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CRM 2000 - 2500

2025. Provisions Of The Migrant And Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act

The Act requires any person engaging in farm labor contracting activities: (1) to obtain a certificate of registration from the Secretary of Labor specifying the farm labor contracting activities that he is authorized to perform; (2) to carry the certificate while engaging in farm labor contracting activities; (3) and to exhibit the certificate, upon request, to all persons with whom he intends to deal in that capacity. The Act also prohibits the knowing employment of illegal aliens.

The Act requires the disclosure to migrant and seasonal agricultural workers of certain information on wages and working conditions by recruiters, employers, and housing providers, and imposes certain record keeping requirements on employers. Knowingly providing false or misleading information under the disclosure requirements is a violation of the Act. The Act requires payment of wages when due, prohibits employers from requiring workers to purchase goods and services from them, and prohibits the unjustified violation by employers of the terms of working arrangements made with workers. The Act also provides for the safety and health of housing, and for motor vehicle safety and insurance. An anti-discrimination clause protects workers who institute enforcement proceedings or testify in such proceedings.