholders, prospective Cardholders, Merchants, or prospective Merchants that any other Affiliate's Cards, or Merchant materials are being replaced, are invalid, or should be destroyed.
10.6 Specifications for Decals and Other Representations
  A. Specifications for Decals and Other Representations For the Marks Conversion
10.1B.5   1. The Decal bearing the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design with the VISA Mark will continue to be displayed to identify acceptance of Classic Visa Cards, Visa Gold and Visa Premier Cards. No reproduction of Cards bearing the Marks panel or the Marks Area may be distributed or displayed as a decal.
  2. The Electron Visa Decal will continue to be the only decal displayed to identify the acceptance of Electron Cards.
  B. Decals for Display at Merchant or Affiliate Locations (See Figure 10.6B 1)




  1. When used on decals displayed at Merchant or Affiliate locations, the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design Mark shall be used in rectangular form with or without rounded corners. The bands design Mark must have the proportions shown in Figure 10.6B 1. If the background against which the Marks appears does not contrast with the white border, then the border shall be outlined by a single thin blue line. Use of denotations of Mark registration or ownership, or other legends, must conform to the requirements of Section 10.1E.




  2. The VISA Mark, printed blue to match the blue band in the required hand lettered type style, must appear in the white band centered horizontally and vertically. The size of the Mark must be in proportion to the size of the bands design as specified in Figure 10.6B 1. Use of denotations of Mark registration or ownership, or other legends, must conform to the requirements of Section 10.1E.



  3. On decals and signs bearing the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design, no Marks, language, or Trade Names other than the VISA Mark may appear within such bands design except as provided in Sections 10.6B.4 and 10.6C. With the prior consent of Visa International, other Marks, language, or Trade Names which identify or are associated with Visa Card Program may be used outside the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design on decals and signs. Such Marks or Trade Names may appear in a continuation of the white border no wider than the height of the white band in the VISA Mark either (i) vertically directly to either side of the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design, but must not appear both vertically and horizontally on the same decal or sign. The maximum size of such Marks or Trade Names is restricted as follows: (i) the height of the characters in the Mark or Trade Name may not exceed the height of the characters in the VISA Mark; (ii) if the Mark or Trade Name is read horizontally, its horizontal measurement may not exceed the horizontal measurement of the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design, or (iii) if the Mark or Trade Name reads vertically, its vertical measurement may not exceed the vertical measurement of the Blue, White and Gold Bands


Design. However, after 31 July 1983, no decals or signs may be placed in service under this Section 10.6B.3., as it relatea to Marks, Trade Names or language in a continuation of the white border, and all such decals or signs must be removed not later than 31 July 1985, except in a country where there is only one Issuer. This exception shall terminate six months after the acceptance of another Issuer in that country.

  4. The Electron Visa Decal may be used with squared or rounded corners and must have the proportions shown in Figure 10.6B 2. The Electron Product Name, its stylized "e" Mark, the background pattern and the inner and outer rectangle shall be the same blue specified for the blue band of the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design. The remaining area shall be white. Camera ready art for reproduction of the Electron Visa Decal is available from Visa International upon request.
  1. An Affiliate whose indigenous language is other than English may also place the Product Name in another language indigenous to the country of issuance underneath the stylized e Mark on the Electron Visa Decal provided prior approval of the word used as the indigenous language equivalent is obtained from the respective regional office of Visa International. Specifications for reproducuon of such an Electron Visa Decal will be provided by Visa International.
  C. Display of Visa Card Program Marks on ATM/CDs



  1. A display of either (i) the Visa decal or (ii) both the Visa Decal and the Electron Visa Decal on an ATM/CD indicates participation in the Visa ATM Network. Only ATM/CDs of Affiliates participating in the Visa ATM Network may display either decal. The Visa decal and the Electron Visa Decal (if used) on participating ATM/CDs must each be a minimum height of 54.000 mm (2.125") and must not be smaller than any other Mark (indicating participation in any ATM network other than the Affiliate's own proprietary network) which is also displayed on such ATM/CDs. No other Service Marks of the Visa Card Program may be displayed on participating ATM/CDs.
  2. The Visa decal shall appear in accordance with Figure 10.6B 1. The Electron Visa Decal shall appear in accordance with Figure 10.6B 2. If both the Visa decal and the Electron Visa Decal are used, they need not be placed adjacent to each other on the participating ATM/CD. Camera ready art for reproduction of the Visa decal and the Electron Visa Decal is available from Visa International upon request.
Figure 10.5B 1 - Decals for Display at Traditional Visa Merchant or Affiliate Locations

(Figure not displayed)




  3. Disbursing Affiliates restricting access to participating ATM/CDs in accordance with Section 1.4B.2. must display the following information inside the white border surrounding the Visa decal as shown in Figure 10.6C: (i) the Trade Name of the Disbursing Affiliate immediately above the Blue, White and Gold Decal Design and (ii) a description of the acceptance of Cards and the nature of the restrictions immediately below the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design. No letter or design element of such Trade Name description may exceed the height of the letters of the VISA Mark in the white band or extend horizontally beyond an area defined by the vertical edges of the bands design. All displays of the Visa decal on participating ATM/CDs with restricted access require prior approval by Visa International. Figure 10.6C illustrates some examples of the correct use of descriptive language with the Visa decal on participating ATM/CDs with restricted access.
  4. An Affiliate only permitting its own Cards to access the ATM/CDs and restricting any access by Cards Issued by other Affiliates may display solely for instructional purposes, a single color reproduction of its Card in the actual Card size or smaller. Such a Card reproduction is not considered an indication of participation in the Visa ATM Network.
  D. Card Reproductions (See Figures 10.6D 1 and 10.6D 2)
10.2L   1. All reproductions of Cards must accurately reflect all the details of an actual Card. The Marks Panel or the Marks Area, as applicable, must have the same proportions as it does on the actual Card. All printing, including the Marks on the Marks Panel or the Marks Area, shall appear in the same relative size, position and type style as on the actual Card. The embossed data, including the account number (which shall be appropriately shaded so as to indicate it is embossed), shall appear in the area specified on the actual Card. Denotations of registration or other legends shall be used is accordance with the requirements for their use on Cards.
  2. Reproductions in full color of a Card shall accurately reflect the same color(s) used on the actual Card.
  1. For reproductions in full color of a Classic Visa Card with the full Blue, White and Cold Bands Design, the account number and legends in the bottom band shall be blue. The embossed data to the bottom band shall be white. If the background against which such Classic Visa Card is depleted does not readily distinguish itself from the white border around such Classic Visa Card, the white border shall be outlined by a single thin blue line.
  2. For reproduction in full color of all other Cards, if the background area in which a Card is depicted does not readily distinguish itself from the Card, the Card shall be outlined by a single thin line in a contrasting color. All embossing, including the account number, shall be shown in a contrasting color.
  3. For reproductions in a single color of a Card, the bands design shall be in the intensity specified in Section 10.3B.4. Any printing to the Marks Panel or the Marks Area shall be 100% intensity. The embossing and printing must appear in a constrasting intensity. If the background area in which a Card to depicted does not readily distinguish itself from the Card, the Card shall be outlined by a single thin line in a contrasting intensity.
  4. Any variation from the Card reproduction requirements specified in this section must have the prior written permission of Visa International.
  E. Use of Olympic Marks and Authenticating Statements
10.2B   Use of Olympic Marks, logos, designations and authenticating statements on decals and with other representations of the Visa Card Program Marks must be in accordance with Section 10.1G. of these Operating Regulations and the current Visa Olympic Sponsorship Manual.


NOTE: Section references in the left margin next to underlined language are to indicate the previous location of the language in that section. This language has been rewritten but the regulation itself has not changed. Entirely new language is indicated as such.


10.1 License Agreements for the Visa International Marks
10.2 Graphics Standards for the Visa International Marks
10.3 Use of Marks Not Owned by Visa International
10.4 Affiliate Identification
10.5 Card Specifications — General
10.6 Card Specifications — Classic Visa Card — FRONT
10.7 Card Specifications — Visa Gold — FRONT
10.8 Card Specifications — Premier Visa Card — FRONT
10.9 Card Specifications — EMBOSSING
10.10 Card Specifications — Classic Visa Card, Visa Gold, Premier Visa Card — BACK
10.11 Specifications — Electron Visa Card — FRONT AND BACK
10.12 Message Content Standard
10.13 Standard Draft Formset Agreement Specifications
10.14 Account Number Specifications
10.15 Automated Dispensing Machine Service — Standards
10.16 Limited-Amount Terminal Standards
10.17 Notification of Foreign Activities
10.18 Compliance
10.1 License Agreements for the Visa International Marks
  A. General
NEW   Visa International is the owner of the Visa International Marks, which are comprised of the Visa Card Program Marks and the Plus Program Marks. The protection these Marks is vital to all Affiliates as they identify the Visa and Plus services respectively, to Cardholders, Merchants, and Affiliates. Use of the Visa International Marks is governed by this Section, 10.1. For additional rules governing graphic reproduction of these Marks, see Section 10.2.
  B. The Visa Card Program Marks
10.1A   1. Applicability — This Section, 10.1B, applies only to the Visa Card Program Marks, which include:
  • The Visa and Bands Symbol and its component Marks: the Visa Wordmark and the Bands Design
  • The Dove Design
  • The Classic Wordmark
  • The Electron Mark


  • The stylized "c," "p," and "é" Marks
  • Any other Marks which Visa International may not adopt for use in connection with the Visa Card Program.
10.1B.1   2. Marks License — Visa International grants to each Affiliate, except for Affiliates which are solely Plus Program Participants, a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the Visa Card Program Marks in connection with the Visa Card Program.

  3. Use of the Visa Wordmark with Affiliate Names — Upon the prior written consent of Visa International and only upon such consent, an organization which (i) an Affiliate or (ii) a wholly owned subsidiary of one or more Affiliates and engaged exclusively in the processing of Visa Transactions, may use the Visa Wordmark in its corporate name or in any other name such as a "a doing business as" [DBA] name. Trade Name, fictitious name, etc. Any such name shall not be filed or registered in any governmental office without the prior written consent of Visa International.
10.2C   4. Use of the Visa Wordmark with Country Names — No Affiliate, other than one to which the International Board has granted exclusive jurisdiction pursuant to Section 2.12(c) of the By-Laws may use the name of a country with the Visa Wordmark. The foregoing does not apply to an Affiliate having the name of a country as integral part of its corporate name to extent that such use is in accordance with other provisions of these Operating Regulations.
10.6A.1   5. Signage at Merchant and Affiliate Locations
  a. Only the Visa and Bands Symbol may be displayed at Merchant or Affiliate locations as an Acceptance Mark for Classic Visa Cards, Visa Gold, and Premier Visa Cards. No reproduction of Cards bearing the Marks Panel or a Marks Area may be distributed or displayed as an Acceptance Mark.
  b. Only the Electron Visa Design may be displayed as an Acceptance Mark for Electron Cards.
10.6C   6. Signage at ATMs — Either (1) the Visa and Bands Symbol or (ii) the Visa and Bands Symbol together with the Electron Visa Design maybe displayed on an ATM as an Acceptance Mark for the Visa ATM Network. Only ATMs of Affiliates participating in the Visa ATM Network may display either design. No other Visa Card Program Marks may be displayed on participating ATMs. For further requirements, see Section 4.4.
  C. The Plus Program Marks
10.1C   1. Applicability — This section, 10.1C, applies only to the Visa Program Marks which include:
  • The Plus Symbol
  • The Plus System
  • The Plus Design


  • Any other Marks which Visa International may adopt for use in connection with the Plus Program.
10.1D.2   2. Marks License — Upon request, Visa International will grant to an Affiliate which elects to participate in the Plus Program and which is not otherwise licensed, a nonexclusive nontransferable license to use the Plus Program Marks in connection with the Plus Program.
10.1C.1   3. Use of the Plus Symbol — The Plus Symbol may only be used as an Acceptance Mark for ATM services. Any change in this provision requires a 3/4 vote of the International Board.
NEW   4. Signage at ATMs — For rules governing use of the Plus Program Marks at ATMs as Acceptance Marks for the Plus Program, see Section 4.5.
  D. All Visa International Marks
NEW   1. Applicability — This Section, 10.1D, applies to all Visa International Marks, including the Visa Card Program Marks listed in Section 10.1B.1 and the Plus Program Marks listed in Section 10.1C.1.
  2. Ownership of Marks


  a. Each Affiliate expressly acknowledges that Visa International owns the Visa International Marks and agrees that it will do nothing inconsistent with such ownership and that all use of the Marks shall be to the benefit of, and on behalf of, Visa International.
10.2A   b. No Affiliate may state or imply, in any form of communication, that it exclusively offers any Visa Product or service. Except as provided in these Operating Regulations, no Affiliate may state or imply that it owns any of the Visa International Marks.


  c. No Affiliate may use any denotation or legend of Mark registration or ownership in connection with the Marks, except as required or consented to by Visa International. Affiliates should contact Visa International to obtain a current list of countries where a denotation or legend is required. Visa International will provide the required indicia. Any Affiliate which desires to use a denotation or legend of Mark registration or ownership in connection with any proprietary Mark or Trade Name used in association with, or on the same piece as, the Visa International Marks, may do so provided, that:
  • Visa International determines that such use will not adversely affect the rights of Visa International with regard to the Marks, and
  • Visa International has approved such use in writing.
  3. Reproduction of Marks
NEW   a. All graphic reproductions of the Visa International Marks shall comply with the standards specified in Section 10.2.
NEW   b. The Visa International Marks may be used only to:


  • denote Visa or Plus Program services, and/or
  • promote the Visa Card Program or Plus Program and/or
  • promote an Affiliate's Visa Card Program or Plus Program.



  c. Each Affiliate shall use the Visa International Marks in a consistent manner on all media, including, but not limited to the following:
  • Cards
  • Sales drafts
  • polnt-of-transaction materials
  • promotional goods or materials (printed or broadcast)

Any Affiliate using the Visa International Marks shall be responsible for and indemnify and hold Visa International harmless against any claims, loses, damages or liabilities arising from the distribution and/or use of the media specified above.

10.3K.4   d. No Affiliate may permit a Merchant of other entity to use any of the Visa International Marks for promotional purposes on any media, unless they are distributed to or by the Affiliate, except as permitted by these Operating Regulations.
10.3K.2   e. None of the Visa International Marks may be used to indicate that Visa International endorses, is identified with, or sponsors goods or services other than those of Visa International.
10.3K.3   f. No use of the Visa and Bands Symbol may so resemble a Card as to create the risk that such use would be mistaken for a Card in Transactions.
10.3K.6   g. Use of Olympic Marks logos, designations and authenticating statements on any media in conjunction with the Visa Card Program Marks shall be in accordanoe with this Section, 10.1, Section 10.3B, and the current Visa Olympic Sponsorship Manual.
  4. Non-Olympic Affiliate Sponsorship
This section, 10.4, was approved in October 1991 but has not yet been published   a. With the prior written consent of its Regional Office and only with such consent, an Affiliate may use the Visa International Marks in connection with the sponsorship of a sponsorship of a sporting, musical, artistic, or other event. If permitted, such use may only be in those countries where the Affiliate is licensed to use such Marks. The rules do not apply to the purchase of advertising not specifically tied in sponsorship of such events.

Prior written consent from the appropriate Regional Office shall be obtained with respect to:

  • The manner of use of the Visa International Marks in connection with a proposed sponsorship. This applies to all Affiliate-initiated advertising, promotions, and public relations events, and
  • the specific sporting musical, artistic or other event which the Affiliate proposes to sponsor.
  b. The approval request shall be suhmitted, in a form specified by the Regional Office, to a Regional Office at least two months prior to the anticipated release of any materials associated with the sponsorship activities or the commencement of the sponsored event, whichever is earlier. Such written approval request shall specify the countries in which the sponsorship activity will take place. If sponsorship activities are to occur in additional countres at a later date, a new written approval request shall be submitted.
  c. No Affiliate may, in connection with sponsorship activities, use the Visa International Marks in conjunction with the Marks of the American Express Company, Eurocard, Eurocheck, MasterCard International, Sears, Roebuck and Company or their subsidiaries or affiliates, or other entities deemed competitive by the International Board.
  d. An Affiliate participating in any sponsorship activity shall clearly convey the impression tn any advertisement or other form of communication or display, that said activity is sponsored only by the Affiliate and not by either the Regional Office or Visa International. The Affiliate may not state or implies that it owns any of the Visa International Marks.
  e. The Affiliate shall ensure that the Visa International Marks are not used beyond the scope of the written approval. Upon notification from a Regional Office, an Affiliate shall take corrective action with respect to any improper or invalid use of the Visa International Marks.
  f. An Affiliate which uses any of the Visa International Marks on any promotional goods, printed material, or broadcast material related to the sponsorship activity, shall be responsible for and indemnify and hold Visa International and its Regional Offices harmless against any and all claims, losses, and dapiayea arising from ^he sponsorship of such events.


  5. Compliance With Operating Regulations — Each Affiliate agrees that all use of the Visa International Marks, as well as the nature and quality of all services rendered under such Marks, shall conform to standards established and maintained by these Operating Regulations.


  6. Protection of Marks — Each Affiliate shall cooperate with Visa International in any manner as may be necessary to ensure protection of the Visa International Marks.


  7. Designation of Marks — No materials bearing the Visa International Marks may denigrade such Marks. An Affiliate using such Marks indemnifies Visa International from all claims, liabilities, loses, and expenses arising from any materials produced by or for the Affiliate.


  8. Samples of Marks Usage — Each Affiliate agrees, upon request, to supply Visa International with specimens of any materials bearing any of the Visa International Marks which have been produced by or for the Affiliate.
10.2 Graphics Standards for the Visa International Marks
  A. General
10.3A   1. All graphic reproductions of the Visa International Marks and of Cards bearing these Marks are governed by this Section, 10.2, including but not limited to, their use in the following applications:

  • Sales drafts
  • point-of-transaction materials
  • promotional goods or materials (printed or broadcast)


  2. Reproduction of the Visa International Marks or of Cards bearing these Marks shall additionally conform to the requirements of Section 10.1.


  3. Camera-ready artwork for reproduction of the Visa International Marks or of Cards bearing these Marks is available from Visa International upon request. Such artwork shall be considered the only approved designs for the reproduction of Cards and the Visa International Marks.
  B. The Visa International Marks with Other Marks
10.6E   1. Olympic Marks — Use of Olympic Marks, logos, designations and authenticating statements on decals and with other representations of the Visa Card Program Marks shall conform to the requirements of Section 10.3B and the current Visa Olympic Sponsorship Manual.
  B. The Visa and Bands Symbol
NEW   1. General — This Section, 10.2C, governs use of the Bands Design and Visa Wordmark when combined to form the Visa and Bands Symbol. For rules governing use of the Visa Wordmark alone, see Section 10.2D.



  a. All reproductions of the Visa and Bands Symbol shall have the proportions depicted in the following Figures, as appropriate:
  • Until 30 March 1992, Figure 10.2-1 only
  • Effective 1 April 1992, either Figure 10.2-1 or Figure 10.2-2
  • Effective 1 July 1997, Figure 10.2-2 only


  b. To form the Visa and Bands Symbol, the Visa Wordmark shall appear inside of the white band, centered horizontally and vertically and in proportion to the size of the Bands Design as specified in Figure 10.2-1. No Marks, language, or Trade Names, other that the Visa Wordmark may appear within the Bands Design on reproductions of the Bands Design except as provided in Sections 10.2J and 10.2C.3.
NEW   c. The Visa and Bands Symbol shall always appear in either full-color or a black, white, and grey version, unless it appears with any other Acceptance Marks which are all in a single color, in which case it may appear in that color. In no instance may the colors or shades in the Visa and Bands Symbol be "reversed out" so that, for example, in a


black-and-white reproduction, the bottom hand and the Visa Wordmark appear in white.

10.3B.3   d. Full-color reproduction of the Visa and Bands Symhol shal1 conform to the following rules:
  • The colors in the Bands Design shall exactly match the blue and gold color swatches available from Visa International.
  • The Visa Wordmark shall be printed blue in the specified style to match the blue band of the Bands Design.
  • The final color shall always be evaluated by a visual comparison with the color swatches. Since the swatches fade with time, Affiliates should contart Visa International for new swatches each time new Cards or other applications are to be reproduced.
  • If the background against which the Visa and Bands Symbol appears does not contrast with the white border, then the border shall be by a single, thin blue line.
10.6B.1   e. Black-and-white or single-color reproductions of the Bands Design shall conform to the following rules:
  • the top band, Visa Wordmark, the border line shall be 100% intensity
  • the middle band 0% intensity, and
  • the bottom band 30% intensity.

In a black and white reproduction, for example, the result would be a black, white and grey Bands Design.

  f. No portion of the Visa and Bands Symhol may be obscured, distorted or defaced.


  2. Signage at Merchant and Affiliate Locations — When used as Acceptance Marks at Merchant or Affiliate locations in accordance with Section 10.1B.5 the Visa and Bands Symbol shall be used in rectangular form, with right-angled corners.
  3. Signage at ATMs
10.6C   a. When used together as an acceptance Mark for the Visa ATM Network in accordance with Section 10.lB.5, the Visa and Bands Symbol and the Electron Visa Design shall each be a minimum height of 54 mm (2.125"). Neither of the two Marks may be smaller than any other Mark displayed on the ATM which indicates participation in any ATM network other than the Affiliate's own proprietary network.
  b. The Visa and Bands Symbol shall appear in accordance with Figure 10.2-1 and the Electron Visa Design in accordance with Figure 10.2-2. If the Visa and Bands Symbol and the Electron Visa Design are used together, they need not be placed adjacent to each other on the ATM.
10.6C   c. Disbursing Affiliates which restrict access to participating ATMs in accordance with Section 4.4B.2 shall display the following information inside the white border surrounding the Visa and Bands Symbol as shown in Figure 10.2-3:
  • the Trade Name of the Disbursing Affiliate immediately above the Visa and Bands Symbol; and
  • a description of the acceptanre of Cards and the nature of the restrictions immediately below the Visa and Bands Symbol.
  d. No letter or design element of such Trade Name and description may exceed the height of the letters of the Visa Woodmark in the white band or extend horizontally beyond an area defined by the vertical edges of the Band Design. All displays of the Visa and Bands Symbol on participating ATMs with restricted access require the prior written consent of Visa International. For examples of the correct use of descriptive language with the Visa and Bands Symbol on participating ATMs with restricted access, see Figure 10.2-3.
  e. An Affiliate which permits only its own Cards to access its ATMs and which restricts any access by Cards issued by other Affiliates may display, solely for instructional purposes, a single-color reproduction of its Card in the actual Card size or smaller. Such a Card reproduction shall not be considered an Acceptance Mark for the Visa ATM Network
  D. The Visa Wordmark
  1. General
NEW   a. The Visa Wordmark may appear alone or in combination with the Bands Design to form the Visa and Bands Symbol. This Section, l0.2D, governs use of the Visa Wordmark when used alone. For rules governing use of the Visa Wordmark as part of the Visa and Bands Symbol, see Section 10.2C.
10.3B.1   b. The Visa Wordmark must always appear as specified in Figures 10.2-1 or 10.2-2. The art may be enlarged or reduced for specific applications, but the relationships between length and height or width of letters may not be altered. The Visa Wordmark may never appear in a style other than that specified, except in typed or printed text, unless approved in writing by Visa International.
NEW   c. The Visa Wordmark may appear in any color, except when appearing as part of the Visa and Bands Symbol, in which case it shall appear in blue, black, or other appropriate color, in accordance with Section 10.2C.
10.3C.1   d. When used in typed or printed text, the Visa Wordmark is normally written with a capital "V" and the remaining letters in lower case. For emphasis, it may be distinguished from the surrounding text by printing the entire word in all capital letters, italics, or bold face type.
10.3C.3   e. Whenever practicable, and at least once in the text of any piece, the Visa Wordmark should be followed by the generic name of the item or service which it describes. For example: Visa Card, Visa services, Visa application, Visa Merchant Agreement.
10.3C.4   f. The Visa Woodmark should never be used in possessive or plural forms. For example: it is incorrect to say "Visa's new service." It is corrert to say "The Visa program's new service." It is incorrect to say "They were using their Visas to purchase many items." It is correct to say, "They were using their Visa Cards to purchase many items." These rules apply to both written and verbal expressions of this Mark.
10.3C.5   g. The Visa Wordmark should never be misspelled or corrupted by coining other words from it or by combining it with other terms, prefixes, or suffixes. For example, the following corruptions are never acceptable: "VisaCASH", "VisaCHECK", MONEYVisa."
10.3C.6   h. If the sequence of the digits of any Affiliate's telephone number results in the spelling of "Visa," [using corresponding letters on a telephone dial] such condition may not be so identified in any print or broadcast material (e.g. 1-800-976-Visa), without the prior written consent of Visa International.
10.3C.7   2. Magazine Titles — Affiliates' publication of magazines which use the Visa Wordmark in their titles are governed by the Section, 10.2D.2.
  a. The magazine shall be primarily distributed to the Affiliate's Visa Cardholders or Merchants
  b. A copy of the first published and distributed issue shall be submitted to Visa International for approval of the quality of its content and, as approved, all subsequent issues shall be maintained at least at the same level of quality.
  c. The front cover shall contain, in print of not less than 14 points, an indication of the Affiliate's name (for example, "A Publication of ________________________," or "Published for Visa Cardholders by ________________________," or a similar indication.)
10.3E E. The Dove Design — The Dove Design may be reproduced only in accordance with the specifications provided by Visa International.
  F. The Classic Woodmark
10.3G   1. When used in typed or printed text, the Classic Woodmark is normally written with a capital "C" and the remaining letters in lower case. For emphasis, it may be distinguished from the surrounding text by printing the entire word in all capital letters, italics or boldface type.
  2. The Classic Wordmark may only be used as a proper adjective. Correct uses include: "Classic service," "Classic program" and "Visa Classic Cardholder."
  3. The Classic Woodmark should never be misspelled or corrupted by coining other words from it or combining it with other terms, prefixes, or suffixes. For example, the following corruptions are never acceptable: "Classiccash," "Classic-check."
10.3D G. The stylized "c," "p" and/or "é" Marks — The stylized "c," "p" and/or "é" Marks may only be used on Cards bearing the Marks Panel and shall be used in the specified type face, which is not a standard type face, shown in Figures 10.5A, 10.6B and/or 10.10A-2. The art may be enlarged or reduced for specific applications but the relationship between the height and width of the symbol may not be altered. These Marks may never be used in any other type face without the prior written consent of Visa International.
10.3I H. The Product Name "Visa Gold" — The term "gold" when used together with the Visa Woodmark to form the Product Name "Visa Gold" is a descriptive product identifier rather than a Mark and in typed or printerd material may be used in its dictionary sense as appropriate. To assure unity of market presentation, this Product Name should never be mispelled oir corrupted by coining other words from it, translating it combining it with other terms. For example, the following corruptions are never acceptable: "Visa Goldcash," "Visa Gold-check."
10.3H I. The Product Name "Premier" — The Product Name Premier is a descriptive product identifier rather than a Mark and in typed or printed material may be used in its dictionary sense as appropriate. To assure unity of market, presentation the descriptive Product Name "Premier," when used with the Visa and Bands Symbol and/or the stylized "p" Mark should never be misspelled or corrupted by coining other words from it or by combining it with other terms. For example, he following corruptions are never acceptable: "Premiercash," "Premier-check."
10.3F J. The Electron Mark and Electron Visa Design
  1. General
  a. When used in typed or printed text, the word "Electron" in the Electron Mark is normally written with a capital "E" and the remaining letters in lower case. For emphasis, it may be distinguished from the surrounding text by printing the entire word in all capital italics or boldface type.
  b. The Electron Mark may only be used as a proper adjective. Correct uses include: "Electron service," "Electron merchant," and "Electron Cardholder."
  c. The Electron Mark should never be misspelled or corrupted by coining other words from it or by combining it with other terms, prefixes, or suffixes. For example, the following corruptions are never acceptable: "Electroncash," "Electroncheck."
  2. Signage at Merchant or Affiliate Locations
  a. The Electron Visa Design may have either squared or rounded corners and shall have the proportions shown in Figure 10.2-2.
  b. The Electron Mark, the stylized "é" Mark, the background pattern and the inner and outer rectangles shall be the same blue as specified for the blue band of the Bands Design. The remaining area shall be white.
  c. An Affiliate whose indigenous language is other than English may also place the Electron Mark in another language indigenous to the country of issuance underneath the the stylized "é" Mark on the Electron Visa Design, provided that prior written approval of the word used as the indigenous language equivalent is obtained from the appropriate Regional Office.
  3. Signage at ATMS — See Section 10.2C.3 for rules governing use of the Electron Visa Design together with the Visa and Bands Symbol, when this combination is used at an Acceptance Mark for the Visa ATM Network in accordance with Section 10.1B5
  K. The Plus Program Marks
NEW   1. All graphic reproductions of the Plus Symhol aball conform to Section 4.5 as well as this Section, 10.2K.
10.3J   2. When used in printed text, the Plus System Wordmark is normally written with a capital "P" and a capital "S" and the remaining letters in lower case. For emphasis, it may be distinguished from the surrounding text by printing both words in all capital letters, italics or boldface type. When the Plus System Wordmark appears as part of the Plus Symbol, it shall always appear as specified in Figure 4.5.
  3. The Plus System Wordmark should never be misspelled or corrupted by coining other words from it, by combining it with other terms, prefixes, or suffixes, or by making the term "Plus System" possessive. For example, the following corruptions are never acceptable: "Pluscash", "MoneyPlus*
NEW L. Card Reproduction
  1. General — This Section, 10.2L, governs the graphic reproduction of Visa Cards. For further rules concerning the reproduction of Plus Cards, see Section 4.5F.
10.6D   2. All Card reproductions shall accurately reflect all of the details of an actual Card including, but not limited to, the following,
  • The Marks Panel or the Marks Area,as applicable, shall have the same proportions as on the actual Card.
  • All printing, including the Marks on the Marks Panel or the Marks Area, shall appear in the same relative size, position and type style as on the actual Card.
Figure 10.2-1 — Specifications for the Visa and Bands Symbol (Allowed Only through 30 June 1997)




Figure 10.2-2 — Specifications for the Visa and Bands Symbol (Allowed Only through 1 July 1997)



  • The embossed data, including the account number [which shall be appropriately shaded to indicate that it is embossed], shall appear in the area specified on the actual Card.
  • Denotations of registration or other legends shall be used in accordance with the requirements for their use on Cards.
10.6D   3. Full-colof Card reproductions shall accurately reflect the same color[s] used on the actual Card.
  a. For full-color reproductions of a Classic Visa Card with the full Bands Design, the account number and legends in the bottom band blue. The embossed data in the bottom band shall he white. If the background against which such Classic Visa Card is depicted does not really distinguished itself from the white border around the Card, the white border shall be outlined by a single, thin blue line.
  b. For full-color reproductions of all other Cards, in the background area in which a Card is depicted does not readily distinguish itself from the Card, the Card shall be outlined by a single thin line in a constracting color. All embossing, including the account number, shall be shown in a constracting color.
  4. For single-color reproductions of a Card, the Visa and Bands Symbol shall be in the intensity specified in Section 10.2C. Any printing in the Marks Panel or the Marks Area shall be 100% intensity. If the background area in which a Card is depicted does not readily distinguish itself from the Card, the Card shall be outlined by a single thin line in a contrasting intensity.
  5. Any variation from the provisions of this section requires the prior written consent of Visa International.
10.3 Use of Marks Not Owned by Visa International
10.1F A. The Mark "BankAmericard" — Only the following entitles may use the Mark "BankAmericard" in conjunction with the Visa Card Program Marks:
  • The Bank of America NT & SA
  • Any Affiliate which is the parent or subsidiary or an affiliate of the Bank of America NT & SA, or its parent
  • Any Participant or agent Affiliate in California which is sponsored by the Bank of America NT & SA, its parent, a subsidiary, or an affiliate

In accordance with these Operating Regulations, "BankAmericard" will be considered a proprietary Mark of such Affiliate and may be used by the Affiliate in cojunction with the Visa Card Program Marks, in the same manner as other Affiliates use their own proprietary Marks.

10.1G B. Olympic Marks
  1. An Affiliate participating in the Visa Card Program may use the Marks, logos, designations and authenticating statements associated with the International Olympic Committee, the Organizing Committees of the current Winter and Summer Olympic Games and the national Olympic Cards, decals with other representations of the Visa Card Program Marks in advertisement and on promotional materials in accordance with the current Visa Olympic Sponsorship Manual.
  2. The right to use Olympic Marks, logos, designations and authenticating statements is the result of sponsorship agreements between Visa International and Olympic authorities. Because failure of one Affiliate to observe restrictions specified in these agreements could result in the forfeiture by Visa International and all Affiliates of the right to use the Olympic Marks, logos, designations and authenticating statements, careful adherence to these restrictions is required.
  3. Each Affiliate which uses the Olympic Marks, logos, designations and authenticating statements on Cards or decals, with other representations of the Visa Card Program Marks, in advertising and/or promotional materials shall strictly observe the guidelines for such use as specified in the current Visa Olympic Sponsorship Manual.
  4. Upon notice from Visa International, an Affiliate shall take corrective action with respect to any improper or invalid use of such Marks.
  5. Each Affiliate shall be responsible for, and hold Visa International harmless against, damages or liabilities arising from the Affiliate's failure to observe the requirements set forth in the current Visa Olympic Sponsorship Manual, or any failure to take corrective action requested riy Visa International.
10.1H C. Other Marks
  1. An Affiliate may use the Visa Card Program Marks in conjunction with the Marks of the American Express Company, Eurocard, Eurocheque, Mastercard International, Sears, Roebuck and Company, or the subsidiaries or affiliates of these entities, or other entities deemed competitive by the Board of Directors, on items and materials other than Visa Cards provided that the overall appearance resulting from such use unmistakably conveys the idea that the Marks associated with Visa identify a product or service separate and distinct from any product or service of the American Express Company, Eurocard, Eurocheque, Mastercard International, Sears, Roebuck and Company, or the subsidiaries or affiliates of these entities, or other entities deemed competitive by the Board of Directors.
  2. No Affiliate may use on Cards any Mark other than the Visa and Bands Symhol to indicate acceptance at merchant locations outside the country of Card issuance. A Mark owned bv a Single Merchant may appear on a Card


as part of an Affinity Program approved by Visa International. Such a Marie shall not constitute an Acceptance Mark.

  3. An Affiliate may use, on Cards, other Marks which indicate acceptance at merchant locations solely within the country of Card Issuance, provided that such other Marks are clearly less prominent than the Visa and Bands Symbol.
  4. All transactions executed with Cards at Merchant locations shall be deemed Visa Transactions and shall be governed by these Operating Regulations.
10.4 Affiliate Identification
10.5 A. All supplies material (including broadcast material) and written or oral solicitations directed by an Affiliate to Cardholders, prospective Cardholders, Merchants, or prospective Merchants, shall prominently identify the soliciting Affiliate by principal name and city. Affiliates may substitute local branch name and city, if desired. Except for materials designed by Visa International for Affiliate use, such materials may not give the impression that they are provided or endorsed by Visa International or the Visa system.
  B. No Affiliate may state or infer in any correspondence, supplies, materials, and/or oral solicitations directed to Cardholders, prospective Cardholders, Merchants, or prospective Merchants that any other Affiliate's Cards, or Merchant materials are being replaced, are invalid, or should be destroyed.
10.5 Card Specifications — General
10.4 A. Effective for Cards prior to conversion to a design bearing either the Upper Marks Area or the Lower Marks Area. Only in effect through 31 December 1994.
  1. Each Classic Visa Card, Premier Visa Card and Electron Visa Card shall bear the Marks Panel consisting of (i) the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design Mark with the Visa Mark Visa and Bands Symbol (ii) the Visa Dove Area, (iii) the Product Identifier Area and (iv) a continuous border according to specifications for the individual Card product.
  2. At the option of each Region Regional Office, Classic Visa Cards and Visa Gold may bear the Small Marks Area consisting of (i) the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design Mark with the Visa Mark Visa and Bands Symbol and (ii) the Visa Dove hologram, in accordance with the implementation requirements set forth by the appropriate Regional Board.
  B. Effective for Classic Visa Cards, Visa Gold and Premier Visa Cards issued on or after 1 March 1991 bearing either the Upper Marks Area or the Lower Marks Area.
  1. In accordance with the option selected by the applicable Regional Board of Directors, each Card shall bear either (i) the Upper Marks Area consisting of the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design Mark with the Visa Mark Visa and Bands


Symbol above the Visa Dove hologram or (ii) the Lower Marks Area consisting of the Visa Dove hologram above the Blue, White and Gold Bands Design Mark with the Visa Mark Visa and Bands Symbol.

  C. Effective 1 January 1995, with the exception of Electron Visa Cards, all Cards shall bear either the Upper Marks Area or the Lower Marks Area in accordance with the option selected by the applicable Regional Board.
Note: On Cards bearing a magnetic stripe on the front of the Card, a smaller Marks Area will be allowed. Specifications for this smaller Marks Area may be obtained from Visa International.
  D. No Visa Card Program Mark or Product Name which appears in the Marks Panel or a Marks Area may appear on the front of the Card in the area not covered by the Marks Panel or a Marks Area, except as specified in these Operating Regulations.
  1. The Visa Mark Wordmark may not appear on the front of the Card in the area not covered by the Marks Panel or a Marks Area except (i) when included in an Alternate Card Design as provided by Visa International or (ii) when used in conjunction with the Olympic Marks, logos, designations and/or authenticating statements in accordance with Section 10.1G of these Operating Regulations and the current Visa Olympic Sponsorship Manual. For Cards bearing a Marks Area, each Regional Board of Directors, including Visa U.S A and Visa Canada, may grant a variance to this section to issuers located within its Region (provided that no Cards shall be issued to non-residents of that Region) to permit use of the Visa Mark Wordmark on the front of the Card in the area not covered by a Marks Area. In such case, the Visa Mark Wordmark may only appear once, unless such Mark appears as part of a repetitive background pattern.
  2. The Product Name, or its approved indigenous language equivalent, may appear on the front of the Card product it identifies in the area of the Card not covered by the Marks Panel or a Marks Area, but no Product Name, in any language or spelling, may appear on any Card product other than the Card product it identifies (for example, the Product Name Premier may not appear on Classic Visa Cards or Electron Cards).
  3. The Electron Mark may not appear on the front of any Classic Visa Card, Visa Gold or Premier Visa Card.
  E. Except for the Visa account number, no Card may bear any number or device whether embossed, printed, etched, encoded or otherwise, which is used for international payment purposes.
  F. No Affiliate may permit any adhesive material to be affixed to either side of a Card which is not integral to the manufacture of the Card in accordance with these Operating Regulations.



Updated January 10, 2023