August 2008 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, ANTITRUST DIVISION Summation Database Specifications - DOJ to provide empty Summation database shell. The Division currently uses Summation version 2.6.3.
- DOJ will accept loaded Summation databases with the following conditions:
- Each database has no more that 5-6 GB OCRBase.
- If the database will have more than 120,000 records, it must be addressed with Division staff prior to production.
- Custodians do not cross databases, except under limited circumstances.
- Metadata fields must be populated
- Data should be structured in the standard Summation format, with images stored inside the Images subdirectory of the case folder.
- When records include a Doclink field to a native file, the native file should also reside inside the case folder in a folder called DocLink.
See Example of Case Directory Structure, below.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, ANTITRUST DIVISION Summation Submission Requirements Via e-mail or on CD-ROM, the DOJ has provided a DOJShell Summation database directory. Please categorize your submissions by placing the DOJShell folder under sequential Database folder names. The folder naming scheme should be 2 to 3 letters (indicating your company) followed by 3 numbers. For example: For the first 3 databases from ABC Co., the root of the piece of media (External, CD, or DVD) should display the following folders: ABC001, ABC002, and ABC003. Each of these folders should contain the loaded DOJShell Summation Case Directory. The cover letter for each submission of loaded Summation databases should include information about the loaded Summation database(s) included on each External Hard Drive or other piece of media submitted, preferably in spreadsheet format. Include the following for each submission: A. For each piece of media: - Assign a unique identifier for each piece of media that is also readily identifiable on the piece of media (i.e. Submission #; Serial number is also acceptable), and
- Identify the Databases on the piece of media.
B. For each Database: - The Custodians included;
- The total number of records;
- The number of records for each Custodian (e.g., ABC001 contains 183,000 records: Jones - 150,000 records, Smith - 13,000 records, Doe - 20,000 records);
- The Bates number ranges (and any gaps therein) for each Custodian;
- The total number of native files in each Database;
- The number of native files for each Custodian (e.g., ABC001 contains 15,980 native files: Jones - 1,500; Smith - 5,250; Doe - 9,230);
- The total number of images included in each database; and
- The total number of images included for each Custodian (e.g., ABC001 contains 15,980 images: Jones - 1,500; Smith - 5,250; Doe - 9,230).
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, ANTITRUST DIVISION METADATA & FAMILY RECORD SPECIFICATIONS Default File Layout(.txt) Field Name has 8 character limit. Field Name | Field Description | Field Type | Hard Copy | E-mail | Spreadsheets | Presentations | Other Elec. Docs |
Company | Company submitting data | Note Text | X | X | X | X | X | Box# | Submission/Volume # | Note Text | X | X | X | X | X | Custdian | Custodian(s)/Source(s) - formatted Last, First | Multi-Entry | X | X | X | X | X | Begdoc# | Start Bates (including Prefix) - No spaces | Note Text | X | X | X | X | X | Enddoc# | End Bates (including Prefix) - No spaces | Note Text | X | X | X | X | X | DocID | Populate with exact same value as State Bates | Note Text | X | X | X | X | X | PGCount | Page count | Integer | X | X | X | X | X | ParentID | Parent Bates, including Prefix (ONLY IN CHILD RECORDS) | Note Text | X | X | X | X | X | Attchids | Child document list - Start Bates of each Child (ONLY IN PARENT RECS) | Multi-Entry | X | X | X | X | X | FamlyRng | Family Start and End Bates (including Prefix) (i.e. ABC-001 -ABC-003 | Note Text | X | X | X | X | X | Prprties | Record Type-> (Redacted, Document Withheld Based On Privilege) | Multi-Entry | X | X | X | X | X | From | Author -formatted Last, First | Multi-Entry | | X | X | X | X | To | Recipient -formatted Last, First | Multi-Entry | | X | X | X | X | Cc | Cc field -formatted Last, First | Multi-Entry | | X | X | X | X | Bcc | Bcc field -formatted Last, First | Multi-Entry | | X | X | X | X | Subject | Subject/Document Title | Note Text | | X | X | X | X | DocDate | Document Date / Date Sent - MM/DD/YYYY | Date Keyed | | X | | | | Timesent | Time email was sent | Time | | X | | | | Datecrtd | Date Created | Date | | | X | X | X | Datesvd | Date Modified | Date | | | X | X | X | Datercvd | Date Accessed / Received | Date | | X | X | X | X | Filesize | File size | Note Text | | | X | X | X | Altitle | File name - Name of file as appeared in original location | Note Text | | | X | X | X | Applicat | Application used to create native file (e.g., Excel, Word) | Note Text | | | X | X | X | FilePath | Data's source filepath information | Note Text | | X | X | X | X | Doclink | Current filepath location to the native file | Note Text | | | X | X | X | FolderID | Email folder path (sample: Inbox/active) or Hard Copy Folder Information | Note Text | X | X | | | | Paragrph | Paragraph # to which the document is responsive | Note Text | X | X | X | X | X | Hash | Hash Value (used for deduplication or other processing | Note Text | | X | X | X | X | Srchtrms | List of Terms used to identify record as responsive (if search terms used) | Multi-Entry | | X | X | X | X | *Indicated field may be empty if only native files produced) Parent IDs, Attachment IDs, and Family Range Details Customer Notes: | | | |
Y | Confirm Family Range definition for attached files | | | Y | Confirm Field names and types | | | Y | Each member of the Family is its own record | | | | | | | |
| Family Range Definition: | | | | All records will have a family range when the file or email has a parent or children | | | | Family Range will start with the first page of the top most parent and go until the last child's last page | | | | Each member of the Family is its own record | | | | | | | |
| Example: | | | | | Description: | Top most Email | Attachment to Doc 1 | Attachment to Doc 1 | | | Doc No. 1 | Doc No. 2 | Doc No. 3 | | Begin Bates | ABC-001 | ABD-011 | ABC-016 | | End Bates | ABC-010 | ABC-015 | ABC-020 | | ParentID | {empty} | ABC-001 | ABC-001 | | Attchids | ABC-011;ABC-015 | {empty} | {empty} | | Family Range | ABC-001 – ABC-020 | ABC-001 – ABC-020 | ABC-001 – ABC-020 |
| |