Republic of Iraq
Citizenship and Country Documents
US Government Reports
- State Department - Country Documents
Foreign Government Reports
- Australian Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT Requests)
- IRQ37184 - September 2010
- Please provide information on the current status of "Bidoons" in Iraq. In particular: what rights to reside and enter do they have and what access do they have to basic services such as health an education? Are they entitled to any form of ID documents?
- IRQ37184 - September 2010
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- IRQ106241.E - Iraq: Passports, including appearance and security features; procedure to apply from within the country and from abroad – February 2019
- IRQ106009.E - Iraq: The Foreigner's Residence Card issued in the Kurdistan region, including purpose and validity; status afforded by the card, including access to employment and services and the ability to return and reside in Iraq; requirements and procedures for the issuance and renewal of cards; information included on the card – Oct. 2017
- IRQ105845.E - Iraq: Requirements and procedures to obtain one of the new national identity cards, including from abroad and by proxy; information on the expansion of the issuance program, including when, where and to whom the new national identity cards have been issued; security features of the new cards; incidents of fraud – August 2017
- IRQ104653.E - Nationality Certificate, including purpose and validity; requirements and procedures for the issuance, renewal and replacement; frequency of fraudulent certificates (2011-November 2013) - Nov 2013
- IRQ104654.E - Civil Status Identification Card, including purpose and validity; requirements and procedures for the issuance, renewal and replacement of cards, including the location of issue; frequency of fraudulent identity cards (2011-November 2013) - Nov 2013
- IRQ102012.E - Procedures in place since March 2003 to obtain and renew a national identity card while in the country - Nov. 2006
- Danish Immigration Service
- Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) - Report on issuance of the new Iraqi ID card - Nov. 2018
- UK Country Policy and Information Note
US Government Reports
- US Department of Labor - Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor - 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
- Congressional Research Service
- Child Soldiers Prevention Act: Security Assistance Restrictions – March 2020
Foreign Government Reports
- Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
- IRQ39094 - Aug. 2011
- What is the situation for children in Babel and Wassit in particular?
- IRQ39094 - Aug. 2011
- Norway Country of Origin Information Centre (Landinfo)
- Primary and lower secondary education under the Ba’th regime - April 2016
Intergovernmental Organization Reports
- European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
- Care system for orphaned children in the KRI by government institutions and NGOs - Nov. 2021
- European Asylum Support Office (EUAA)
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
- 3.6 Child labour
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Amnesty International
- Coalition to stop the use of Child Soldiers - Child Soldiers Global Report - 2008
- Human Rights Watch
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Human Rights Watch
- “No One Represents Us” Lack of Access to Political Participation for People With Disabilities in Iraq – 2021
Intergovernmental Organization Reports
- European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
US Government Reports
- Congressional Research Service (CRS)
- Iraq’s October 2021 Election - Oct. 2021
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Election Guide - Recent elections
Foreign Government Reports
- UK Country Policy and Information Note
- Iraq: Blood Feuds - Feb. 2020
- Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
- IRQ35259 - Aug. 2009
- Please provide a brief update on the situation since 2005 in Kirkuk addressing ethnic tensions, with a focus on what groups in Kirkuk are anti-US and whether they are launching attacks from there.
- IRQ35259 - Aug. 2009
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
- 11th European Country of Origin Information Country Report - Ethnic Groups -2007
- Minority Rights Group International - State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - 2016
- Human Rights Watch Report
- On Vulnerable Ground: Violence against Minority Communities in Nineveh Province's Disputed Territories - Nov. 2009
- Claims in Conflict: Reversing Ethnic Cleansing in Northern Iraq - Aug. 2004
- Forcible Expulsion Of Ethnic Minorities - March 2003
- Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
- Information on the current situation for members of ethnic minority groups in Iraq. - Jan. 2010
- Minority Rights Group International
- No Way Home: Iraq’s minorities on the verge of disappearance – July 2016
- From Crisis to Catastrophe: The Situation of Minorities in Iraq - Oct. 2014
- Iraq's Displacement Crisis: Security and Protection - March 2016
- Between the Millstones: Iraq’s Minorities Since the Fall of Mosul - Feb. 2015
- Still Targeted: Continued Persecution of Iraq's Minorities - June 2010
- World Directory of Minorities - Overview
Foreign Government Reports
- Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
- IRQ35470 - Nov. 2009
- What is the current security situation in Nasiriya and the surrounding governorate of Thiqar especially with regard to threats to al Sistani supporters by al Sadr supporters, and their ability to carry them out? Please locate any discussion by a reliable source about the most likely security situation in al Nasiriya as US forces withdraw. How likely it is that al Sadr/Mahdi Army will be motivated to harm non-supporters in the area?
- How easy is it for an Arab Iraqi from one part of Iraq to resettle in another part?
- CRS Reports
- Iraq-Kurds in Iraq, Turkey, Syria, and Iran - January 2019
Foreign Government Reports
- UK Country of Origin Information (COI) Report
- Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
- IRQ35470 - Nov. 2009
- What is the current security situation in Nasiriya and the surrounding governorate of Thiqar especially with regard to threats to al Sistani supporters by al Sadr supporters, and their ability to carry them out? Please locate any discussion by a reliable source about the most likely security situation in al Nasiriya as US forces withdraw. How likely it is that al Sadr/Mahdi Army will be motivated to harm non-supporters in the area?
- IRQ34994 - July 2009
- Please provide a brief overview of the current security situation in al-Sulaimanyah. What groups/parties are in control, and is there any conflict there etc?
- What Muslim "fundamentalist" groups/parties are active in al-Sulaimaniyeh? How much power do they have?
- How common is the incidence (if any) of individuals being killed in al-Sulaimanyeh because of breaches of social mores, excluding "honor killing" How do the authorities deal with perpetrators?
- For a young single man from this area, what barriers are there to resettlement away from one's home city, but within the Kurdish north?
- IRQ35470 - Nov. 2009
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- IRQ105690.E - Iraq: Police procedures in the Kurdistan region for issuing a notice to appear (summons) at a police station, including whether it is issued in writing to the individual at their residence; whether an arrest warrant follows if the notice to appear is unanswered by the individual – Nov. 2016
- Danish Immigration Service
- Honor Crimes against Men in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) and the Availability of Protection - Jan. 2010
- BBC Timeline - Kurds
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
- 11th European Country of Origin Information Country Report - Faili Kurds - June 2007
- Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
- Treatment of Kurds in Kirkuk - Jan. 2010
- World Directory of Minorities - Kurds
- International Crisis Group - Iraq and the Kurds: Confronting Withdrawal Fears - March 2011
Intergovernmental Organization Reports
- European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
- Country Guidance: Iraq - Common analysis and guidance note – Ethnic and religious minorities: - July 2021
Non-Government Organization Reports
- World Directory of Minorities - Faili Kurds
Non-Government Organization Reports
- World Directory of Minorities - Turkmens
US Government Reports
- Congressional Research Service (CRS)
- Women in the Middle East and North Africa: Issues for Congress – Dec. 2021
Foreign Government Report
- Kurdish - 'honor' crimes - March 2021
- Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
- IRQ37757 - Dec. 2010
- Is it known whether the practice of virginity testing is widespread, and whether it occurs in Kadhimiya Hospital or similar hospitals?
- Please provide information about the following: a. Do the Baghdad police (in Madinat al-Hurriya) offer protection to Shia women who have shamed their families? If not, why not?
- IRQ37757 - Dec. 2010
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- IRQ106049.E - Iraq: Inter-sect marriage between Sunni and Shia Muslims, including prevalence; treatment of inter-sect spouses and their children by society and authorities, including in Baghdad; state protection available – Jan. 2018
- IRQ105701.E - Iraq: Whether doctors in the Kurdish autonomous region are assigned to practice medicine in particular locations by the Ministry of Health or whether they can practice medicine in a location of their choosing; whether this applies to male and female doctors; treatment of female doctors by the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) – Nov. 2016
- IRQ105424.E - Honor-based violence in the Kurdistan region; state protection and support services available to victims – February 2016
- Danish Immigration Service
Intergovernmental Organization Reports
- European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
- European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
- 3.4 Violence against women
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Amnesty International
- Iraq: Submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women 92nd Pre-Sessional Working Group, 24-28 February 2025, List of Issues - January 2025
- Iraq: Reigning Impunity: Amnesty International’s submission to the 48th session of the UPR Working Group, January-February 2025 - July 2024
- Daunting and Dire: Impunity, Underfunded Institutions Undermine Protection of Women and Girls From Domestic Violence in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq - July 2024
- Iraq: The Condemned: Women and Children Isolated, Trapped and Exploited in Iraq - April 2018
- Trapped by Violence - Women in Iraq - March 2009
- Freedom House
- Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa 2010 - Iraq - March 2010
- Human Rights Watch
- My Marriage was Mistake after Mistake” The Impact of Unregistered Marriages on Women’s and Children’s Rights in Iraq - Mar. 2024
- Trapped - How Male Guardianship Policies Restrict Women’s Travel and Mobility in the Middle East and North Africa - July 2023
- Domestic Violence in Iraq - Commentary on the Draft Anti-Domestic Violence Law in Iraq – Mar. 2017
- No One is Safe - Abuses of Women in Iraq's Criminal Justice System - Feb. 2014
- "They Want Us Exterminated" Murder, Torture, Sexual Orientation and Gender in Iraq - Aug. 2009
- Climate of Fear: Sexual Violence and Abduction of Women and Girls in Baghdad - July 2003
- Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
- Up to date information regarding "honor killings" in Iraq of both Men and women. - May 2010
- Minority Rights Group International
- The Lost Women of Iraq: Family-based violence during armed conflict – Nov. 2015
- Norwegian Refugee Council
- Broken Home: Women’s Housing, Land and Property Rights in Post-Conflict Iraq – May 2020
- State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999
- Library of Congress-Congressional Research Service (CRS)
- Mosul after the Battle: Reparations for civilian harm and the future of Ninewa – Jan. 2020
Foreign Government Reports
- UK Home Office Country Information and Guidance - Iraq: Opposition to the government in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq - June 2021
- Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
- IRQ39094 - Aug. 2011
- Is there any information indicating that the Badr Brigade is continuing to commit human rights abuses in Iraq?
- IRQ39094 - Aug. 2011
- Danish Immigration Service
- Security and Human Rights in South/Central Iraq - May 2010
Intergovernmental Government Organization Reports
- European Asylum Support Office
- European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Amnesty International
- Iraq: “We hold them responsible for the blood of our youth”: Five years on, impunity prevails for violations against Tishreen protesters - Sept. 2024
- Iraq: Reigning Impunity: Amnesty International’s submission to the 48th session of the UPR Working Group, January-February 2025 - July 2024
- Amnesty International Annual Reports:
- Days of Rage: Protests and Repression in Iraq - Apr. 2011
- Civilians Under Fire - Apr. 2010
- Carnage and Despair - Iraq Five Years On - Mar. 2008
- Freedom House
- Freedom in the World - 2022
- Human Rights Watch
- Human Rights World Reports - 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
- Trapped - How Male Guardianship Policies Restrict Women’s Travel and Mobility in the Middle East and North Africa - July 2023
- To Sleep the Law Violence Against Protesters and Unaccountable Perpetrators in Iraq - Nov. 2022
- “We Might Call You in at Any Time” Free Speech Under Threat in Iraq – June 2020
- Iraq: Water Crisis in Basra: Decades of Mismanagement, Pollution, Corruption – July 2019
- Basra is Thirsty: Iraq's Failure to Manage the Water Crisis - July 2019
- “Life Without a Father is Meaningless” Arbitrary Arrests and Enforced Disappearances in Iraq 2014-2017 – Sept. 2018
- After Liberation Came Destruction: Iraqi Militias and the Aftermath of Amerli - March 2015
- Why They Left - Stories of Iranian Activists in Exile - Dec. 2012
- Iraq's Information Crimes Law - Badly Written Provisions and Draconian Punishments Violate Due Process and Free Speech - July 2012
- At a Crossroads : Human Rights in Iraq Eight Years after the US-Led Invasion - Feb. 2011
- Caught in the Whirlwind – Torture and Denial of Due Process by the Kurdish Security – July 2007
- Ali Hassan al-Majid and the Basra Massacre of 1999 - Feb. 2005
- Basra: Crime and Insecurity Under British Occupation – June 2003
- Violent Response: The U.S. Army in Al-Falluja – June 2003
- The Mass Graves of al-Mahawil: The Truth Uncovered - May 2003
- Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
- Assessing the severity of displacement situations: data gaps and ways forward - Oct. 2022
- International Crisis Group
- Watch List - January 2023
- Minority Rights Group International
- Norwegian Refugee Council
- Inadequate and inequitable: water scarcity and displacement in Iraq - Nov. 2023
Foreign Government Reports
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- IRQ106242.E - Iraq: Investigation courts, including role, activities and locations, particularly in Baghdad; requirements and procedures to report a crime to an investigation court; requirements and procedures to obtain court reports, including their appearance – Feb. 2019
- IRQ105794.E - Iraq: Requirements and procedures to obtain a police report in Kurdistan, both within the country and abroad; information on submitting a police complaint in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq; whether the police produces a written report when a complaint is made in person at a police station – April 2017
- Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
- IRQ37757 - Dec. 2010
- Are there reports on the extent to which Sharia law - in particular, the pursuit of non-compliant moderate couples - is practiced in Baghdad? Do reports indicate known family/tribe or localised risk factors?
- Please provide information about the following: a. Do the Baghdad police (in Madinat al-Hurriya) offer protection to Shia women who have shamed their families? If not, why not? b. Do the Baghdad police offer men such protection? If not, why not?
- IRQ37757 - Dec. 2010
Intergovernmental Government Organization Reports
- European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
- 3.1 Executions of prisoners and arbitrary arrests/killings of civilians
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Amnesty International
- Iraq: “We hold them responsible for the blood of our youth”: Five years on, impunity prevails for violations against Tishreen protesters - Sept. 2024
- Iraq: Reigning Impunity: Amnesty International’s submission to the 48th session of the UPR Working Group, January-February 2025 - July 2024
- Iraq: Marked for Life: Displaced Iraqis in Cycle of Abuse and Stigmatization – Nov. 2020
- Amnesty International Global Report: Death Sentences and Executions – 2020
- No Impunity for Enforced Disappearances - Iraq's Obligations Pursuant to the Enforced Disappearance Convention - Dec. 2012
- Unlawful Detention and Torture in Iraq - Sep. 2010
- Carnage and Despair - Iraq Five Years On - March 2008
- Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
- Role of cooks, clerks and drivers in military and security apparatus of Saddam Hussein's regime - Oct. 2009
- Human Rights Watch Report
- International Crisis Group
- Failing Oversight: Iraq's Unchecked Government - Sep. 2011
- Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
- Police protection in general in Iraq-is it effective/not effective? Any evidence of informers amongst police who give terrorist groups information? - Aug. 2010
- Reports of extortion of businesses (and violence against their owners) in Baghdad by radical groups/extremists. Reports on ineffective police protection from such threats. - Dec. 2009
US Government Reports
- United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
Intergovernmental Organization Reports
European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
COI Query - Iraq: Arab tribes and customary law - April 2023
US Government Reports
- Library of Congress - Congressional Research Service
- Iraq: Issues in the 116th Congress – Public Health and COVID-19 – July 2020
Foreign Government Reports
- UK Home Office
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- IRQ105607.E - Iraq: Requirements and procedures for obtaining medical reports in Kurdistan, particularly Sulaymaniyah, including who can obtain them and whether they can be obtained from abroad; whether reports are kept by hospitals for short-term patients who stayed for two days or less; whether hospitals retain reports of crime related injuries prepared for the police and whether such reports are available to the injured person – Sept. 2016
- Australian Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT Requests)
- IRQ37184 - Sept. 2010
- Please provide information o -n the current status of "Bidoons" in Iraq. In particular: what rights to reside and enter do they have and what access do they have to basic services such as health an education? Are they entitled to any form of ID documents?
- IRQ37184 - Sept. 2010
Intergovernmental Organization Reports (EASO)
European Asylum Support Office
EASO Country of Origin Information Report - Iraq Key socio-economic indicators - Feb. 2019
World Health Organization Page
US Government Reports
- CIA - Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
- Library of Congress-Congressional Research Service (CRS)
- Iraq and U.S. Policy – In Focus – May 2022
Foreign Government Reports
- Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
- IRQ38175 - Feb. 2011
- What is the extent of influence and participation of Muqtada Al Sadr and his followers within the current government and what is the extent of their influence in the security and police force in Baghdad?
- IRQ35023 - July 2009
- What groups (e.g Political, armed, religious) are in control in this area? Are there any reports of such groups pressuring athletes, or young men generally? If so why?
- Are there any reports of the Asso or Party Team?
- IRQ38175 - Feb. 2011
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- IRQ43469.E - Whether there are reports of the Islamic Dawa Party seeking revenge on members of the former secret forces and other perceived enemies; state protection available to those seen as supporters of the Saddam Hussein regime - April 2005
Intergovernmental Government Organization Reports
- European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
- Political situation
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
Non-Government Organization Reports
- International Crisis Group
- After Iraqi Kurdistan’s Thwarted Independence Bid – March 2019
- Iraq's Secular Opposition: The Rise and Decline of Al-Iraqiya - July 2012
US Government Reports
- Library of Congress - Congressional Research Service
- Iraq: Issues in the 116th Congress – March 2019
Foreign Government Reports
- Danish Immigration Service
- Northern Iraq Security situation and the situation for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the disputed areas, incl. possibility to enter and access the Kurdistan Region of Iraq - Nov. 2018
- UK Country Policy and Information Note
- Iraq: Security and humanitarian situation – August 2022
- Iraq: Internal relocation, civil documentation and returns - Nov. 2023, May 2020
Intergovernmental Government Organization Reports
- European Asylum Support Office
- Situation of IDPs and returned unaccompanied minors in the KRI - Nov. 2021
- Country Guidance: Iraq - Common analysis and guidance note - Analysis of particular profiles with regard to qualification for refugee status - Jan. 2021
- Iraq: Treatment of Iraqis with perceived affiliation to ISIL – Jan. 2021 (PDF), Oct. 2020
- European Union Agency for Asylum
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
- 3.7 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
- Iraq - Country Focus Country of Origin Information Report - May 2024
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
- UN High Commissioner for Refugees
- International Protection Considerations with Regards to People Fleeing Iraq - Jan. 2024
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Amnesty International
Iraq: Reigning Impunity: Amnesty International’s submission to the 48th session of the UPR Working Group, January-February 2025 - July 2024
Punished for Daesh’s Crimes - Displaced Iraqis Abused by Militia’s and Government Forces – Oct. 2016
- Banished and Dispossessed: Forced Displacement and Deliberate Destruction in Northern Iraq - January 2016
- Human Rights Watch Report
- International Crisis Group (ICG)
- Exiles in Their Own Country: Dealing with Displacement in Post-ISIS Iraq –October 2020
- Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
- Minority Rights International
- No Way Home: Iraq’s minorities on the verge of disappearance – July 2016
- Norwegian Refugee Council
- Cracked Earth, shrinking harvest: Drought impact on displaced and returnee Iraqis - Nov. 2024
- Inadequate and inequitable: water scarcity and displacement in Iraq - Nov. 2023
- “We are just trying to give our children a future”: Self-reliance for Syrian Refugees in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq - Oct. 2023
- Nowhere to return to: Iraqis’ search for durable solutions continues – Nov. 2018
US Government Reports
- State Department International Religious Freedom Report - 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2001
- US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) - 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
- US Commission on International Religious Freedom Special Reports
- Religious Freedom Challenges in Iraq 10 Years after ISIS’s Genocide - Sept. 2024
- Releases New Report on Religious Freedom in Iraq - Sept. 2023
- Releases New Report on Religious Freedom amid Iraq’s Political Crisis - January 2023
- Wilting in the Kurdish Sun: The Hopes and Fears of Religious Minorities in Northern Iraq – May 2017
- The Religion-State Relationship & the Right to Freedom of Religion or Belief: A Comparative Textual Analysis of the Constitutions of Majority Muslim Countries and Other OIC Members – August 2012
- United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) RIC Query
Foreign Government Reports
- UK Country Policy and Information Note
- Religious minorities - Sept. 2023
- Iraq: Sunni Arabs – Jan. 2021
- Iraq: Religious Minorities – July 2021
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- IRQ200350.E - Iraq: Situation and treatment of Christians, particularly in the north, the Kurdistan region, and Baghdad; government protection and support programs (2017–September 2020) – Oct. 2020
- IRQ105624.E - Iraq: Information on the treatment of atheists and apostates by society and authorities in Erbil; state protection available - Sept 2016
- IRQ105447.E - Security situation in Sulaymaniyah; activities of muslim fundamentalist groups, including ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) [also known as Islamic State (IS), Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Daesh] – March 2016
Intergovernmental Government Organization Reports
- European Union Agency for Asylum
- COI Query - Iraq - Conversion from Islam to Christianity - Oct. 2024
Non-Government Organization Reports
- World Directory of Minorities - Twelver (Ithna'ashari) Shi'as
- World Directory of Minorities - Baha’i
Intergovernmental Organization Reports
- European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
- EASO Country of Origin Information Report - Targeting of individuals – Mar. 2019
- European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
- 3.5 Ethnic and religious minorities
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
Intergovernmental Organization Reports
- European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
- Country Guidance: Iraq - Common analysis and guidance note – Ethnic and religious minorities: Yazidi - Jan. 2021
- European Union Agency For Asylum (EUAA)
- COI Query Response – Iraq – Treatment of Yazidis by the state and by society in Iraq, in particular in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI); information on recruitment of Yazidi children by armed groups, including the PKK - Nov. 2024
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Amnesty International Profile
- Iraq: Legacy of Terror: The Plight of Yezidi Child Survivors of ISIS - July 2020
- World Directory of Minorities - Yezidis
Foreign Government Reports
- UK Country of Origin Information (COI) Report
- Country Policy and Information Note - Iraq: Sexual orientation and gender identity and expression – 2021
Intergovernmental Organization Reports
- European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
- 3.3 Anti-LGBTIQ law
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Amnesty International
- Iraq: Reigning Impunity: Amnesty International’s submission to the 48th session of the UPR Working Group, January-February 2025 - July 2024
- Human Rights Watch
US Government Reports
Foreign Government Reports
- UK Home Office Country Information and Guidance
- Austrian Center for Country Origin & Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- IRQ200349.E - Iraq: Security situation in Erbil [Arbil, Irbil], including activities of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) [Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, Islamic State (IS), Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Daesh] (2017–September 2020) – 2020
- IRQ105417.E - Security situation in Erbil [Arbil, Irbil], including ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) [also known as Islamic State (IS), and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)] Activities – February 2016
Intergovernmental Organization Reports
- European Union Agency For Asylum
- Country Guidance: Iraq - Nov. 2024
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Amnesty International Profile
- Iraq: Legacy of Terror: The Plight of Yezidi Child Survivors of ISIS - July 2020
- “At Any Cost” the Civilian Catastrophe in West Mosul, Iraq - July 2017
- Taking Stock: The Arming of Islamic State - December 2015
- Armed Conflict Reports - Iraq
- Armed Conflict Reports - Iraq - Shia
- Human Rights Watch
- Human Rights Watch Report
- Marked With An “X” Iraqi Kurdish Forces’ Destruction of Villages, Homes in Conflict with ISIS – Nov. 2016
- Ruinous Aftermath: Militia Abuses Following Iraq's Recapture of Tikrit - September 2015
- A Face and a Name: Civilian Victims of Insurgent Groups in Iraq - Oct. 2005
- Off Target: The Conduct of the War and Civilian Casualties in Iraq - Dec. 2003
- Hearts and Minds: Post-War Civilian Casualties in Baghdad by U.S. Forces - Oct. 2003
- International Crisis Group
- Watch List - January 2023
- Winning the Post-ISIS Battle for Iraq in Sinjar –February 2018
- Minority Rights Group International - Civilian deaths in the anti-ISIS bombing campaigns 2014–2015 – Nov 2015
Foreign Government Reports
- UK Home Office - Country Policy and Information Note
- Iraq: Security Situation - November 2022
- Iraq: Actors of protection – Armed forces and security services - Dec. 2020
International Government Organization Reports
- European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
- European Union Agency for Asylum
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
- 2. Security situation
2.1. Türkiye
2.2. Iran-backed militias
2.3. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
2.4 Other security incidents 2.5 Conflict data
- 2. Security situation
- Iraq - Security Situation - May 2024
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
Foreign Government Reports
- Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
- IRQ37990 - Jan. 2011
- Please provide information on the current situation for, and treatment of, former Ba'athists in Iraq.
- Are there any reports of businesspeople having been harmed due to connections with the Ba'ath Party?
- IRQ37086 - Aug. 2010
- Please provide information about Shia militias, or any other groups, that are threatening former Ba'ath Party members in the Samawa area.
- Is there any information suggesting that former Ba'athists are still of adverse interest to previously persecuted groups in Iraq?
- What are possibilities for relocation in Iraq? For example, is there any reason why a Shia Muslim from Samawa could not reasonably relocate permanently to Basra?
- IRQ34268 - Feb. 2009
- Is there any evidence that former Ba'athists target Shias and/or those they see as collaborating with the USA and with the current Iraqi authorities in and around Hilla?
- Is there any evidence that the Madhi Army targets Shias and/or those they see as collaborating with the USA and with the current Iraqi authorities in and around Hilla?
- Is there any evidence that the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) targets Shias and/or those they see as collaborating with the USA and with the current Iraqi authorities in and around Hilla?
- Is there any evidence that the Badr Brigade targets Shias and/or those they see as collaborating with the USA and with the current Iraqi authorities in and around Hilla?
- IRQ37990 - Jan. 2011
Intergovernmental Organization Reports
- UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) - UNHCR Position on Returns to Iraq - October 2014
Intergovernmental Organization Reports
- European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
- European Union Agency for Asylum
- European Union Agency for Asylum
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
- 2.3. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
- European Union Agency for Asylum
Foreign Government Reports
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- IRQ106240.E - Iraq: Media in Kurdistan, including social media; political affiliations of media outlets; treatment of journalists – Feb. 2019
- UK Country of Origin Information (COI) Report - Freedom of Speech and Media - Aug. 2011
Intergovernmental Organization Reports
- European Union Agency for Asylum
- European Union Agency for Asylum
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
- 3.2 Freedom of expression and freedom of the press
- COI Query - Iraq - Major political, security, human rights, socio-economic developments - August 2024
- European Union Agency for Asylum
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Amnesty International
- Iraq: Reigning Impunity: Amnesty International’s submission to the 48th session of the UPR Working Group, January-February 2025 - July 2024
- Freedom House
US Government Reports