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Technical Assistance Workshop: Biography of Georges G. Korsun

Georges G. Korsun

Georges Korsun is Director of Economic and Statistical Consulting at Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP. He has worked extensively in the area of international competition policy and has advised more than a dozen governments on establishing and strengthening competition regimes. He has served as a non-governmental advisor to the International Competition Network for a number of years. His international work has focused on the economic analysis of laws and regulations, particularly in the areas of competition and corporate governance and in the estimation of economic impacts.

In his commercial practice, Dr. Korsun has conducted market studies in merger cases, estimated damages arising from regulatory takings, and conducted numerous exercises in large-scale survey design and data collection and analysis. His recent work has applied statistics and economic theory to automated fraud and money laundering detection in the financial sector and in public procurement.

Updated June 9, 2023