TC-001 |
TC-002 |
TC-003 |
American Medical Association (AMA) |
TC-004 |
American Pharmacy Cooperative, Inc. (APCI) |
TC-005 |
TC-006 |
TC-007 |
Compilation of 3 substantially similar comments (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc. (AAPS) and 2 comments from Berk, Valerie) |
TC-008 |
Atlanta Children’s Shelter |
TC-009 |
TC-010 |
TC-011 |
TC-012 |
Bertola, Marie |
TC-013 |
TC-014 |
TC-015 |
Borzilleri, John R. |
TC-016 |
Brookland, Jonathan R. |
TC-017 |
Butterfield, Dawn (National Community Pharmacy Association) |
TC-018 |
TC-019 |
Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE) |
TC-020 |
Compilation of 2 substantially similar comments (Community Oncology Alliance (COA) and Berk, Valerie) |
TC-021 |
Conger, Michael |
TC-022 |
TC-023 |
Consumer Action; U.S. PIRG |
TC-024 |
Consumer Reports; U.S. PIRG; Consumer Action; and the Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut |
TC-025 |
TC-026 |
TC-027 |
TC-028 |
Foodshare |
TC-029 |
TC-030 |
TC-031 |
Geyer, Bob (Medi Shop Pharmacy, LLC) |
TC-032 |
Geyer, Bob (Medi Shop Pharmacy, LLC) |
TC-033 |
GiaQuinto, Robert (Rye Beach Pharmacy) |
TC-034 |
TC-035 |
Holt, Rebecca (Holt’s Pharmacy) |
TC-036 |
Jersey City LGBT Pride Festival |
TC-037 |
TC-038 |
TC-039 |
Kuenzel, Kenneth (Hyde Pharmacy, Inc.) |
TC-040 |
TC-041 |
TC-042 |
TC-043 |
Lee, Eric (Lee’s Total Health Pharmacy) |
TC-044 |
Liberman, Jeff (Howard Beach Apothecary Inc.) |
TC-045 |
Massachusetts Independent Pharmacists Association (MIPA) |
TC-046 |
TC-047 |
McAnally, Bruce |
TC-048 |
Medical Society of the State of New York |
TC-049 |
TC-050 |
TC-051 |
Motor Transport Association of Connecticut, Inc. |
TC-052 |
National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) |
TC-053 |
TC-054 |
TC-055 |
National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) |
TC-056 |
TC-057 |
Compilation of 12 substantially similar comments (Northeast Pharmacy Service Corporation (NPSC), Berk, Valerie, Beacon Prescriptions, Standard Pharmacy, Taylor's Drug Store, Towne Apothecary LLC, Standard Pharmacy @ Healthfirst, Matt's Local Pharmacy, Towne Pharmacy, Switzer's Pharmacy, Serafino Pharmacy, and van Eeghen's Pharmacy) |
TC-058 |
TC-059 |
Pharmacists Society of the State of New York (PSSNY) |
TC-060 |
Pharmacists Society of the State of New York (PSSNY) and Pharmacists United for Truth and Transparency (PUTT) |
TC-061 |
Compilation of 74 substantially similar comments from pharmacy owners and managers |
TC-062 |
Philadelphia Association of Retail Druggists (PARD) |
TC-063 |
Philadelphia Association of Retail Druggists (PARD) |
TC-064 |
Pinto, Brian (Tiffany Natural Pharmacy) |
TC-065 |
Ruscher, Susan |
TC-066 |
TC-067 |
Shapiro, Gerald (Uptown Drug Co.) |
TC-068 |
Siepka, Thomas J. (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) |
TC-069 |
Sisu, Integrated Early Learning |
TC-070 |
TC-071 |
TC-072 |
TC-073 |
Spanish Speaking Elderly Council - RAICES, Inc. |
TC-074 |
Spinella, Anthony J. (Town of Wethersfield) |
TC-075 |
TC-076 |
TC-077 |
The Business Council of New York State |
TC-078 |
Torres, Blake |
TC-079 |
Value Care Alliance |
TC-080 |
TC-081 |
TC-082 |
TC-083 |
West Virginia Independent Pharmacy Association (WVIPA) |
TC-084 |
Weston, Carol |
TC-085 |