Plaintiffs' Response To Motion To Compel A Discovery Response : U.S. And Plaintiff States V. Dean Foods Co.
Exhibit 1
Steven G. Bradbury, Esq.
Dear Steven: Pursuant to the parties' Rule 26(f) discussions, Plaintiffs hereby produce to Defendant Dean Foods Company a DVD containing volume 1 of Plaintiffs' initial disclosures materials, which consists of summation load files of all bidding documents received from any school district in Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula, bearing bates numbers SCH-DOJ-OOOOOI through SCH-DOJ-004870. Please be advised that the bulk of these materials are provisionally designated "CONFIDENTIAL" pending entry of a protective order and should be afforded the protections outlined in the parties' Stipulated Protective Order. If you have any questions, please contact me at (202) 305-0718.