Agency Invitations to File Amicus Briefs
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The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) occasionally invites members of the public to file amicus curiae briefs addressing issues of significance. EOIR solicits amicus curiae briefs from the public through the EOIR Twitter feed, EOIR’s Facebook page, and Amicus Email Updates. Information on how to sign up for Amicus Email Updates is provided below. Other Department of Justice Amicus Invitations are also posted here.
The following links are to open and archived Amicus Invitations—each containing a short description of the issues involved and instructions on how to file a particular amicus brief.
Open Invitations
Archived Invitations*
*Archived Amicus Invitations are posted for informational purposes only. Please do not submit Requests to Appear as Amicus or amicus briefs for the invitations below.
- Amicus Invitation No. No. 24-28-06 AMICUS INVITATION (Pro Se Respondent) DUE July 29, 2024
- Amicus Invitation No. 23-01-08 AMICUS INVITATION (NOTICE TO APPEAR) DUE August 31, 2023
- Amicus Invitation No. 23-13-07 (Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer-Employer Santions) Due August 10, 2023
- Amicus Invitation No. 23-15-02 (Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer – Immigration-related Document Fraud), Due Date: February 27, 2023
- Amicus Invitation No. 22-12-04 (Texas Burglary – Crime of Violence), Due Date: May 3, 2022
- Amicus Invitation No. 22-16-03 (VACATUR OF A CRIMINAL CONVICTION), Due Date: April 6, 2022
- Attorney General Amicus Invitation Matter of B-Z-R- Amicus Extension Order, Due Date: February 7, 2022
- Amicus Invitation No. 21-17-11 (Crime Involving Moral Turpitude), Due Date: December 8, 2021
- Amicus Invitation No. 21-09-11 (Aggravated Felony), Due Date: November 30, 2021
- Amended Amicus Invitation No. 21-30-09 (Record of Conviction) Due October 21, 2021, (Amended) Deadline extended, Due November 19, 2021
- Amicus Invitation No. 21-30-09 (Notice to Appear), Due Date: October 21, 2021
- Amicus Invitation No. 21-20-07 (Notice to Appear), Due Date: August 10, 2021
- Amicus Invitation No. 21-15-03 (Divisibility of Iowa's Theft Statute), Due Date: April 14, 2021
- Amicus Invitation No. 20-04-12 (Arriving Alien), Due Date: January 4, 2021
- Amicus Invitation No. 20-04-09 (ALIEN NOTICE), DUE October 5, 2020
- Attorney General Amicus Invitation: Matter of A-M-R-C-, (Effect of timing of referral; whether the Board applied the correct legal standard and properly exercised its discretion in deciding issues related to the serious nonpolitical crime bar and the persecutor bar; standard for determining whether a respondent’s in absentia trial suffered from due process problems), Due July 31, 2020. - Update: Deadline Extended, Due September 29, 2020. (Underlying decisions: Matter of A-M-R-C; Matter of A-M-R-C).
- Amicus Invitation No. 20-24-02 (ALIEN NOTICE), DUE March 25, 2020
- Amicus Invitation No. 20-02-21R (Recognition and Accreditation Program) DUE MARCH 13, 2020
- Amicus Invitation No. 20-21-02 (ALIEN NOTICE), DUE March 23, 2020
- Attorney General Amicus Invitation: Matter of REYES (Whether a conviction is categorically an aggravated felony when it includes multiple means of conduct that necessarily satisfy either the theft or the fraud definitions of aggravated felony), Due January 17, 2020
- Amicus Invitation No. 19-11-6 (Criminal Issue), Due December 6, 2019
- Amicus Invitation No. 19-11-5 (Hearing Notice), Due December 5, 2019
- Attorney General Amicus Invitation Matter of THOMAS and THOMPSON (Effect of judicial alteration of a criminal conviction or sentence on the immigration consequences of the conviction), Due July 12, 2019 - Update, Deadline Extended, Due August 2, 2019
- Acting Attorney General Amicus Invitation Matter of L-E-A-, (Membership in a family unit and particular social group), Due January 18, 2019. – Update Deadline Extended, Due March 13, 2019 (see Previous Extensions March 4, 2019, February 25, 2019 and February 1, 2019)
- Acting Attorney General Amicus Invitation Matter of CASTILLO-PEREZ, (legal standard for determining when an individual lacks good moral character for cancellation of removal under section 240A(b) of the Act; impact of multiple DUI and DWI convictions on good moral character and discretion), Due January 18, 2019. – Update, Deadline Extended, Due February 25, 2019 (see Previous Extension)
- Attorney General Amicus Invitation Matter of M-S- (Authority to Hold Bond Hearings for Certain Aliens Screened for Expedited Removal Proceedings), Due November 9, 2018. (underlying decision: M-S-, AXXX XXX XXX (BIA September 28, 2018))
- Attorney General Amicus Invitation Matter of NEGUSIE (Whether coercion and duress are relevant to the application of the Immigration and Nationality Act’s persecutor bar), Due November 15, 2018. – Update: Due November 30, 2018
- Matter of M-G-G- (Authority to Hold Bond Hearings for Certain Aliens Screened for Expedited Removal Proceedings), Due October 16, 2018 - Withdrawn
- Amicus Invitation No. 18-06-27 (Validity of a Conviction for Immigration Purposes), Due July 27, 2018 (Amended)
- Attorney General Amicus Invitation Matter of L-A-B-R- et al., 27 I&N Dec. 245 (A.G. 2018) (Good Cause to Grant a Continuance), Due April 24, 2018–Update, Deadline Extended, Due May 1, 2018
- Attorney General Amicus Invitation Matter of A-B- (Victim of Criminal Activity as a Particular Social Group), Due April 13, 2018 – Update, Deadline Extended, Due April 27, 2018
- Amicus Invitation No. 18-02-27 Conviction for Possession of a Controlled Substance in Florida), Due March 29, 2018
- Amicus Invitation No. 18-02-14 (Removability & Aggravated Felony Definitions), Due March 16, 2018
- Attorney General Amicus Invitation Matter of CASTRO-TUM (Authority to Administratively Close Immigration Proceedings), Due February 16, 2018
- Amicus Invitation No. 17-10-17 (Exception to the 1-Year Asylum Bar), Due November 16, 2017 - Withdrawn
- Amicus Invitation No. 17-06-12 (Modified Categorical Approach and CIMTs), Due July 12, 2017
- Amicus Invitation No. 17-01-05 (Misprision of a Felony ), Due 02-06-2017
- Amicus Invitation No. 17-01-09 (Material Support Bar), Due 02-08-2017
- Amicus Invitation No. 17-01-12 (Marriage Fraud in Visa Petitions), Due 02-13-2017
- Amicus Invitation No. 17-01-26 (Attempt to Transport a Narcotic Drug for Sale), Due 02-27-2017
- Amicus Invitation No. 17-02-02 (Protected Class of Victims), Due 03-06-2017
- Amicus Invitation No. 16-09-19 (“Wave Through” Entry), Due 10-19-2016
- Amicus Invitation No. 16-08-08 (Duress Exception to Persecutor Bar), Due 09-07-2016
- Amicus Invitation No. 16-06-21 (Commitment to Mental Health Facility), Due 07-21-2016
- Amicus Invitation No. 16-06-09 (definition of minor for 1-year bar), Due 07-11-2016
- Amicus Invitation No. 16-03-17 (U Nonimmigrant Status), Due 04-18-2016
- Amicus Invitation Reset No. 16-01-11 (Family as a Particular Social Group), Due 03-07-2016
- Amicus Invitation No. 15-11-10 (Section 101(a)(43)(M)(i) of the Act), Due 12-10-2015
- Amicus Invitation No. 15-09-28 (“ordinary case” methodology), Due 10-28-2015
- Amicus Invitation No. 15-08-26 (Jeune v. Att'y Gen. of the U.S., 476 F.3d 199 (3d Cir. 2007)), Due 09-25-2015
- Amicus Invitation No. 15-08-04 (crime involving moral turpitude), Due 08-25-15