14.3 - Public Input
(a) Part III of the Policy Manual. The Board welcomes and encourages the public to provide comments on Part III, to identify errors or ambiguities in this text, and to propose revisions to improve this text in the future.
Correspondence should be addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Immigration Appeals. See Appendix A (EOIR Directory). The public is asked not to combine comments on the Policy Manual with inquiries regarding specific cases pending before the Board.
(b) Regulations and Published Rules. Periodically, the Executive Office for Immigration Review engages in federal rulemaking in the Federal Register. Immigration regulations are revised to better effectuate existing law and to comport with new law as it is promulgated. The public is encouraged to participate in the rulemaking process.
New regulations are published in the Federal Register, which is available online at www.ofr.gov, in most law libraries, and in many public libraries. Copies of the Federal Register are also available from the Government Printing Office (GPO) for purchase. Call (202) 512-1800 (not a toll free call) or (866) 512-1800 (toll free), or visit the GPO website at www.gpo.gov for more information on GPO publications and bookstore locations.