Legislative History
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977
House Conference Report No. 94-831
S. 305 (Public Law No. 95-213) Signed December 19, 1977
Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988
House Conference Report No. 100-576
H.R. 4848 (Public Law No. 100-418) Signed August 23, 1988
Amendments 1998
The President's Signing Statement
S2375 (Passed by Senate on July 31, 1998)
Senate Report No. 105 - 277
(Senate Banking Committee) (to accompany S. 2375)
S. 2375
(as passed by the House on October 9, 1998, incorporating as a substitute amendment H.R. 4353)
House Report No. 105 - 802
(House Commerce Committee) (to accompany H.R. 4353)
The International Anti-Bribery and Fair Competition Act of 1998
(S. 2375: Pub. L. 105 - 366) (signed November 10, 1998)
Redline comparison of FCPA to the final version of S. 2375
S. 2375 (Public Law No. 105-366) Signed November 10, 1998
Foreign Extortion Prevention Technical Corrections Act of 2024
S. 4548 (Public Law No. 118–78) Signed July 30, 2024
Report an FCPA or FEPA Violation to the Criminal Division’s FCPA Unit at FCPA.Fraud@usdoj.gov.