Revenue Forecast For Core Mid-market Segments
Revenue forecast for core mid-market segments Key: Conservative and Aggressive. There is no color or other mark distinguishing these. There are two bar charts. The following text appears around the charts: The first bar chart, for 2001E, is divided into two sections. The first section at the top, which is about 10% of the bar, shows a potential revenue of 1,070. The second part shows a potential revenue of 975. The percent is 4.0. The second bar chart, for 2005E, is about 4 times taller than the first. It's divided into two sections. The first, which is about 40% of the bar, shows a potential revenue of 4,500. The second shows a potential revenue of 2,500. The percent is 7.5. Note that there is a shown relationship (by connected dash lines) between the first section of the first chart and the first section of the second. Under the label 2001-05 CAGR and next to the revenues of the second chart are the following numbers - 46 (next to 4,500) and 26 (next to 2,500). |