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Tier 2 Criteria

Tier 2 Criteria

Line graph measuring Tier 2 items by Poor, Average, and Excellent.
1. All PeopleSoft
2. All Oracle
3. PeopleSoft HR, Oracle AF, Ariba SC
4. PeopleSoft HR, Oracle AF, PeopleSoft SC
5. PeopleSoft HR, Oracle AF, Oracle SC

G. Cost (pre-best and final)
PeopleSoft HR, Oracle AF, PeopleSoft SC - half way between Poor and Average
All Oracle and PeopleSoft HR, Oracle AF, Oracle SC - Average
All PeopleSoft and PeopleSoft HR, Oracle AF, Ariba SC - Excellent
(Evaluation Summary: Summary Results Notes - Based on a 5 year projection)

H. Interface Development
PeopleSoft HR, Oracle AF, PeopleSoft SC - Poor
PeopleSoft HR, Oracle AF, Ariba SC and All PeopleSoft - Average
All Oracle and PeopleSoft HR, Oracle AF, Oracle SC - Excellent
(Evaluation Summary: Summary Results Notes - Atlas more difficult with PS)

I. Reference Checks
All - Excellent
(Evaluation Summary: Summary Results Notes - Both Vendors had comparable reference checks)

J. Confidence in Vendor Relationship
All - Excellent
(Evaluation Summary: Summary Results Notes - Nextel's confidence in our ability to develop a suitable Vendor Relationship is comparable)

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Updated August 14, 2015